I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 1141: 0 official revision book?

After seeing off Lu Bing, everyone returned to the station.

Zhu Xiucai immediately went to Qin Shaoyou's side and reported the news he had just inquired about.

"My lord, I have heard a few things from the commander's confidants..."

"What's the matter?" Qin Shaoyou asked.

Zhu Xiucai glanced to the left and right, and said in a low voice: "One of them is that our Emperor Cultivating Immortals has recently issued a decree to recall all the ministers of the court who have returned to their hometowns to the capital, and arranged to compile books in the Imperial Academy. Among them is Zhang Shilang, our old acquaintance in Mianyuan County."

"Writing a book? What kind of book?"

Qin Shaoyou was very surprised.

Emperor Jianwu recalled these retired veterans back to Beijing just to let them compile books? Is this a bit overkill?

Zhu Xiucai shook his head.

"Those people are all vulgar warriors, they don't know how to write, and they are not interested in what books are being compiled in the Imperial Academy, so they don't know.

However, they mentioned one thing, which is quite strange: all the courtiers who entered the Hanlin Academy to compile books lived and ate in the Imperial Academy, and never left. "

Qin Shaoyou turned his head to look at Qin Qiaoer, who shook his head.

"When I left the capital, these things hadn't happened yet."

Qin Shaoyou pondered for a while, although he felt that something was wrong, but because he didn't have any clue, he pressed it temporarily, signaling Zhu Xiucai to continue reporting.

Zhu Xiucai hurriedly said: "The other thing is that in the past few months, the inside and outside of the capital has not been very peaceful, and there have been many cases of demons and ghosts harming people, so the commander will lead people to patrol around, otherwise, we can't do it in advance." After receiving the news from us, rush over to help."

"It seems that the capital is not peaceful..."

Qin Shaoyou touched his chin and fell into thought.

The surrounding area of ​​the capital is a key control and crackdown area, and ghosts dare to come here to make trouble.

Or, they are attracted to something. Or, it was driven by the existence of terror...

No matter what the reason is, the capital has been hiding murderous intentions as Qin Shaoyou said recently.

"Have you heard any other news?"

"No more. There are only two strange things, and the rest are just chatting with each other."

Qin Shaoyou nodded, and then laughed and joked: "You didn't ask, did you get promoted this time? Zhu Baihu."

"Zhu Baihu?"

Zhu Xiucai was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted with surprise on his face.

"Your Excellency, are you calling me? I have been promoted to a hundred households?"

"That's right."

Qin Shaoyou nodded with a smile.

"It's not just you, the monk, Senior Brother Cui, and Xiaoqing have all obtained official positions from hundreds of households."

Although Su Jianqing, Su Tingyu, Tuhuang, Zeng Cong and other Taoist priests of the Jade Emperor Temple have been helping Qin Shaoyou, they have not officially joined the Zhenyao Division, so they have not received official rewards.

However, Qin Shaoyou heard from Lu Bing that the imperial court would reward the Taoist priests of the Jade Emperor Temple for their contributions. It is estimated that titles and titles will be given, as well as some magical artifacts or spiritual objects.

As for Monarch Rolling Mountain, the imperial court originally planned to grant rewards like this, but later I heard that this iron-eating beast turned out to be a mountain god. It is estimated that there will be changes in the rewards.

"Hey, this is really a manifestation of the ancestors! I didn't expect that I, Zhu Xiucai, would be an official of a hundred households."

Zhu Xiucai was very excited.

Originally, he was going to take the route of studying to obtain fame, but he didn't expect that after finally being admitted as a scholar, he was stripped of his fame because he offended the powerful, and could only join the town of demons as a small official to earn a living.

I thought it would be like this all my life, but I didn't expect that after following Qin Shaoyou, not only was he transferred from an official to an official, but he also became a hundred households along the way.

Although many dangers have been experienced, the rewards are also great.

Before Zhu Xiucai and Qin Shaoyou got acquainted with such a thing, I really didn't dare to think about it.

So when excited, Zhu Xiucai bowed to Qin Shaoyou to the end, and said from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you for your cultivation, sir!"

Qin Shaoyou waved his hand, and learned from what Lu Bing said before, "Thank you for what I did? You put your life into it."

Immediately afterwards, he gave a serious order: "The matter here is over, pack up your luggage, and we will set off for the capital while it's still early in the sky. When you arrive in the capital, you won't be too excited if you get the order and report."

"Yes." Zhu Xiucai accepted the order and immediately made preparations for the trip.

Qin Qiaoer also ordered the red-clothed emissary under her to prepare to set off.

When Zhu Xiucai was packing his things, he did not forget to tell Monk Ma, Cen Biqing, Cui Youyu and others about his promotion.

Then he called Monk Ma with a smile: "Ma Baihu." He waited expectantly for a response.

It's a pity that Monk Ma didn't understand his intention, he just gave him a puzzled look, and went to saddle his horse.

Zhu Xiucai's expression froze, he did not give up, and called out to Cui Yougui again: "Cui Baihu."

As a member of Wolongfengchuli, Cui Yougui understood what Zhu Xiucai wanted to do, but he had no interest in Baihuguan, so he replied with a straight face: "Call me Baizha Zhenjun."

Zhu Xiucai immediately changed his words: "True Monarch Hundred Bombs."

Only then did Cui Yougui bow his hands to him, and called out as he wished: "Zhu Baihu."

"Eh, eh."

Zhu Xiucai, who got his wish, was all smiles and agreed repeatedly, as if his bones were about to lighten a few taels.

Or if he didn't feel satisfied, he called out again: "Zhenjun."

Cui Yougui also cooperated, as long as Zhu Xiucai called him Zhenjun, he would reply with a hundred households.

The two called each other happily.

Qin Shaoyou didn't stop these two live treasures, as long as they didn't delay the business, they could do whatever they wanted.

Besides, being promoted is a happy event, so why not make people happy for a while?

Leave the preparations for the trip to your subordinates~www.wuxiamtl.com~Qin Shaoyou and Qin Qiaoer went to find Li Xin and Li Qinshi, and asked them to set off with them.

Li Xin and Li Qin couldn't wish for such an arrangement.

With the protection of younger brothers and sisters, the rest of the journey will be smooth sailing, and they don't have to worry about any problems in the practice program.

The station quickly became busy.

An hour later, Qin Shaoyou and the others guarded Li Shibu's caravan, left the station and left the city, heading towards the capital.

Behind them, several other teams followed.

It was the caravan transporting the practice outline from the several companies who lived in the post station last night.

These people also wanted to be protected by the red-clothed emissary, but because their relationship was not in place, they did not dare to make such a request, so they could only follow Qin Shaoyou not too far or near them, and use their remaining prestige to protect them.

Qin Shaoyou and the others saw through these people's intentions at a glance, but they didn't stop them and let these people follow behind.

A day later, Qin Shaoyou and the others came to the outskirts of the capital.

At noon, when they were resting and eating in a forest next to the official road, a group of prison cars passed by.

Qin Shaoyou and the others saw from a distance that the person escorting the prison cart was the head and fan of the editing factory.

Although the people sitting in the prison car were wearing prison clothes, they had a good temperament.

When Qin Qiaoer saw the face of the man inside the prison car, she was even more shocked, and blurted out: "It's Lord Yang!"

"Why, Sixth Sister, do you know this criminal?"

"He is Yang Zhen, the former censor of the Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate! He is the one who helped Zhenren Zhang and Master Suquan to submit letters to persuade the emperor."

When Qin Shaoyou heard this, he was also surprised: "Isn't he dismissed from office and returned to his hometown? How could he be arrested by the editing factory?"

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