However, Gu Shaoyang and Li Haotian reacted quickly. The top priority now should be to get some useful information from the red-haired woman. At least they must know why they kidnapped these boys and girls between the ages of eight and twelve. Is there a bigger conspiracy?

Is there a bigger behind-the-scenes instigator behind this huge kidnapping case? Li Haotian and Gu Shaoyang took the red-haired woman who had fallen into a coma to a relatively secluded flat open space.

Gu Shaoyang first went to find some dried branches, lit them with internal force, and set up a bonfire. There are two main reasons why they set up a bonfire. On the one hand, they can spend the night here, and the bonfire can drive away small beasts around them. On the other hand, Li Haotian's body has not fully recovered, so the bonfire can also help him keep out the cold.

Although it was already very late at this time, Li Haotian and Gu Shaoyang still had many unsolved doubts, so Li Haotian said to Gu Shaoyang:"Brother Shaoyang, we should wake up this red-haired woman. I think Confront her and ask her if she is the childhood sweetheart I grew up with? If she is really the Jiang Min I knew when I was a child, then she must have some unspeakable secret to do such a thing, or maybe she has a relationship with her. Is there really any connection between the Jiang family? I really want to know the truth as soon as possible."

Gu Shaoyang said to Li Haotian:"I think the same as you. I can't figure out these questions. I think the only way now is The breakthrough point is this unconscious red-haired woman. She may be your long-lost childhood sweetheart Jiang Min. I see that her expression is different from ordinary people. I suspect that she may really have something to hide. Or should I use my inner strength to help her wake up now?"

In the bamboo forest at night, the cool breeze blew so hard that people could not help but shiver. Gu Shaoyang sent a lot of energy to the unconscious red-haired woman. The red-haired woman gradually regained consciousness. Li Haotian looked at the red-haired woman intently. The woman gradually regained consciousness. Li Haotian nervously held the red-haired woman's shoulders, shook her vigorously, and shouted to him:"Jiang Min, wake up, don't you recognize who I am? I am Li Haotian." , don’t you remember me?"

The red-haired woman who gradually woke up pushed Li Haotian away and said to Li Haotian:"I don’t know you, you pervert, stay away from me, and how do you know? My name is Jiang Min? Who are you and what are your intentions for me?" Li Haotian looked at Jiang Min, then turned to Gu Shaoyang and said,"Brother Shaoyang, I'm pretty sure that she was my childhood sweetheart, but I don't know because What happened? She doesn't seem to know me now. Brother Shaoyang, what can you do?"

Gu Shaoyang frowned, feeling that this matter was not simple. After thinking about it for a while, he said to Li Haotian:" Haotian, it's understandable that he doesn't know you now. After all, you haven't seen each other for a long time after this red-haired woman was picked up by her family on the way, and she doesn't necessarily have very fond memories of her childhood. Profound, so it should be that his habits have changed greatly after he was picked up by his family, so he did such a thing. Then our top priority now should be to ask what is their purpose of kidnapping boys and girls? And what is their purpose? Who instructed her to do this? Brother Haotian, what do you think of this?" Li Haotian nodded, and reached an agreement with Gu Shaoyang, planning to interrogate the red-haired woman together.

But at this moment, fireworks suddenly exploded in the quiet sky, and chaotic footsteps suddenly sounded in the quiet forest. Just when Li Haotian and Gu Shaoyang were about to interrogate the red-haired woman about why she kidnapped boys and girls between the ages of eight and twelve, and what the conspiracy was behind this, a group of men in black suddenly rushed out of the forest. Gu Shaoyang took a closer look at the costumes of the men in black. They seemed to be the men of the woman in red. But Gu Shaoyang had clearly killed the group of men in black with butterfly darts a few hours ago. Why did another group of men in black know about the shelter they were looking for?

It turned out that just a few hours ago, Gu Shaoyang used butterfly darts to kill the group of men and left immediately. Li Haotian and Gu Shaoyang did not notice that one of the men in black lying down was in a state of suspended animation. When Li Haotian and Gu Shaoyang After Gu Shaoyang left, the man who had faked his death opened his eyes and hacked all the remaining men in black to death. He left after making sure everyone was dead, but instead of rushing to the Jiang family, the sneaky man in black quietly summoned a white homing pigeon to come out. I saw him writing what happened tonight on a note, stuffing the note into the mailbox at the foot of the carrier pigeon, and then secretly sent the carrier pigeon out. The carrier pigeon carried the note from the man in black and fluttered into the dark distance. There seems to be a bottomless web behind this kidnapping case of a mean boy and girl, which is breathtaking!

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