I don’t want to be a star, I became famous

Chapter 74 Money is the bastard who looks so good-looking

Wu Xing's confession to Li Jingwen made everyone break out.

At the same time, it also made the guests and the audience realize that Heartbeat Journey is really coming to an end.

Wu Xing and Li Jingwen have become CPs. It's like watching an urban love drama and getting a happy ending.

Now that the ending has been reached, the sense of expectation has naturally dropped a lot...well, maybe what we are still looking forward to is that they will kiss, get married, and have a baby. But making a baby is definitely not allowed in the live broadcast room.

So the audience in the live broadcast room turned their attention to the five people in Ningzhou Dali.

In the Bai restaurant.

Five people traveling around are enjoying delicious food.

The sweetness of the milk fan makes Zhou You feel like he has tasted the sour smell of Wu Xing and Li Jingwen's love. The milk fan is very thin and crisp, and you can hear a click sound when you bite into it.

The milk fan is delicious. Jiang Chuxue was full of praise.

In front of the delicious food, she completely forgot about eating sweets just now.

The more you chew, the more delicious it becomes. Zhao Xiaolong said.

Yu Shan also tasted a piece: Is this made of milk? The milk tastes so strong.

Milk, or goat's milk. Zhou You, who is proficient in cooking, said. Eighteen monsters in Ningzhou, milk is made into pieces and sold in pieces.

This piece is talking about the breast fan.

Dali's milk can also be fried, roasted, blanched, stewed, deep-fried, boiled, stir-fried... There are many ways to eat milk.

After tasting the milk fan with chopsticks, Zhou You stretched his chopsticks towards the extremely green watery poplar flowers.

Watery poplar is a seaweed flower that grows in Erhai Lake and Lugu Lake.

The Bai people describe it this way: Dali Haizi has no roots, it neither floats nor falls nor takes root.

Sea vegetables grow in unpolluted water. They have no roots or sources. Remove the buds and the stems are edible.

What Zhouyou ordered was cold water-based Yanghua.

Green poplar flowers are dotted with white shredded green onions and red dried chili peppers. The combination of red, green and white colors arouses the appetite of diners.

Zhou You tasted the chopsticks.

It's full of fragrance, fresh and smooth in the mouth, with a bit of crisp texture...well, it's a bit like the scallions I've eaten before, growing in the desert.

not bad.

Among the dishes on the table, the most praised one is the hot and sour fish.

The Bai people like to eat sour and spicy food. Sour can produce fluid and relieve heat, while spicy food can remove dampness and appetizer.

The acid in the spicy and sour fish dish mainly comes from sour papaya.

Dali is rich in sour papaya, which tastes sour and fragrant. It has appetizing, breast enlarging and beautifying effects. Zhou You gave the mediocre A-level player Jiang Chuxue a piece of sour papaya, Sour papaya is delicious, Chuxue, please eat more.

However, the lovely classmate A did not understand the connotation. Instead, he happily said: Thank you, brother Zhou You.

It was really delicious... So Jiang Chuxue ate a lot of sour papaya.

The fish chosen for spicy and sour fish is generally crucian carp, bow carp, carp, grass carp, etc. produced in Erhai Lake. Of course, wild crucian carp is the best.

The dish that Zhouyou ordered was wild crucian carp.

Zhou You takes a small piece of fish meat with chopsticks and puts it into his mouth. The tender fish meat melts in the mouth, and two completely different taste experiences of sour and spicy collide on the tip of the tongue. It makes people salivate. Appetizing.

The tofu as a side dish to the spicy and sour fish is quite delicious.

Once you start eating, you can't stop.

Jiang Chuxue devoured the meal, and even model Yu Shan, who was very restrained about her diet, couldn't help but eat a few more chopsticks.

Eat slowly and savor it.

[Enjoy the delicious food, life points +1]

The audience in the live broadcast room saw Zhou You, Jiang Chuxue and others eating, and frantically commented on the comments.

I just finished eating sweets and watching food and food broadcasts~~~ I can really hold on.

Dooling like crazy through the screen.

I'm craving pickled fish.

Fried pork ribs are also good! But I haven't tried it with fried mint.

You're trying to trick me into going to Ningzhou again.

The five-member eating, drinking and having fun team, including Zhou You, Jiang Chuxue, and Yu Shan, walked around the ancient city after coming out of the Bai restaurant.

There are many jewelry stores here.

The three girls Jiang Chuxue, Yu Shan and Xu Ya had a great time shopping.

Jiang Chuxue was attracted by a Childhood Grocery Store, which sold paper pinwheels, childhood toys, snacks, etc... It can be said that it is full of nostalgia and childhood.

There are a lot of businesses here, a lot of bars.

There are bicycle stalls selling barbecue, wandering poets setting up stalls selling poems, travelers selling paintings, photographers selling photos, and even tarot card readings... praising the fool.

There were groups of young people sitting on the ground on the street.

There were also people sitting on the ground and leaning against the wall with their guitars in their hands, singing their own songs slowly.

There may be frustration, poetry, longing for life, and realistic helplessness...

Sing softly.

All kinds of things in the world.

Yu Shan, Jiang Chuxue and others were attracted by a singing voice, a young man sitting on the ground holding a guitar and singing.

Looks to be in his mid-twenties.

His singing is really beautiful.

Attracted many people to sit on the ground and listen to his singing.

Yu Shan, Jiang Chuxue and others approached.

Listen quietly to the young man finish singing.

You can only follow when traveling around.

This little brother sings very nicely.

Is this the legendary wandering singer?

I envy this kind of life and admire his courage, but I still only have 996.

This wandering singer gives people quite a lot of feelings.

There are always people in this world who live in the state you dream of...

After singing, the wandering singer chatted with the people who were sitting and listening to him. He said that he used to be an office worker and often worked overtime. He had cancer and the doctor said he would not survive for three years.

When his life began to count down, he decided to live these three years how he wanted.

So he walked out.

Wandering around.

He said: Isn't dying on the road a memorial to living?

After listening to his story, everyone started ordering songs.

Zhou You scanned his QR code and transferred 1,000 yuan.

Traveling around and resurrecting my life, I have the same feelings as this little brother... Live wonderfully while you are alive, don't wait until the day you close your eyes and still sigh: I haven't done this, I haven't finished that yet...

While listening to the story of the wandering singer, Zhou You thought of himself and a song.

Every day I stand on a tall building and look at the little ants on the ground. Their heads are big and their legs are thin...

Hurrying, rushing, why is life always like this? Could it be that my ideal is to spend my life like this...

Neither humble nor arrogant, neither hurried nor hurried. Maybe life should be like this. Could it be that after the age of sixty, I will find the freedom I want...

Years fly by, and I still can't afford the many things I like with my little savings...

They say money is a bastard, but he's so good-looking!

Zhou You likes the last sentence very much: They say money is a bastard, but he is so good-looking.

In my previous life, I was afraid of being poor. I earned enough money and had no time to spend it.

Just make money and spend it in this life.

It’s not hard to make money with a system.

It does not conflict with the leisurely life I want to live.

No money for leisure?

There is a difference between being alive and living.

It was already half past ten in the evening when we returned to the villa.

There is no letter writing session tonight.

Instead, I received a task card from the program team.

[Those who want to chat one-on-one can submit an application and meet at a designated location for a night chat]

They say monthly tickets are bastards, but it tastes so good~~ Please give me monthly tickets, recommendation votes, and tips.

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