Since the little boy has now completely turned into a zombie, if he is not killed ruthlessly now, he is likely to infect more other people. But for Sun Yulan and Ouyang Zhengxiong, this is an extremely cruel thing, because they have just established an emotional foundation with this little boy.

????But the current situation is already very urgent. If we don't take action, no one knows how far the little boy's fighting ability will be. Therefore, Li Haotian and Gu Shaoyang had to deal with him quickly while he was still in the adapting stage. Whether it is for the little boy himself or for Sun Yulan and Ouyang Zhengxiong,"cutting the mess with a quick knife" is currently the best choice. However, killing this little boy with their own hands was a very cruel thing for Ouyang Zhengxiong and Sun Yulan. So after Li Haotian and Gu Xiaoyang looked at each other, Li Haotian quickly pulled out his sword and inserted it straight into the little boy's heart. Sun Yulan and Ouyang Zhengxiong were frightened by Li Haotian's sudden move. After Li Haotian pulled out the sword, the little boy fell down. The blood flowing from his heart was still red. It's not like the zombies in the forest that ooze green pus-like blood. I don’t know if it’s because the little boy has not completely mutated into a zombie, or because the little boy himself is not the same as an adult zombie.

????After the little boy fell to the ground, he lost all vital signs. His heart stopped beating and his pulse gradually died down. This seems to himIt's also a kind of relief. Maybe after leaving this miserable world, he can go to another world to reunite with his parents and his brother, right? Sun Yulan and Ouyang Zhengxiong looked at the little boy lying straight in front of them, and they didn't realize what happened for a moment. They couldn't believe that the little boy who was chatting with them just now died like this.

????Li Haotian saw that Sun Yulan and Ouyang Zhengxiong were still unable to accept this fact, so he apologized to them very embarrassedly:"I'm sorry, I couldn't say hello to you in advance, because I see that you two are in a very surprised state, and you can't do it yet." Accept the fact that this little boy has completely turned into a zombie. In order to end this matter within our control, I have no choice but to end his life as soon as possible. When he mutates to the point where we have to, When taking tougher measures, I think it may be more difficult for you to accept psychologically. It will be more painful to wait until then to make a choice, so I have no other choice. I am very sorry for brutally killing this person in front of you. Little boy. But I hope you can adapt to this kind of life as soon as possible, because you may have to make such a choice one day. The people you want to kill may not be people you have only known for a few hours, but also people you have known for a few hours. It may be your good partner who gets along day and night, or it may even be a few of us"

????Gu Shaoyang saw the two of them dumbfounded and knew that it was the first time for them to experience such a thing, so it was difficult for them to digest it in a short time. He gently patted Ouyang Zhongxiong and Sun Yulan on the shoulders, and comforted them softly:"I am very cruel to tell you two children, to directly kill this little boy, I came up with it after discussing with you two brothers, Haotian." The best solution we have come up with. We know very well that you two may not agree with this solution, but this is indeed the best solution we can think of at the moment. And I think you two are so dumbfounded right now that there is nothing you can do. Don’t do it. What you do is meaningless to this dead little boy. Because I think what this little boy wants more is that you can find out the truth behind this zombie incident and find the person who captured his father and his wife. Mother and his brother's group of people. And if you really cherish him as a person, you should find out the reason for his death from his body. Because a person will not become a zombie for no reason, he Something different must have happened to cause such a change. During the time when we just found him, he was still a normal human being, and his behavior and the logic of his words were very clear, so It's also a big mystery that he suddenly turned into a zombie. If you do nothing and just look at him like this, you can't solve any problems. If you are stuck in a sad mood, you can't do anything for him."

???Ouyang Zhengxiong and Sun Yulan were still in a state of sadness and couldn't help themselves, but after hearing Gu Shaoyang's words, they felt that it made perfect sense. What could the two of them do if they just stared at the little boy's body? No matter how distressed and reluctant they are, there is nothing they can do about it, because they all know in their hearts that there is no resurrection after death.

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