The plaque has very normal italic characters. I just don’t know why the store owner opened the store into this place. If it weren’t for the old lady, they wouldn’t be here. As for the trash just now, he has been killed by the people his father brought here. He picked them up and was quite arrogant when they left. He said he would not let them go and asked them to wait. As expected, he took advantage of the power of others. He should treat that hand as a lesson to him. I just don’t know how the child is doing now. It looks like it crawled out of a mud puddle.

It was heartbreaking. The owner of the store sat idle and didn't know what the researchers were doing. When they came in, they didn't notice. Ouyang Zhengxiong was about to scream when the little girl stopped him and pointed to the hanging sign beside him. 'Come in and pick your own' This already means don't let anyone disturb him, but how does he know where those things are? The little girl tugged on his sleeve and pointed to the label on it. When he saw it, everything had a note on it.

It introduced the items inside and asked them to choose and put them in a small bag. This wave of operations showed how much they disliked others finding things for them to do. In the end, after they selected the items and put them in front of the shop owner, they realized what he was tinkering with. Something, he was repairing something. No wonder he told others not to disturb him. This kind of delicate work really cannot be disturbed. The boss who was disturbed did not say anything when he saw their small bags. He simply calculated the money and collected the money. , didn't even speak

"Brother, it’s not that he doesn’t want to speak, it’s because he can’t hear or speak."After the little girl walked out of the store, she explained to Ouyang Zhengxiong. He was about to turn around to look, but was slapped back by Sun Yulan."What are you looking at? Since they didn't post it, they don't want people to know. Let's go quickly."He then rubbed the back of his head. The slap was not light, but she did not hit the top of her head again, so she kept her promise.

Fortunately, he didn't turn around to look at the other person, otherwise they would have looked at him differently. No wonder he Without saying a word, even the last money was just written on paper for them to hand over and left,"Where are we going now?"He asked unwillingly. He wasn't going to go shopping again. He should go back quickly. No matter how much he exercised his feet, he couldn't keep walking like this."Of course I'm going shopping for clothes first. Why are you asking such a question? ?"Is he being disliked? He just said it casually. He wanted to say something more, but Sun Yulan took the little girl and walked forward, so he had to give up and followed him dejectedly,"Which garment shop are we going to? ah. He struggled for the last time, and she stopped and looked at him with a puzzled face,"Why only go to one store? Why don't you go to a few more to compare?""In an instant he seemed to hear the sound of cracking and wanted to go see it!"I can……""cannot!"This time he stopped talking and followed her closely with Tian Langyue.

They visited all the shops in the town that day and bought the little girl a brand new set of clothes. The little girl was very happy. , this set of clothes is finally not the clothes that grandpa bought her,"Thank you sister, I like the clothes my sister gave me very much."Holding Sun Yulan, but they were followed by two people carrying a lot of things. The two looked at the things in their hands, and then looked at each other. Very good, none of them belong to them. Why should they come to help them? Take something and suffer the consequences

"Thank you, brother. I will make delicious food for him when I get back."As soon as he heard about the food, the unhappiness on his face disappeared instantly,"It's okay, we can still get it."Who is this young man full of sunshine?""Brother is awesome.""The little girl boasted without hesitation, which made Ouyang Zhengxiong feel happy. He can eat delicious food when he goes back. It's no loss or loss. Tian Langyue was a little speechless. He was bribed and had no future."Of course there is Langyue. Brother, I will never forget you. I just happen to be making a new dish today, and I’ll give it to you to try."

Ouyang Zhengxiong looked up and saw Tian Langyue carrying the things in his hands easily. Well, it turns out that Langyue also likes to eat."I'll help you get whatever else you want. I'm very strong. This is a no-brainer. Ouyang Zhengxiong couldn't believe that this was what Tian Langyue said,"Wow, is it true? Thank you Brother Langyue.""The little girl praised without hesitation. After that, they went shopping again to eat and rested in the private room of the previous restaurant. At this time, the two of them really couldn't walk, and their feet were shaking slightly. It was really scary, woman, two of them. All the thoughts were like this. Sun Yulan and the little girl sat on the stool, tasting the snacks on the plate,"Sister, this snack is not bad. I will try to make it for you next time. By the way, I also made peach blossom stuffing myself. No. The kind that can get drunk, and then warm the wine for my sister to drink."The expression was like she was about to praise me, which made Sun Yulan laugh."Okay, next time you cook it for me and warm the wine for me to drink. What you cook must be very delicious. I believe you.""I wanted to say a few more words, but I heard a lot of noise coming from outside.

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