After hearing what the samurai said, Sima Kongkong was almost going crazy. The anger in his heart kept burning, getting stronger and stronger, and then he roared:"Why on earth is this? Why is that couple of dogs and men? Can you go in but I can't?"

"Because this courtyard was originally the courtyard of Mr. Ouyang, Miss Nalan also got the order from the eldest princess to treat Mr. Ouyang's injuries before entering."

"What? Is that trash also a weirdo?"

The warriors were silent.

Sima Kongkong gradually calmed down. Then he took a hard look at Ouyang Zhengxiong's yard, turned around and left.

After arriving in Ouyang Zhengxiong's yard, Nalan Luobin quickly let go After opening Ouyang Zhengxiong's hand, he turned his face aside in embarrassment and said to Ouyang Zhengxiong:"Master Ouyang, I'm sorry, I really can't help it, that guy is too difficult to deal with."

When Ouyang Zhengxiong saw Nalan Rubing's very embarrassed look, the unpleasant feeling in his heart disappeared immediately, and then he said to Nalan Rubing very gently:"It doesn't matter, I know you Whatever we feel in our hearts now, let’s just pretend that nothing happened."

"Don't you want to know at all why I did what I just did?"

Nalan Rubing turned around and said:"My father and Sima Kongkong's father are both ministers of the court, but because they are of equal strength, the relationship has not been very good, because the two of them have The opinions raised to the emperor would always be different, but over the years, other ministers would come to mediate the relationship between our two families, which kept our two families from getting too tense. Later, someone suggested that the children of our two families get married. , which can improve the relationship between our two families"

"The generals were at odds with each other and the country was powerless. My father agreed to those who suggested it, and Sima Kungong's father also happily agreed. Maybe other people don’t know much about Sima Kongkong, but I know him very well. Over the years, he returned to the capital several times while practicing in the west, and every time he came back, he would bring back the troubles he caused. , he is simply a young master who loves to get into trouble."

"But I don’t hate my father, because I understand my father’s difficulties. He is devoted to the motherland. I hate Sima Kongkong’s behavior, but I can’t change this fact no matter what. In a few days, Sima Kongkong's father will come to my house to propose marriage. I have no choice, so all I can do now is to stimulate Sima Kongkong and make him hate me, so that he may ruin the marriage. , thus achieving the purpose of not having to marry him."

"So is it because of this that you held my hand and deliberately provoked Eunuch Sima in front of him?"

"yes......I really have no other choice. I'm sorry, Mr. Ouyang."

"Alas, you are such a big fool. You don’t understand the psychology of boys. What you do will only be counterproductive. Don’t you know?"

"Ah, what exactly does Mr. Ouyang want to express? Why is this counterproductive?"

"Boys generally have a mentality of not admitting defeat, especially for someone like Sima Kong who has never lost a few times since he was a child. If you think about it carefully, what he wants to get is instead given to me by someone who looks very inconspicuous. If someone takes it away, if he doesn't take it back, then where will he put his face? So he will definitely take it away from you."

Ouyang Zhengxiong really sympathizes with Nalan Rubing, because this woman who used to be extremely peaceful has become so sad now. It seems that every family has its own troubles. Some families seem to be prosperous on the surface. There is no difficulty at all, just like Miss Nalan's family. Her father is an official in the court. She has had enough food and clothing since she was a child. Unexpectedly, she can no longer control her own happiness and can only be used as a political bargaining chip. Ouyang Zhengxiong sighed deeply. He took a breath, and then said:"Ms. Nalan, what can I do to help you? I would feel very honored to be able to help you, so if you need my help, you must ask me. , don’t feel embarrassed."

There seemed to be some mist in Nalan Rubing's eyes. Her eyes had become blurry. When he spoke, his voice trembled:"I......I really do not know."

Before she finished speaking, she started to cry.

Ouyang Zhengxiong took out a handkerchief from the house that he was reluctant to use. This handkerchief was very clean. He handed it to Nalan Rubing, and then took it. Lan Rubing cried for a while and then wiped away her tears, choking and saying:"I......I really have no choice at all. I don’t know what I should do now. Maybe this is my fate. God has already arranged my future life."

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