133 – Before the Storm

[Which team created the choreography?]

I can’t take my eyes off the entire choreography…

Their charm is crazy about this one

-I think it feels like Teacher Yoon Jeong. It seems like he keeps choreographing the choreography because they are his students.

└ Oh well, the choreography feels a bit like that.

└ㅇㅈ Point The choreography is just so good. People seem to do a lot of challenges, especially Seoyoon’s part because it’s cathartic from the song to the choreography.

Mulbit Culture Park where Saven’s mini fan meeting is held.

Dohee’s Homma, who attended the mini fan meeting with fellow Homma after finishing the pre-recording shoot, was quickly checking the community’s reactions.

[This comeback’s performance is really… So good]

[How come you always come up with a song with a different concept, but it’s all good?]

It certainly seemed like she wasn’t the only one who was thrilled to see her performance.

Right now, people around me were busy typing on their phones and posting reviews on communities or SNS.

Even those who weren’t like that were chatting about the stage with the people next to them.


And then the murmurs stopped for an instant and turned into cheers.

“You’ve been waiting a long time~?”

Saven members enter under the guidance of security guards.

‘Wow… This is welfare.’

Of course, the members who made strange and provocative expressions that matched the song under the fancy lighting were also attractive.

“Shabenu~ Thank you for coming to Sanhok today!”

The smiling faces under natural light were also fascinating.

Even more so because the title song Came out wearing the same costume.

Once the members formed a line, one person sang first.

“Yes, I will greet you! Two! Three!”

ㅡIm in seventh heaven! Hello! This is Saven!


“It’s been a long time since we had an outdoor fan meeting like this, right? We’re back to celebrate our comeback! But it’s so hot that I don’t know if we should end it early.”

ㅡNo ah!

Fans answer at the top of their lungs.

As if Hana was satisfied, we smiled and continued.

“Okay. Now then, we’re going to start the fan meeting in earnest, Chaerin! Before that, there’s something we need to congratulate first, right?”

“Yes, as you all know, we reached #1 on the Watermelon daily chart again yesterday. We think it’s really thanks to Shavenu, so we always say thank you…”

Chae-rin looked at her fans and spoke in a friendly and soft manner, but I couldn’t hear her soft voice because I was staring at the faces of the members who were watching.

‘Oh, I have to take a picture too!’

First, she picked up the cannon camera and started taking pictures of her members.

First of all, Seoyoon stands out the most today.

Outline double eyelids, cool eyes.

Round face shape and thin nose.

It was a face that I always thought was a cute puppy image.


Makeup that raises the corners of the eyes.

Sensuous lip piercing on red lips.

Visual highlighted by gorgeous pastel pink hair.

Lastly, the killer performance seen on stage.

‘No matter how you look at it, this title is the real Seoyoon herself…’

I have a feeling that Seoyoon’s personal fans will increase significantly.

This time she turned the camera lens.

‘Surprisingly, I have to say that Ye-eun also seems to fit this concept…’

Ye-eun brings out an aristocratic vibe with platinum blonde hair.

Now only the sun-kissed eyes and bright smile remained, but the chicness definitely stood out on stage.

‘I was wondering what it would be like to be like an Alpine girl.’

But are you still my older sister?

On the contrary, the opinion that Ye-eun was the youngest and Do-hee was like her older sister was prevalent in the fan community, but considering the atmosphere created by the white blonde dyeing, she ended up nodding that Ye-eun was her older sister.


Her youngest was waving her hand and greeting her affectionately as usual.

‘Still, Dohee is still the older sister than Yeeun, right?’

Of course, she still felt like a girl.

Just looking at the way she keeps adjusting the hem of the skirt with her free hand, you can see that she’s unfamiliar with short dresses.

Even though she was wearing her underpants, she seemed unfamiliar with the feeling.

‘But… You really can become prettier there… I thought it was impossible…’

It certainly seemed like most celebrities were in full bloom as they approached the age of 20.

Even now, I am 16 years old.

Because it was the period of fastest growth.

Should I say that I become more mature with each passing day?

‘How can I become prettier when I become an adult… Dohee, if you keep doing this, you can only become an idol!’

I was about to mutter and be polite as usual.

Suddenly, a loud voice echoed throughout the park.

“Dohee noonaak!!”

The fans’ heads turned to the source of the sound.

A male student screamed.


A modifier that did not suit Dohee.

“Huh? Me?”

As expected, Dohee was pointing at herself with her fingertip as if asking if she had called her.


The momentary blank expression disappeared at the fan’s answer.

Dohee was smiling brightly.

ㅡClick click click

Homma quickly captured the scene on camera.

‘This photo is definitely selling.’

But soon another photo she would like appeared.

Se-ra hugs Do-hee tightly as if to protect her.

“We’re the youngest…! Who is the one who calls our youngest an older sister…!”

Everyone burst into laughter at the sight of Sarah staring at her fan seat while holding Dohee, who was taller than her.

“It’s all me!”

The student next to me is waving his hand and screaming.

Anyone could see that he was close to a college student.

“I’m a middle school student…?”

“No! Second year of high school!”

“What… You! You’re older…!”

Sera was also very cute.


Title song of Saven’s third single album, Dusk.

After the release of the music video for ‘melody’.

As Saven is one of the hottest girl groups, the level of interest was felt everywhere.

First, the album’s initial sales volume.

[Breaked its own record just 4 days after release. ‘Are you trying to become a million seller?’]

[Saven, No. 1 On Hanteo Chart for 3 consecutive days… Girl group confirmed to be 3rd in the first week]

And the song that plays wherever you go on the street.

ㅡDaily ranking

▲ 1【SAVEN – Sound】

Lastly, most of the videos of Saven’s entertainment appearances that each broadcasting company edited briefly and posted on YouTube were included in several lists of rising popularity.

> (EN/JP) “I’m just beat” If you’re tired, sleep quietly… – Bed of stones – SAVEN ‘melody’ – Views 1.21 Million

> [ENG][Julto Pre-release] ‘Saven’ shamelessly insists in front of entertainment experts Anyway, it’s cute ㅇㅇ… (No refutation) KTBC – Views 1.04 Million




> [SUB] It’s obvious where you are ‘Playing tag’ ☆ A world of colorful real variety [All around the corner] EP.1-1 Save in Mokpo Part 1 – Views 910,000

From noble mtl dot com

Of course, this reaction was similar to the second album as well.

If you look at the posts posted on the community, you can see that Saven’s popularity has accelerated.

Even trivial mini fan meeting episodes were being used as posts.

[Idol embarrassed by being called older sister]

(Link video)

A high school fan calls Lee Do-hee his older sister and Do-hee’s embarrassed expression is so cute hahahahaha

-But you like me because I’m your older sister? Lol

└If you’re pretty, you’re my sister hahahaha.

-It’s not like she’s protecting the baby, but is she trying to protect Dohee by holding her?

└Sera especially looks like Dohee’s baby hahahaha.

└Wow, but Dohee is taller. Since Sarah is holding her, it’s a perfect comparison.

└The ratio is strange. I would have said it was over 170 recently.

-He really has it all…

└I don’t have you yet

└The child’s habits are getting worse.

-Dohee, do you collect antiques?


└I’m a little old

└Teacher, there is a difference between antiques and junk items.

– Dohee’s growth is crazy these days…

└Honestly admitted… The face is still cute because of the breast fat, but the body is.

└ Https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=EzB7hB8E134aVU Be sure to watch the fancam today.

└It’s boring.

└ㄹㅇ He makes good facial expressions so he doesn’t look like a child on stage, but he’s usually like a loser.

└Do you want to do that with a 16-year-old?

└Dohee: I was born in February, so I’m actually a high school student. Please take into account the circumstances… I heard that I passed the qualification exam…

Of course, as the title song Was a hot topic, it was a song with a somewhat urban feel, so for a group with an average age of 18.8 Years old, it was likely that there would be a response that it was excessive.

However, the hair, makeup, coordination, chic choreography, and sophisticated songs brought a change to the members who usually had cute images.

As a result, the 3rd album Was sailing along without any noise.

So fans naturally looked forward to it.

-If you do this well, won’t you be able to stay at the top of the charts even if you go to Cobble?

-I love it so much that I really don’t know…

-The real summer scent is crazy. Neither the song nor the concept are refreshing, but this is my first refreshing seasonal song…

Of course, it was a conversation that was only possible in a chat room where fans gathered together. The fans were taking precautions for fear of backlash.

But I was sure of it separately.

Depending on the performance of this song, it could go beyond first-team name level.

In other words, even if Coral Blue is the top girl group in terms of domestic and international recognition.

They say they could give up the domestic buzz to Saven.

– I guess I should watch their reality show or live broadcast lol.

-Today, it will be fun to focus on the behind-the-scenes of the music video.

-Now that I think about it, after the reality show is over, let’s see if they are doing Jerkass 4 as well.

And fans had no choice but to forget about the competition with Coral Blue for a moment.

-What is it?



The accommodation we returned to after finishing the music broadcast schedule.

Kim Seo-yoon, who is sitting next to him on the sofa and waiting for his turn to wash, is scratching his head and talking nonsense again.

“Did you like him by any chance?”

On the TV screen

“Go take a cold shower. Stop scratching your head.”

“First of all, Sarah has to come out. And I’m just asking~ I saw that she was really good-looking.”

“Did I like it?”

“Or it’s not, why are you looking so straight…”

“It’s okay. Go quickly and take a cold shower. If you keep scratching, it’ll ooze.”

Seoyoon crossed her arms around me and leaned her head on my shoulder.

“Why are we so sweet~? Her older sister was a little touched by Dohee~?”


And then Kim Seo-yoon scratches her head again.

“Oh, my hair is itchy again. I really should never bleach my hair again.”

Unable to bear the tickling, Seoyoon got up from her seat, went to the bathroom, and knocked on her door.

“Ah! Eunsera! Stop washing up and come out quickly!”

And Sarah’s voice faintly heard through the sound of water.

ㅡDohee wasted time…!

Kim Seo-yoon turned her head and looked at me.

“Isn’t that really Dora Jubilee?”

Who keeps calling me that?

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