I Have a Monster Farm

Chapter 423 The Eye of Shangri-La

Although Evelyn and Jonathan's parents died, they were both from wealthy families and still had property in the UK, so all four of them lived in their manor.

Regarding the matter of finding the Scorpion Emperor, Zhang Ziyu agreed to it in the desert, so it is impossible to shirk this matter. This time, Evelyn came back to collect more information about the Scorpion Emperor, so that he can further search.

Although Zhang Ziyu knew that the Scorpion Emperor was in Amshe Oasis, this place had a specific location different from Hamnata, the city of the undead.

Without the guidance of the scorpion bracelet, you will not be able to find this Amsha Oasis.

To be more precise, without the activation of the bracelet, this oasis will not appear easily.

Therefore, this is also the main reason why Zhang Ziyu needs Evelyn and the others. The magic scorpion bracelet was hidden by Evelyn in her previous life three thousand years ago.

Evelyn plunged headlong into the ancient books when she returned to London. After Jonathan got the gold from Zhang Ziyu, he didn't know where to order takeaway again, and he didn't know if this thin man could even hold on. Maybe It's time to give Jonathan some boa constrictor pills.

This guy O'Connor obviously wanted to steal the house while Jonathan, his uncle, was away, so he stayed by Evelyn's side to help.

As for Zhang Ziyu, he began to study the Black Sutra of the Dead and the Golden Sutra of the Sun.

Zhang Ziyu owns the Monster Ranch, and there is no barrier to communication in terms of language and writing, so he quickly understood the text on the two scriptures.

There are indeed many unique Egyptian mythological spells and methods on how to cultivate mana on the scriptures.

Among them, the Black Sutra of the Undead is in charge of the undead and death, while the Golden Sutra of the Sun represents life and the sun.

The two scriptures represent different powers, and the functions of the spells are also quite different.

However, this is not unique to scriptures.

"Jattle for Yato."

Zhang Ziyu tried to recite the spell to awaken the undead, but only halfway through the recitation, he frowned and stopped.

"The power does not come entirely from the mantra, but the power of the scripture itself."

He discovered something was wrong. It is true that the spell has mana, but the reason why it can be resurrected and brought back the undead from the underworld is because of the power in this scripture.

Whether it is the Black Sutra of the Undead or the Golden Sutra of the Sun, when he created them, he infused them with extraordinary mana, communicating with the mana of the gods.

The so-called resurrection spell is to use strength and prayer to make a request to the corresponding god.

"The Black Sutra symbolizes Anubis, and the Golden Sutra is Ra?"

In Egyptian mythology, there is only one supreme god and creator god, and that is the sun god Ra, a god with the head of an eagle and a human body, and the first god in Egyptian mythology.

As the god of creation, Ra created Shu and Tefnut, the two descendants of the gods. The two brothers and sisters combined one after another to give birth to Geb, the god of the earth, and Nut, the goddess of the sky. They are the three generations of gods in Egyptian mythology.

And Geb and his sister Nut, before the separation of the earth and the sky and the birth of the world, gave birth to four more children, namely the four gods Osiris, Seth, Isis and Nephthys.

Their nine gods are the highest nine-pillar gods in Egyptian mythology.

When it comes to the third generation of gods, there may be more familiar people. After all, there is an image like Osiris Sky Dragon in Yu-Gi-Oh.

Although the worldview is different, at least it will be widely known.

However, it is the five generations of gods who are more familiar to people, that is, the children of gods such as Osiris and Seth.

For example, Anubis is the son of the desert god, the god of war Seth and his sister Nephthys, the god of death and protection.

Of course, there is another way of saying that this guy is the illegitimate son of Osiris and Nephthys.

It is unknown whether the statement is true or not, but it makes sense after thinking about it.

After Osiris was killed by his younger brother, the god of the desert, he became the king of the underworld, directly in charge of death, and here Anubis is the god of death.

If you say it doesn't matter, who will believe it?

Anyway, Seth didn't believe it.

Of course, myths belong to myths, and the world belongs to the world. This is the truth that Zhang Ziyu has understood since he traveled through the world and hunted monsters.

In the world of the heavens, the rules are different, and the world that may evolve from the same myth is also different.

For example, in this world, the statue corresponding to Ra in Hamna Tower is not Osiris, the king of the underworld, but Anubis.

It is very likely that there are not so many gods in this world, and the only one with high status may be Anubis.

In this way, it also makes sense why Evelyn can be resurrected by chanting the incantation Imerton lightly.

Osiris was the first pharaoh of Egypt during his lifetime. It can be said that the pharaoh's lineage has the blood of the gods.

Evelyn was the reincarnation of Pharaoh's daughter, and it was not too much to say a spell and it would take effect.

As for other people, such as Zhang Ziyu, if they want to cast the corresponding spells, they need to pay a corresponding price, a huge amount of spiritual power and so on.

This is also the reason why Zhang Ziyu stopped suddenly just now. He didn't want to consume a lot of energy to test the spell, and he was destined to alarm the god in charge of the undead——Anubis.

After roughly figuring out the ins and outs of the two scriptures, Zhang Ziyu turned to study the cultivation system of Egyptian priests, as well as those spells that did not require the power of gods.

These spells are destined not to become his major, but will become the accumulation on his way of cultivation.

After seven days like this, Evelyn suddenly found Zhang Ziyu.

In the study, Zhang Ziyu flipped through the books about the ancient history of Egypt, which he got from Evelyn's study.

He wanted to find some clues through research, for example, how many gods there are in this world.

"Sir, I found a clue to Emperor Scorpion."

Zhang Ziyu looked up at her: "Tell me."

After getting along for a few days, Evelyn certainly knew that this gentleman had a more amiable temperament, so she was not so afraid. She said: "If you want to find the Amsel Oasis where the Scorpion King is, you must first find the token bracelet of the Scorpion King." According to the clues in ancient books, there are currently three pyramids where the bracelets are buried, all of which are in remote areas of Cairo, and we may need to go there.”

Zhang Ziyu nodded and said, "I won't go there. I'll let a hundred mechanical tyrants go with you. I want to get news in two months, is that okay?"

Evelyn's eyes lit up when she heard the Tool Spirit Race, and she immediately said: "With them, three ruins will definitely be excavated within two months."

She has commanded the Mechanical Spirit Race and knows the advantages of these powerful metal creatures in exploring the ruins.

One is obedience, execution ability is far higher than ordinary people.

The other is that their metal bodies and strength don't worry about the traps left in the ruins at all, which can greatly speed up the excavation.

"Let's go then."

Zhang Ziyu stood up from the reclining chair, and asked again: "By the way, is there any news about the Eye of Shangri-La that I asked you to find?"

Evelyn paused slightly and said, "Sir, the Eye of Shangri-La is in the British Museum."

Zhang Ziyu smiled and said, "Thank you, everyone, hurry up and leave, I'm going out too."

The Eye of Shangri-La, among the three mummies, guides the search for the token of the Shangri-La Fountain of Youth.

Taking advantage of the gap in search, Zhang Ziyu himself will not be idle, and plans to go to his hometown first to trouble the Dragon Emperor.

Well, the most miserably hacked representative of Emperor Shihuang in history - Dragon Emperor.

They have unified the people of the Seven Kingdoms, and they have also practiced the art of the five elements, but they are still being tricked so badly by a woman.

It's too embarrassing, let him do it for a while, at least the fat will not flow into the field of outsiders.

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