
The joint force is definitely beneficial in the long run.

But it will harm the current interests of some cities and kingdoms.

This requires a long-term vision and a certain degree of cohesion.

at first Xihe and Beimeng could not do it.

And now, with tangible results and the tough stance of a group of transcenders, all kingdoms and cities, even if they are reluctant, can only agree.

But still bargaining on the specific military strength.

The more so, the less likely it is to give more.

I am worried that once the number of joint forces is too small to be effective, I will ultimately rely on the resources and strength in my hand to protect my city.

In the end, the combined forces of the three great factions had the largest number of the Eastern Alliance, the Western Alliance followed, and the Northern Alliance had the least, and only made up 600,000 people.

For this situation.

Some visionaries are almost discouraged.

Such as Queen Rancomdor.

Lancomdor is located inland, and her daughter Catherine, a third-order transcender, is almost the strongest defensive force in the North League.

Even so.

I still shudder when thinking of the future scenes I once saw with the commissioner of the Pan-Human Protection Association.

Endless monsters are constantly rushing crazily along the coast.

Do these countries think they can hold it on their own?

“This is the end of the matter, the queen, we should prepare with both hands.” In the Great Princess of Lancomdor, Catherine tied up her blonde hair, dressed in military armor, and her eyes were calm. How much of a role it can play, it can always reduce the number of alien beasts. In addition, be prepared to receive the remnants of the remnants of the coastal areas and build Lancomdor as the last line of defense of the North League.”

“You want to…” The queen looked at her daughter.

“Clean up the alien animals in the territory, open a passage to the border, and then build a city wall along the border! It will protect the entire country!” Catherine waved her hand, her tone firm.

It is no longer to build a wall outside the city.

But along the entire national border.

This is undoubtedly a huge plan.

But at this moment.

Those with similar ideas, not only Catherine, but the entire East Union, are also discussing a huge project!

“Once the army gathers, the first task is to open up transportation routes from various provinces to the coast.” Lin Xinran drew one after another long horizontal line on the map, the entire coastal area of ​​the country, “All the people We must not be trapped in the city. We must at least build five lines of defense and leave a way for the people in each line of defense to escape after being breached.”

This is not just to defend against alien beasts.

It is even more so that when cities in coastal areas cannot resist the last wave of beasts, they can have a way back.

To preserve people’s lives to the maximum.

As soon as this huge engineering project was proposed, many people were shocked.

“Such a city wall and defense line is more than ten thousand li! It will sacrifice a lot of people.” A Grandmaster said quite moved, “Not only the soldiers, but the construction workers will also be in great danger. To complete this task in the remaining seven or eight months, at least hundreds of millions of people must be mobilized to participate.”

“That too!” Gu Qishui said, “This is not only for one city and one province, but for the whole country and civilization! Once the laser weapon application is completed, these lines of defense and city wall will be even more important. Our generation has left the strongest barrier for future generations!”

Laser weapons, coupled with the city wall, are truly powerful lines of defense.

This is to use the sweat and lives of countless people of their generation to create a living space for the entire civilization in this world full of different beasts!

In the end, no one objected.

If human beings want to live, they must put their sight on the threat of the sea.

“This project can really buy time as much as possible.” After seeing their plan, Shen Yi could not be nodded, “equivalent to unite independent and scattered cities to form a common defense line, which can be attacked or retreated. Not only does it play a huge role in resisting the tides of ocean beasts, it also contributes to the cohesion and integrity of the entire civilization.”

After all, if the city is to be used as a unit for defense and fighting on their own, civilization will be divided in the long run.

“The North League just lacks the understanding of the latter. They have not yet considered themselves as a whole.” Ding Xiang also said.

“This is a difference in civilization.” Shen Yi shook his head and stopped exploring too much on this topic. He suddenly asked, “How many people are left in the world now?”

At this point in the war, regardless of how many cities have not been destroyed, the number of human beings who have lost their lives has still reached a terrifying number.

Among them, the overwhelming majority are from chaotic regions.

Second, the sacrifice of soldiers.

Lilac quickly gave the numbers.

“There are 5.2 billion in total. The Eastern Union has the largest number of people, with 1.9 billion, followed by the Western Union with 1.7 billion, and finally the Beimeng with only 1.4 billion.”

The rest is the people struggling on whilst at death’s door in the chaotic area.

Shen Yi slightly nodded.

In these few months, he probably got about three billion points.

This means that, normal fate, most of these people have died at this moment.

However, in order to earn these points, the consumption of this period of time is also huge.

In the past few months, the number of transcenders in the world has reached about 28,000 people, 6,000 people have been sacrificed, and 22 million people are left. These people alone consume Shen Yi ten Hundreds of millions of points.

Trial Tower, weapons and equipment, extraordinary growth, inheritance cards…

Many of them have grown to Rank 2.

But they also played a huge role.

It is almost the most elite battle strength in the entire world, and it is also supported everywhere. In the face of the increasing number of Rank 2 monsters, they have saved how many cities do not know, and it has greatly slowed the emergence of Tier 3 point.

Most of the points are their credit.

In addition, the fighters Shen Yi could buy, including the battle damage and energy consumption of these fighters, also spent hundreds of millions of points.

Plus some lottery who didn’t get any key items.

Shen Yi now has only about 800 million points left in his hands.

Is this too much?

Not much.

“Add four hundred more fighters to assist this project.” Shen Yi waved his hand, and he threw another 100 million points away.

He now recognizes that the points are really not enough.

If you want to earn more, you also need to invest in costs.

Good is good.

These investments can also be counted as investments.

Investment in the development of the association.

These transcenders cultivated by the Pan-Human Guardian Association, these purchased fighters, this civilization that ultimately does not know how many people will survive, may bring rich returns in the future.

With the further support of the association, Lin Xinran and the others are even more excited, which seems to mean that the association also supports their vast project.

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