Chapter 269 : Doctor Strange learned, but his rib was broken

But this is the short-sightedness of the people on earth after all, after all, I haven’t seen what it is like to travel through time and space.

However, their derivation is really reasonable, and Luo Hua has really practiced it, that is, if you travel to the past, you have subjective initiative and you can change events, but it is true that you travel to the future. There is no Ability to change.

After all, you can’t change anything when you travel to the future, because the future is the result. You can’t erase it forcibly. If you have to go against the sky to do so, you will also be punished by the law of time, which will drown you in time. In the torrent, let you disappear forever.

Therefore, after going over and over several times, Luo Hua finally understood a saying that was prevalent in an ancient country on the earth, that is, to live in the present. 28

Work hard from now, and change from now on will be able to reverse the future and change the so-called inherent order of the so-called destiny. If you do so, you will not be punished by time.

From this point of view, to ask Luo Hua to be under the control of time law.

Luo Hua, because the mental power is much stronger than ordinary people, its obvious cycle is much slower than others. If calculated according to the time of the earth, it is exactly one month.

By the time Luo Hua opened his eyes, Doctor Strange was already able to skillfully use space law to complete a series of magic.

“It’s great, the charm of the original space law lies in this, and I can really become a well-deserved supreme magician of the earth in the future!”

Doctor Strange collapsed to the ground, looking up to the sky and screaming. The difficulties and worries that had been painstakingly studying magic during this period of time finally came out.

Luo Hua nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, to be honest, this training is really too hard and too difficult for Doctor Strange, because Luo Hua is also selfish and wants to get Doctor Strange to understand as quickly as possible, and then try to shorten the time as much as possible.

Therefore, in the space created for Doctor Strange, no concept of time was given to Doctor Strange at all, nor was it given to Doctor Strange any artifacts that were only time.

The most important thing is that in this space, Luo Hua also constantly absorbs the energy needed by the human body and various trace elements through the air, and completes the absorption between the doctor Strange Roar’s inhalation.

Therefore, Doctor Strange can’t feel time in the flesh space. The elapsed time is at most using mental power. If it is too much, it will faint to the ground. I fell asleep for a while, or because I was too tired, I just lay on the ground and rested for a while.

In fact, for Doctor Strange, it seems that it hasn’t even been a day. It’s just that the timeline may be longer, but he can’t feel the passage of time at all. He only knows that he is striving for a goal and learning a kind of magic. .

If you really throw any ordinary earth person into this space like this, then this earth person will either be depressed or go mad, and not be able to perceive the passage of time, which is the most terrifying thing for many humans. It is also something that makes human beings anxious.

So to put Doctor Strange in this space, Luo Hua really took a big risk. Not only was he worried that Doctor Strange would not be able to bear it because of lack of mental power, but he was really worried that his doctor would be there. He really committed suicide without paying attention.

Therefore, Luo Hua hardly dared to leave Doctor Strange for too long. Basically, after dealing with some other things, he returned to Doctor Strange as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the magician, the supreme demon from the earth, did not let himself down, nor did he let Doctor Strange fail himself.

“Okay! It seems that you really deserve to be the chosen successor of Ancient One magician. Okay, now you have to practice the space skills you have just mastered. It just so happens that Dormammu outside is ready to go!”

Luo Hua smiled and slowly withdrew 797, protecting Doctor Strange’s space cover.

“wait for me……”

Click… bang!

Before Doctor Strange could react, Dormammu immediately perceived the breath of Doctor Strange, and immediately leaped towards Doctor Strange at the fastest speed. It turned into a black Dragon’s claws and slapped it all at once. Doctor Strange’s body.

The sound of broken bones made Doctor Strange feel the pain before he was beaten away.

“Next I will not give you any protection measures, nor will I treat you. Everything depends on you. I have taught you the most attacking space magic. If you say that in this case You still can’t deal with this demon. What you are sorry for is not only the vision of Ancient One magician, but also your own life!”

Just when Doctor Strange was about to faint due to the sudden pain, Luo Hua’s voice suddenly sounded like a bell of warning! .

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