After a while, Tian Biyue brought the fruit plate placed in the hot spring to her side, picked up a piece of cut watermelon and put it into her mouth. Taking a bath was the most enjoyable part of the day. While humming a little tune, Sun Yulan also imitated her. He looked so happy, eating a piece of fruit, taking a hot bath, and stuffing a few pieces of iced fruit into his mouth."Don't call me sister Yulan. I see that we are similar in age. We are probably the same age." If you are born, you can just call me Yulan. Calling me sister is too polite. How about I call you Biyue from now on?" Sun Yulan said to Tian Biyue with a smile.

Sure enough, girls are easy to play with. They are very unhappy here. Ouyang Zhengxiong is a little depressed. Mainly because Tian Langyue doesn't chat. He is bored to death."Langyue, Langyue, you usually do more What? I'm almost bored to death with you. You talk, otherwise I feel like there's no one next to me." Ouyang Zhengxiong really couldn't stand people who can't be quiet anymore, so he kept talking to him.

"There is nothing to say about practicing calligraphy, reading books and helping my father with work. We live a very simple life. I also want to know what is it like when you are outside? I have never gone out. From birth to now, my father and mother have only taken my sister out."Tian Langyue's face changed from expressionless at the beginning to a hint of curiosity in his eyes. He also wanted to go outside and have a look. Doing the same thing every day was too boring.

Ouyang Zhengxiong didn't expect that he had never gone out."Can't you go out? Is it a rule or are your parents not letting you go out?"He thought that everyone should be like Tian Nini, who would at least be taken out to see the outside world when they were young. In the end, was Nini the only one who was taken out to play by her parents? Then he is too pitiful, and the pity in his eyes is overflowing. Tian Langyue, who originally wanted to know the outside world, looked a little confused and helpless at this expression.

He had never gone out to play. Alas, it was really difficult for him to have such a bunch of parents. Not only did he He has to do some housework every day to take care of his sister. It gives me a headache just thinking about it. It’s not just a day or two. His mother always leaves a lot of work for him to do."Actually, it’s nothing. I just can’t go out. People outside are still You can't get in even if you want to, so don't look at me like that."Tian Langyue held his forehead and said, this guy's expression really deserves a beating.

"Oh, that's it. Let me tell you secretly about the current situation outside. In the past, there was a lot of shouting outside and there were all kinds of delicious food. Then a disaster happened and everything changed. Alas, this disaster is real. It's terrible, that's what my parents didn't have……"The more he talked about it, the sadder he became, so he simply stopped talking about it later. Tian Langyue, who was still a little envious at first, saw that he suddenly wilted, with tears still in the corners of his eyes, so she walked over and patted his shoulder to tell him not to talk..

Unexpectedly, he couldn't hold it in any longer, and more and more golden beans dropped,"Wow, Langyue……"Suddenly the scene was a bit difficult to control, but fortunately he stopped crying quickly,"Langyue, hiccup... There are so many delicious things to eat in Chicken Leg Village. Why do you yearn for life outside? Is it too boring?" Ouyang Zhengxiong Suddenly hiccupping, Tian Langyue nodded, yes, Chicken Leg Township is very good, but he also wants to go outside and see the outside world, even if it's just a small experience.

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