Ouyang Zhengxiong slowly approached the place. He did not dare to step too hard. He subconsciously reduced the number of breaths he took because these actions might save his life. When he reached the box, he used his feet to He quickly kicked the box open, and hiding behind it were two mice.

After he kicked the box open, the two mice started running around again, making exactly the same sound as before. Only then did he realize that the sound he just heard was the sound made by the two mice hitting something.

Ouyang Zhengxiong finally breathed a sigh of relief, because mice are very smart little animals. They will adjust their activity time according to the activity time of other animals, and try to avoid being in the same activity time with animals that threaten them. These two mice were active during the day, which meant that no one had lived in this place for a long time. He immediately put down the sword in his hand, let out a long sigh, and then slumped to the ground.

Ouyang Zhengxiong no longer wants to move. At this moment, Ouyang Zhengxiong feels that it is good to be an ordinary person. He does not need to practice so many complicated sword techniques. He ponders and experiences them day and night. It is really too much for him. tired. Like this, living in such a small wooden house with the person you like in the deep mountains and old forests, growing some fruits and vegetables outside, and going hunting in the forest from time to time. How wonderful this kind of life without competing with the world is!

But yearning comes after yearning, after all, Ouyang Zhengxiong's life has been doomed for a long time, and it is really impossible to make such a big change. His desire to go out became even stronger, because he hadn't seen Lan Yu for too long, and he was really worried about what danger Lan Yu would encounter.

He stood up suddenly and walked thinking about those bookshelves, because he felt that there might be some clues in them. Even if he had no clue now, it would be better than sitting here doing nothing.

Ouyang Zhengxiong came to a bookshelf. The bookshelf was filled with books, and each row was packed tightly. In the center of the bookshelf were written four large golden characters,"The Secret Knowledge of the Human World". As a person who is obsessed with all kinds of unique skills, these four words are enough to make his blood boil.

He put the drawn sword back into the scabbard as quickly as he could, and scratched the spines of so many books with his fingers, because there were too many books, and the information in these books was not written in The spines of the books dazzled him, and he didn't know which one he should take out.

Ouyang Zhengxiong's fingers stopped on a thick book, and then he gently pulled the book out. After he opened the cover, a smell of dusty books hit his face. It was obvious that these books had not been opened for a very long time. After turning the first page, he could see some introduction about the book:

Oni Feng Sword Technique, created by Gui Feng, the leader of Tian Sword City.......

This turned out to be a secret book about sword skills. What does that have to do with him? He is a swordsman. Then he immediately closed the secret book and started looking for the next target.

After a simple selection, he took out another book. After opening it, it still smelled like a book being oxidized by the air. This book turned out to be about Condensation Technique.

He still has a certain understanding of the Condensing Art. After all, he was a disciple of the Wanzong Sword Sect before. His master would not only teach them swordsmanship, but also introduce other techniques of cultivating immortals. Condensing Art was one of them. kind. His master said that the Condensation Technique is an ancient secret technique that has been lost for a long time. After practicing to a certain level, you can turn the invisible into the tangible, and present what you want in front of you through your thoughts. For example, if you want to have a Sword, you can produce a sword out of thin air, and after the sword is broken, you can condense it again. If you need a shield, you can also get it through the same method. You can also make them disappear when you don't need them anymore. As long as you are calmer and have higher mental strength, the objects you practice will be stronger and harder.

Ouyang Zhenxiong can't wait to learn this kind of thing, because this is a good opportunity for him to distance himself from his fellow apprentices. As long as he can practice the Condensing Art, his fellow apprentices will be far behind him. Yes, when the time comes, those who look down on him will also look good on him.

Ouyang Zhengxiong was flipping through the pages of this book on Condensation Techniques. Just as he was about to get lost in what he was saying, there was a sudden surge of powerful spiritual power. In an instant, the whole house began to vibrate, and some books had been removed from the bookshelf. It fell. In order to prevent himself from falling, he tightly grasped the bookshelf in front of him.

A suppressive force came out of thin air. This sudden force made Ouyang Zhengxiong's body become very heavy. He wanted to draw his sword, but it was already too late. Because under this suppressive force, he could only barely hold on to his body and prevent himself from falling. Drawing the sword had become very difficult.

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