The daily supplies needed by this hell city come from many places, some are supplied by itself, and some are from the east and west continents. They can be transported by cargo ships or directly on the road, but because the distance is really far! The transportation of materials is not that convenient, which is why the population of Liberty City is not that large, because there is really not much energy for them to use! We cannot support so many people, and the population expansion cannot be too great!

In fact, this hell city can be called a small country, because it is a free land and is not managed by any country. It is absolutely free! Although there are some troops in the city, the number of troops is not very large. They only deal with daily matters and maintain order. In fact, many things are business matters that are negotiated and handled by the city lord!

Looking from a distance, this free city is surrounded by green mountains. It is extremely beautiful. It is not only surrounded by green mountains but also by endless green water. It is like a paradise, with pleasant scenery and beautiful scenery! It is an excellent place to relax and feel refreshed after seeing the God of Death.

The members of the mercenary group did not take much rest here because they did not want to stay here for too long, and they were also worried about what trouble would happen! After all, the previous World of Warcraft had caused many casualties among their brothers in the mercenary group, and they didn't want to cause any more disturbances! So they directly escorted the merchants and travelers to the Western Continent!

Guan Hao watched the employers walk into the Capital of Hell, then turned around and said to Ouyang Zhengxiong:"Brother Ouyang Zhenxiong, what do you mean by coming from the Capital of Hell? Your family is not here, right? This should be It's impossible. If your home is here, why would you run over there? Oh, I know, do you want to be like me? Are you planning to apply for Shenfeng College?"

Ouyang Zhenxiong said:"No, my home is not here, and I'm not here to apply for the Kamikaze Academy. I'm just here to take refuge."

Guan Hao looked at him in surprise:"Brother, that shouldn't be the case. With your skills, your realm has reached at least the second level. Hey, what kind of person is he? Can you wait for such a person to go away to a foreign country! Live a wandering life?"

"Oops, brother, you don’t know something! Look, it’s the little girl next to me and her family who have been chasing me." After saying that, he pointed to the little princess next to him who was having a great time playing with Tiger King Xiaoyu.

Guan Hao was even more surprised and continued. He said to Ouyang Zhengxiong:"How is it possible? Is this little girl’s background so big? Then why do you dare to take advantage of her? You're not just thinking about his beauty, brother, you are really a coward."

The little princess heard what Guan Hao said, picked up Xiaoyu, and cursed at her:"This damn mouse, you What nonsense are you talking about? Do you have any self-awareness? Do you even dare to believe what this stinky scum says?"

Guan Hao looked at the little princess and said jokingly:"Well, how should I put it? If this little girl washes away the stains on her face and puts on clean clothes, you will see that her clothes are all dirty as she walks with us! In that case, Didi is indeed considered a beauty in a role! Brother Ouyang, you are really discerning!"

"Xiaoyu, he has been talking about me, you help me teach him a lesson, teach him a lesson, hum, Xiaoyu, go quickly." At this time, Xiaoyu made a whoosh, jumped out of the little princess's arms, and used her feet to With one kick, he jumped directly onto Guan Hao's shoulders, but Guan Hao said with a smile:"Haha, what the hell are you, you are really not afraid of death! How dare you disturb Tai Sui?"

Before she could finish her words, at this moment, an earth-shattering sound sounded in her ears. It was the sound made by Tiger King Xiaoyu, roaring...

Official Hao was frightened by this unprepared blow, and her ears were buzzing. Before he could figure out what happened, she felt her body being pressed to the ground by a huge, furry object.!

When she came to her senses, she rubbed her eyes and took a closer look. She found that she was pressed down by a huge butt. She couldn't help but screamed:"Help, help!" Help! Brother Ouyang, help! Oh my god, it’s so scary."

The little princess wiped her hands beside her and couldn’t help laughing when she saw this scene!

Guan Hao was so frightened that his face turned pale, he couldn’t speak clearly, and his body was shaking. , he said to Brother Ouyang:"Brother, stop laughing, come and save me, oh, little girl, I know I was wrong! Oh my god, kill this guy! I'm really afraid of him."

Xiaoyu's eyes flashed with fierceness. He had suffered great losses from everyone in this mercenary group before. Now facing this big enemy, she opened her bloody mouth and wanted to bite him! This But if she wanted to, he could really act like a fool and kill him.

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