"Hurry up and eat. You'll be leaving soon. Don't drag your sister to chat."The little girl interrupted him and said, her sister is hers alone, why are some people always snatching her away? She pouted dissatisfiedly, just because he likes her food, let it go, she will definitely give him a try next time. On the tree,"Ah, okay, okay, don't be angry. I'm just talking to your sister Yulan. How about brother treating you to some candy?""Ouyang Zhengxiong said flatteringly. This is the person who will be in charge of food in the future. It's better not to offend him."Humph, just because you said my food is delicious, forget it. If you want sugar, remember to ask for strawberry flavor. That taste. tasty."The little girl said with an arrogant look. She was not soft-hearted, she just didn't eat enough strawberry-flavored candies before. Although he didn't know what strawberry-flavored candy was

, he seemed to hear someone calling strawberry when he went to the town. Sugar, try your luck in the town next time,"No problem, I'll bring it to you next time. Ouyang Zhengxiong patted his chest to prove that he would not lie to her,"Eat quickly. I will help wash the dishes later. Zhengxiong and Langyue will come.""Sun Yulan said. It's hard to say anything after eating other people's food. Of course, she has to do something to make up for it."Sister, you don't have to wash it. Just wash it for the two of them. There aren't many bowls. If they wash it, they can wash it very quickly."The little girl pulled Sun Yulan.

At this time, Sun Yulan had already finished eating and was about to go to the kitchen. She looked at the little girl holding her sleeve and said,"You, my sister has to work after eating your food. This bowl is for us. Go ahead and wash it. Just sit back and play."The little girl who was thinking about her at this moment warmed her heart a lot. She now treats her like a sister. Although she tied her up like that, she must be forgiven at such a young age. Anyway, she also lacks As a younger sister, she just said,"Sister, how about you just sit and play with me? Since you all went to wash the dishes, I won't have anyone to play with me." Are you okay, sister?"While shaking her sleeves, she acted coquettishly.

Sun Yulan's heart was beating wildly. This is so cute."Then sister will play with you. You go and wash the dishes quickly. Oh, yes, wait until they finish eating. Also eat slowly. Sun Yulan then realized that she had finished eating,"Sister, there are some dumplings in the pot. They are sweet and not greasy. Sister, you can go eat some more. Don't be in a hurry.""The little girl said with a smile. She did not eat her dumplings. Since she still had time, she would eat another bowl. This time she finished it slowly and enjoyed it.

"Well, Yu Lan, we're going to wash the dishes. You wait until we finish washing the dishes before leaving."Ouyang Zhengxiong quickly took Tian Langyue and ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes. He was afraid that they would run away first, because if they ran away, they would not be able to get out. He carefully washed the dishes, washed the pots, arranged them neatly, and set off. The fog disappeared in the morning, leaving only a flat trail. Ouyang Zhengxiong said strangely:"It's strange, it was still foggy when I came here last night. Why are there so many institutions gone today?"I searched around and found no giant trees or anything like that. It can be seen that this is not near Tian Langyue's home. It is a really strange place.

Tian Langyue also discovered something wrong at this time. Their current location is not where they came before. It was like a formation that teleported them to a certain place, teleportation! That's right, it was teleportation. The person who might have triggered the teleportation might be the little girl, because she was the one who took Ouyang Zhengxiong there."Brother, don't worry so much, because The direction we came down is different. This is the other side of the mountain. The side you came to before was the other side of the mountain, so you can't see the giant trees because they are blocked by the mountain."The little girl explained.

"It turns out that it is like this, no wonder it is so different, it turns out it is in another direction."Ouyang Zhengxiong didn't believe it. He wasn't that stupid yet. But they didn't say there was any way. They must have done it to prevent those dirty things. Sun Yulan didn't know any different way, so she continued without taking it to heart. As she walked on, she was just brought here by the dizzy spell, and she didn’t know anything else,"Why have I walked for so long and still haven’t seen the mountain my grandpa mentioned?"Ouyang Zhengxiong asked doubtfully, didn't it mean it's on the opposite side? Why is the opposite side so long?

"Yes, it's the other side of the mountain, which is another mountain."The old man felt that what he said was right, and he continued to make gestures for a long time. He was not lying. It was the other side of the mountain. At this time, Ouyang Zhengxiong was troubled in his heart. Is it really the other side of the mountain? This is already half right. Now, is he going to take them through Chicken Leg Country? How can he finish this walk? He feels a little uncomfortable, but he can still persist at this point. He just doesn't know if Lang Yue can do it.

Ouyang Zhengxiong turned to look at Tian Langyue , he couldn't see any expression on Lang Yue's face, as if he was very relaxed! What's going on, is everyone so strong?"Zhengxiong doesn't have to look at me like this, I just have some strength from working in the fields with my father. , and almost everyone in Chicken Leg Township has to walk so much."

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