After Ouyang Zhengxiong left Shenfeng Academy, he was taken away by the people in the palace before he had time to look for Yu'er.

After Ouyang Zhengxiong saw the two eunuchs appearing in front of him, he understood instantly

"My two father-in-laws are here, but what do you want from me?"

After the eunuch saw Ouyang Zhengxiong being so polite to him, he couldn't help but admire Ouyang Zhengxiong more.

"Your Excellency, you don’t have to be so polite when talking to the Zajia family. This time, the Zajia family came under the emperor’s order."

"The emperor hopes that you can go to the imperial study room to see him."

After Ouyang Zhengxiong heard what the great eunuch said, he followed the great eunuch very respectfully.

He wanted to know why the emperor wanted him to go to the imperial study room this time.

Among them, what else was the emperor hiding from him? If he had done it What are the benefits after this incident?

"My father-in-law doesn’t know why the emperor is looking for me this time."

"Father-in-law, can you tell me something so that I can be mentally prepared."

As Ouyang Zhengxiong spoke, he put the money in his hand into his father-in-law's hand.

After seeing that Ouyang Zhengxiong was so sensible, the eunuch had nothing to hide.

He put the money handed over by Ouyang Zhengxiong into his father-in-law's hand. In his own pocket, he whispered to Ouyang Zhengxiong

"To be honest, the emperor is looking for you this time, probably for military matters."

"You should know the saying"the master of unrivaled achievements. Now the emperor is very afraid of General Zhao.""

Ouyang Zhengxiong nodded after hearing the words of the great eunuch. At this time, he became more and more sure about what the emperor was looking for.

If this is the case, then he must do this well.

"Thank you father-in-law."

In this way, Ouyang Zhengxiong followed the eunuch all the way to the imperial study.

On the way, Ouyang Zhengxiong thought about many things. Ouyang Zhengxiong felt that if the emperor replaced General Zhao at this time, he would be looking for death. Now the forces of various countries They are all different.

They are all looking at the border with eagerness. At this time, General Zhao's departure will definitely arouse the hatred of other countries.

It will also make other countries ready to take action against Qi's military.

Before he allows the generals of other countries to see Before he becomes powerful, General Zhao will never leave here.

"See Your Majesty, long live my Emperor."

When the emperor saw Ouyang Zhengxiong coming here again, he immediately helped Ouyang Zhengxiong up.

"I love you so much that you need to be so polite."

After Ouyang Zhengxiong heard the emperor's words, he knew that the emperor was joking with him.

If he really didn't salute the emperor today, he would probably be considered disrespectful by the emperor.

Besides, the emperor's heart was at a loss. , he must see clearly

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I wonder why the Emperor came to see me this time?"

After the emperor heard Ouyang Zhengxiong's words, he looked into the distance pretending to be melancholy.

Instead of answering Ouyang Zhengxiong's words, he became more and more silent.

After seeing the emperor like this, Ouyang Zhengxiong immediately understood what the emperor was thinking..

But the emperor's behavior does make him feel a little uncomfortable.

If there is anything, just tell him directly. He has to pretend like this, so that he has no good impression of the emperor at all.

But now After all, he is the emperor, and he is just a minister.

It is impossible for him to have any thoughts about the emperor, and he cannot ask the emperor to talk to him.

He can only wait here slowly until the emperor is willing to talk to him..

After half a stick of incense, the emperor finally came back to his senses.

In this short period of half a stick of incense, the emperor turned around again, as if he had aged ten years.

"My dear, do you know what I am worried about?"

Ouyang Zhengxiong lowered his head after hearing what the emperor said.

He did not answer the emperor's words. No matter how he answered them, there was no answer.

"Your Majesty, if you are worried about something, you might as well talk to me."

"If I can help the emperor solve his problems, I will definitely die without mercy."

The emperor nodded after hearing Ouyang Zhengxiong's words.

What he wanted was Ouyang Zhengxiong's words. With Ouyang Zhengxiong's words, he could know Ouyang Zhengxiong unscrupulously.

"My dear, now that you are studying at Kamikaze Academy, it’s time to start exercising."

"I don’t know when and where Aiqing wants to start training."

After Ouyang Zhengxiong heard the emperor's words, he immediately understood the emperor's thoughts.

The emperor really planned to let him accept the army, but he would leave here after investigating Yu'er's affairs.

If he really takes over As for this army, it is irresponsible to this army.

"The emperor wants to start from scratch, just like General Zhao"

"General Zhao is the idol in the hearts of all of us and our patron saint."

What Ouyang Zhengxiong said was nothing short of putting General Zhao at the forefront of the limelight once again.

Ouyang Zhengxiong still said this despite knowing that the emperor was most afraid of General Zhao.

After hearing Ouyang Zhengxiong's words, the emperor's eyes turned cloudy. Suddenly there was a sharpness.

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