"You have to smile well. My sister is really cute when she smiles. There is no girl cuter than my sister in the world, brother swears."Ouyang Zhengxiong said jokingly,"Keke, thank you brother, he is also the most handsome, I also like him very much."The little girl saw that he kept making faces to make her laugh along the way. It was such a heartwarming scene. It was so good. When they finally arrived, grandpa stood at the door and saw their faces full of joy.

Ouyang Zhengxiong asked grandpa:" Grandpa, why are you sitting here and not going in?" His face was full of doubts, but at this time grandpa said:"My granddaughter didn't come back at noon. I thought something happened. What were you doing? Come back so late."Yes, if the little girl had come back long ago after shopping, they walked around the town again and again, and even ate there when they were tired at noon. They completely forgot that there were two old people at home. They were hesitating like this. Grandpa will understand

"You eat outside by yourself, but you have to tell us first. I'm worried that something went wrong with you, huh!"To be able to stay outside for so long, he probably ate outside. Although Ouyang Zhengxiong wanted to refute, why didn't he see you standing at the door just now, but now you stand up, with a trace of unwiped oil on your face? Grandpa, just eat a chicken drumstick. Everything you say smells like drumstick. If you clean it up, I might believe it.

But your behavior really makes people want to laugh. This twitching expression makes grandpa very speechless."What are you doing? Why are you looking like this? Did you eat something bad?"Grandpa moved a small step back, trying to block the unfinished chicken legs. He hadn't even eaten lunch. Why can't he let someone eat something? Although they brought the chicken legs, he had been hungry for so long. Okay, I still don’t believe it when I ask for some interest, huh?

"No problem, grandpa, haven't you eaten yet? We bought cooked food such as chicken legs in the town, and grandpa and grandma could eat them together. It was our fault this time, and we stayed outside for so long without telling you clearly."Ouyang Zhengxiong said embarrassedly. As he spoke, he saw his grandfather's face getting better and better. He nodded,"Then I won't care. Where are you putting the chicken legs? I'll take it to my room to eat, and you can give some of the rest to grandma to eat."

Under the instructions of Ouyang Zhengxiong and Tian Langyue, they moved the chicken legs that they had eaten a few bites to their rooms and ate them openly,"Why don't you see the master?"Sun Yulan said doubtfully. She had just delivered the meal to grandma's place after grandpa said it, but she didn't see grandma. Grandma's room was very simple. She originally thought there would be some magnificent things, but there was nothing She only had some daily necessities, and suddenly she found a white cat in the room.

The white cat was not afraid of her, which was strange. She obviously didn't bring this to her grandpa's house,"Master, are you there?""Sun Yulan shouted everywhere, hoping that her grandma would respond to her words quickly. As a result, the cat came over to eat. She stroked the cat and gave some of the food to it,"Be good, little kitten, this is for my master. Yes, just eat a little of this. My master hasn't eaten it yet. How about asking her to share some with you when the time comes."She also wanted to give more to this kitten.

I don't know why this kitten likes the chicken, duck and fish meat in her hand so much. Don't all cats like to eat fish? What's even more terrifying is that it actually climbed to the rice bowl and started eating it. Here comes the food! Now she directly hugged the little white cat to the side. While hugging her, she thought about what to do? This was for the master to eat. Now that it was eaten by this white cat, it seemed that it could only be eaten by it. After eating this bowl of rice, I’ll serve another bowl when the time comes.

"That's it, just eat this bowl of rice. If my master wants to eat, just eat another bowl."Having no choice, Sun Yulan saw that the white cat was so cute and cute, so she finally gave it a little more food. After seeing it finish eating, she cleaned it up and put it back in the bedroom. She had to bring another bowl of rice to the master. Not long after she left, the white cat disappeared. When she came back, the master was sitting on a chair and was very pleased to see her serving rice.

"Master, the disciple thought that the master might be hungry, so he went to the kitchen to serve more food. Does the master like cats? I just found a white cat in the master's room. Seeing that it was hungry, I gave it some food."Sun Yulan didn't dare to say that the cat also ate white rice and other things that cats don't eat."Well, I do like cats, but I don't have a cat. It's probably a wild cat that ran into my room.."Grandma's kind face was even gentler.

Sun Yulan saw that grandma didn't move her chopsticks, so she thought the food was not to her liking,"Master, don't you want to eat it? Sun Yulan was about to change dishes, but she heard,"No, I like it very much, but I'm not hungry now. I brought some things with me when I came, so I just went out to eat.""Only then did she understand why grandma was not here. It turned out that she had indeed gone out just now and had just come back now.

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