I Can Only Fall In Love With The S-Rank Goddess Chapter 405


Chapter 405 The biggest task in the future (double-change subscription)

Many tourists have gathered on the bridge and at both ends of the suspension bridge, Immediately, a thunderous cheer erupted from his mouth.

There are many tourists who go to the forest park management staff before the two ends of the bridge. Shen Gu, who went to rescue immediately, has successfully rescued this naughty boy.

The male child mother who came later hugged her son tightly in her arms on the bridge deck.

Su Ziqing, who rushed to Shen Gu before her, looked at Shen Gu with very loving eyes and gave Shen Gu a loving hug in public!

"Okay, although I like you so much, let's get off the bridge first!"

Shen Gu, who was cheered by so many tourists for being hugged, felt a little uncomfortable. sorry.

He walked off the bridge with Su Ziqing intertwined on the grounds that it was still not safe on the bridge.

During the whole process, many tourists took out their mobile phones one after another, and continued to shoot frantically at the envious golden couple.

Some young fans who had recognized the two in the crowd for a long time began to shout their names excitedly, and actively introduced Shen Gu and Shen Gu to other tourists who had not seen their show. How Su Ziqing became famous online.

For such cheers and praise, Shen Gu and Su Ziqing looked at each other and smiled indifferently.

Su Ziqing suggested to Shen Gu in a joking tone:

"But now we're going to find a path in this park for a run, we could have gone out for a walk with you. It's very beautiful, I don't want your high popularity to affect our date."

Shen Gu was immediately nodded, his eyes quickly settled on a small fork on the main road ahead, and raised his finger Show it to Su Ziqing and say to her:

"Then let's go there!"

Then the two of them immediately quickened their pace and ran towards the path.

The crowd behind them was still praising them. Some people at first wanted to walk a few steps to follow them, but soon found that Shen Gu and the two were running faster and faster to avoid the crowd. At that time, they had no choice but to stop their pursuit.

At this time, the boy and his mother, who had almost stumbled off the bridge due to naughty, carefully walked from the suspension bridge to the bank at the head of the bridge after their emotions stabilized after the disaster.

After finding out that Shen Gu had left and didn't save him waiting for their thanks at the bridge, the boy's mother also felt very regretful because she just held her son for too long!

Fortunately, there are many tourists around her who are only spectators in "critical moments", and they are very kind to advise her at this time.

Tell her that Shen Gu is a big star in the entertainment industry, and she will be able to give him as long as she calls several more famous media later and tells them about the heroic deeds that Shen Gu saved people just now. Great rewards for reputation!

Besides, Shen Gu, who had left with Su Ziqing, just ran away from the crowd with her and found a remote long stone bench to rest when Dongfang Yun called.

It turns out that it was just after Shen Gu saved the life, and before the boy mother told the media in detail about his life-saving deeds, many tourists who saw the scene had already brought pictures to accompany her. The text was posted on the Internet.

Shen Gu, whose female fans plummeted due to his open relationship with Su Ziqing, has experienced a surge in the number of fans on his personal homepage again!

According to Dongfang Yun's personal analysis of this incident, he thinks that after this surge in popularity, Shen Gu's popularity in the short term will definitely be higher than before he made his relationship public.

After hearing this on the phone, Shen Gu basically understood what Dongfang Yun wanted to do by calling him now.

After all, if a person can have huge attention, and this attention is very positive, then his value in the entertainment circle will also be very great!

Correspondingly, variety shows, movies, TV dramas, various top endorsements and advertisements will all actively offer high prices to him.

So Shen Gu immediately interrupted Dongfang Yun's words coldly, and said to him directly:

"I saved people this time because I happened to be out with Ziqing today. I met you, I told you a long time ago, I have made enough money, and that closed beta will be the last variety show I participated in, so don't try to persuade me to go back to the entertainment industry!"

However, in the face of such an attitude, Dongfang Yun is not reluctant to give up easily.

He tried to persuade Shen Gu in a roundabout way:

"You just think it's troublesome to shoot variety shows, and you don't want to make money from variety shows in the future, but you can still get top endorsements. !"

"To tell you the truth, just less than a minute after the photos of your saving lives were posted on the Internet by tourists, many bosses of big brands have already called me personally and are willing to give nine figures. I want you to endorse their products!"

"I tell you, it's very simple to receive endorsements, just take their products and say a few words, it won't delay you much at all Love time!!"

But in the next second, Shen Gu didn't respond to him again, but hung up the phone directly. . .

"Dongfang Yun is here to persuade you to return to the entertainment industry again!"

Su Ziqing teased him with a light smile:

"Although he is getting more and more The richer you are, the more you look like, you still don't want to lose your cash cow."

Shen Gu couldn't help laughing when he heard Su Ziqing compare himself to a cash cow.

I was just a little angry because of being interrupted on a date, and it was suddenly disappeared in front of my sweetheart.

He responded with a helpless smile:

"Actually, I have no grudge against money. The opportunity to make a lot of money, and then raise your eyebrows in front of people who look down on yourself."

"But I have made enough money now, and the money is enough to buy a luxury house and a famous car, even if the rest is only in the bank. Earning interest will definitely be enough for me to live a normal and prosperous life in my life!”

Su Ziqing listened to Shen Gu talking about the future, blinked a few times, and asked him in a rather curious tone:

"Then what is your ideal future life?"

"Except for the house and car you just mentioned, after graduation, you don't need to work hard to make money, then your future What do you want to plan for your life?"

A gust of breeze blew gently on the corners of the clothes of the two of them sitting on the stone bench in the woods.

"The future?"

Looking at the beautiful woman beside her, Shen Gu couldn't help but stretched out his right arm and slowly wrapped his arms around Su Ziqing's shoulders and said:


"When you finish writing your thesis in the second semester of your junior year, I would like to take you to travel around the world during the internship period of your senior year, and leave our sweet memories together in countless beautiful places!"

Su Ziqing was slightly red in the arms of Shen Gu, but she did not break free, but continued to ask happily:

"And then?"

"After traveling around the world and returning, What else do you want to do?"

Seeing no one nearby, Shen Gu suddenly stretched out his head and quickly kissed Su Ziqing's left cheek!

Then he said affectionately to Su Ziqing, who hit him on the chest with a small fist and said "hate":

"And then, my biggest task is—"

When Shen Gu said this, he quickly took out a bottle of unlabeled water from his backpack, drank it all in one breath, and then said loudly to Su Ziqing:

“ To marry you home as soon as possible!"

(end of this chapter)

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