Then, everyone continued to discuss the appointment and dismissal of leaders.

However, this is nothing for Lin Beifan, the whole process is in the fish, and the atmosphere of the meeting is very peaceful.

Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, really afraid that this guy would kill indiscriminately. Previously, the entire department of the propaganda department was a disaster, and just now he almost angry the personnel director into the hospital.

Now it seems to be very rational, as long as it doesn't provoke him, he won't bother to deal with you.

Looking at his sneaky appearance, I almost thought he was a good baby.

Don't wake him up, let him continue to fish!

Well, that's it!

On the other side, the beautiful boss was pleasantly surprised to find that with Lin Beifan sitting in town, the meeting was much smoother.

In the past, every time she proposed it, she was scolded back by those old guys, saying that this is not okay and that is not okay, this is not in line with the regulations, that is not in line with the regulations, and often makes her very faceless.

But now, the stubborn force Director Sun has been cleaned up by Lin Beifan, and everyone has converged much and is less arrogant.

Because no matter how arrogant he is, there is no arrogance of this guy Lin Beifan!

I don't know what respect is!

Not to mention the leadership!

I'll scare you when it's time to scare you, and I can still find your sore spot!

"What a wise decision to promote this guy!"

It's just that this guy is touching fish again!

Such an important meeting, you can fish for it!

Go back and clean him up!

An hour passed quickly, and the meeting finally came to an end.

The beautiful boss announced: "If I have nothing else, then disperse!" "

"Ahem, there's one more thing here! Since it's rare for everyone to get together, then I'll take the opportunity to say it! The director of the logistics department coughed, glanced at Lin Beifan, who was touching the fish, and said a little provoked, "I heard that Director Lin is planning to use part of the profits of the two movies as a benefit to distribute to the employees of the propaganda department, I think this matter should be considered again, don't break the rules!" "

Lin Beifan suddenly sobered up from the state of touching the fish, and glared over: "What rules are broken?" "

Under Lin Beifan's sharp gaze, Director Liang of the Logistics Department stiffened his head and said, "First of all, there is no precedent for this!" The propaganda department is first of all a management department, like other management departments, receive a fixed salary, do their part, there is no performance requirements, performance rewards naturally cannot be discussed! Director Lin's two investments are amazing, but they can only be regarded as unexpected gains, and how to dispose of them should be decided by the group! "

"Second, this matter will cause internal contradictions! Let's think about it, the same management department, why do the employees of the propaganda department have rewards, but other departments do not? In this way, everyone's hearts will be unbalanced, which will easily cause internal contradictions and be not conducive to unity! "

"Third, it is also easy to cause internal management chaos! If the propaganda department makes money on investment, it will definitely continue to follow this path in the future! And other management departments must be unable to help but follow suit, while ignoring the work of management, putting the cart before the horse! You know, our management department is essentially for the business unit! As soon as this example is opened, it will inevitably cause internal management chaos! "

"Fourth, Director Lin, can you guarantee that you will always make money in this way? Rewards when you make money, but what about when you lose? Director Lin, you just got lucky to win two good movies! The risk in the film and television industry is very high, look at Xu Dong before, invested in three big movies, a total of 180 million, the result was less than a week of blood, not even a splash! You can't take our company's money and risk it! "

"So, from the big picture, I propose to cancel this reward!"

At this time, the leaders of other departments also spoke.

"I think Director Liang is right, this case is not open!"

"It is indeed worth encouraging the propaganda department to make money, but if it is spent because of this, it will cause a series of serious consequences!"

"Everyone will be unbalanced in their hearts and full of contradictions!"

"In the future, everyone has no intention of working, busy using department funds to make money, which is very bad!" The management department should have the appearance of the management department, just do a good job in logistics services, otherwise it will be messed up! "

"Rewards when you make money, but what about when you lose money? How do you say this? "

"This money really can't be issued!"


The inside of the live broadcast room exploded.

"This group of old conspiracies actually stopped the big guys from sending money?"

"Why can't you send the money you earn with your skills?"

"To put it bluntly, it is to see the propaganda department making money, and the eyes are red! I can't get it, and you don't want it! "

"But I think there's some truth in what they say!"

"Makes sense, a fart! Everything is an excuse, and if you earn more money, you should get more money, isn't this the simplest truth? Do you still want others to work for nothing? "

"This group of old sinisters, the ability is not good, it is professional to drag their feet!"


Everyone felt unfair for Lin Beifan.

The money you earned for the company, you don't even have the slightest right to dispose of it?

Not even a little reward?

Moreover, this is not what Lin Beifan wants, but it is issued to employees as a reward, so that everyone can work well, the starting point is good, and anyone hopes to have such a leader.

Beat workers out to work for this!

As long as you give enough money, life can be given to you!

As a result, this group of old guys actually dragged their feet?

Obstruct with all kinds of reasons that sound bright and majestic, but in fact do not make sense, what a bastard!

For a moment, tens of millions of migrant workers remembered the bosses and leaders who desperately withheld their wages for various reasons, and their anger rose upwards!

"I can't stand it!!

The beautiful boss looked over calmly: "Director Lin, what do you want to say?" "

"I think what Director Liang said is bullshit!" Lin Beifan was astonishing.

The scene was in an uproar!

Director Liang of the logistics department was even more dissatisfied: "Director Lin, I know that I raised this opinion, and you are dissatisfied!" But I all start from the interests of the company, and you can't swear people! "

Lin Beifan sneered: "Starting from the interests of the company? I think Director Liang, you are the least qualified to say this! Point 1, Director Liang said that the management department should have the appearance of the management department, do its part, and should not make money! But Director Liang, your department has made a lot of money over the years! "

"Director Lin, don't talk nonsense, what money have I made?" Director Liang's face was gloomy.

"I have real evidence!" Lin Beifan said: "As far as I know, every year the logistics department is responsible for disposing of our company's waste items, and there are more than 1 million in the account every year, and this money has never entered the company's account, but your internal part!" Director Liang, you dare to say that your logistics department did not make money on this, right? "

"Director Liang, you said that there is no precedent for the matter of dividing money, didn't you set a precedent? The only difference is that I come in the open and you come in secret! I talk about rules, you don't talk about rules, and in turn accuse me of not being the same! "

Director Liang was a little flustered: "President Lin, don't talk nonsense, what's the matter?" We do eliminate a batch of waste items every year, these are clearly stipulated! Every time I called someone to pull it away, I didn't make money on it! "

The beautiful boss glanced at Director Liang, and then said to Lin Beifan: "Is there such a thing?" "

Lin Beifan spoke: "This situation has been going on for about 10 years, and the people who collect the waste items are all from the same company, the name is Wanjin Waste Company, this is easy to find out!" Every time people collect waste, they have an account, and they will pay for it! According to financial regulations, this additional income, although not much, is also credited to the company's account! But these were all concealed by Director Liang and others, and sent to the entire logistics department as benefits! "

After speaking, his eyes looked at Director Liang on the opposite side playfully.

Don't let me send money?

I'll hammer you first!

Let's see if you can't hold it!

"Haha, just now I accused the big guy, and as a result, Director Liang himself also stole the chicken!"

"I secretly divided the money first, and the result was not let others know!"

"Actually, this situation is very common! Every time when dealing with waste, the logistics department takes the opportunity to greed some money, these are unspoken rules! "

"It's very common, but who let him get caught by the big guy?"


The beautiful boss said to the financial director: "Go back and investigate well!" If there is a problem in this area, it should be punished! "

The financial director nodded: "I know!" "

"Regarding point 2, Director Liang, you said that it will cause internal contradictions, and everyone's hearts are unbalanced!" Lin Beifan smiled: "I think this is a joke in itself!" Which company does not have internal contradictions? When did everyone have a balance in their hearts? There is no envy, some envy is better! There is no basic salary to envy those with basic salary, no welfare benefits to envy those with welfare benefits! Unstable income, envious of office personnel with stable income! Those who have a stable income are envious of those who receive a high salary! "

"If nothing else, everyone present is the biggest source of contradiction in the company!" Why do you receive such a high salary, but they can only take ordinary salaries? Why can you command so many men to serve you, when they can only do their best for three meals? Why can you guys leave work early, you can rest at any time and play whenever you want, they have to be 996? "

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately felt the same way.

"Exactly! This is the biggest imbalance in our hearts! "

"I hope that my efforts will be rewarded, I hope that I can make it easier, but it often backfires!"

"I hope to get a high salary, but every time I get a basic salary!"

"All this is caused by the bosses and leaders!"


Lin Beifan pointed out the door: "You go and ask any ordinary employee, do you see their psychological balance?" "

The leaders present were immediately dissatisfied.

"How can this be the same? We also worked hard to climb to this position, and we deserve it! "

"We have also worked hard for many years to get today's harvest!"


Lin Beifan immediately went back: "This reward is also our department's hard-earned earnings, why can't we take it?" "

The leaders were suddenly speechless.

"Let's talk about the third point, if the departments want to make money, it is easy to cause internal management chaos... This is simply nonsense! Lin Beifan smiled: "Let me ask you, how can your management department make money?" The logistics department can sell scrap, and you can also do some tricks in purchasing, what about your other departments? "

Lin Beifan turned his head to look at one of the old men: "Personnel Department, buy official knights?" "

Director Sun of the personnel department coughed and felt that his blood pressure was high again.

Then look at another person: "Legal Department, leak the company contract, and deal with our company in turn?" "

The director of the legal department immediately retorted: "How is it possible? We are ethical! "

"Office Secretariat, betraying the interests of the leading company?"

The chief of staff waved his hand: "Nothing!" "

"The finance department will not say, if you want to make money, you can only make fake accounts and deduct money!"

"Ahem!" The financial director coughed too.

Lin Beifan smiled: "So, the methods of making money in all your departments are either illegal or illegal, as soon as you grab a quasi, swallow as much as you want to spit it out for me, you can't mess up at all, just ask you if you have this guts!" "

"Only our propaganda department, with this ability, can make money legally!" In that case, how did the internal mess get up? The reason why it will be chaotic must be because of your incompetence in management, don't rely on me! "

"Speaking of point 4, I can't guarantee that all investments will always make money, and that's not my propaganda department's job! Our department mainly spends money to enhance the company's brand image and improve the efficiency of various business departments! "

"In the past, our propaganda department never thought about making money, but about how to spend it cleanly and how to get the best value for money! It was only after I became the master that the situation changed! "

Lin Beifan looked at it and sighed: "I am to blame for all this, because I will only make money and will not spend money!" "

The audience in the live broadcast room spewed old blood.

"Can it be loaded at this time?"

"Damn it, let him fit it!"

"So caught off guard!"


"So Director Liang, it is completely unreasonable for you to raise point 4!" Lin Beifan spread out his hand: "I have never taken the company's money to take risks, because this is the job we should do!" Just accidentally made a little money, why not use it to reward yourself? Your own logistics department secretly opened a small stove, why can't we? "

"Shouldn't merit be rewarded?"

"Me!" Director Liang was speechless.

Lin Beifan continued: "The more we make money, the better our advertising business is doing!" If the advertising business is done well, all aspects of the business will definitely rise with the tide! The efficiency of the whole group has increased, don't you benefit? "

"If nothing else, my department has made money, and there must be more money to advertise!" At the same time, I also have more advertising resources, resources in the entertainment industry, the advertising effect will inevitably be doubled, and the business will definitely gain a lot! "

"I obviously worked hard for the company, but you didn't understand it, and you dragged your feet! I don't even give the reward I deserve, so what am I working on? "

Lin Beifan sighed, and said with a smile: "Do more and do less, and do more and do more wrong, less do less mistake, it's good if you don't do it!" Just spend the money in the future, and no longer bother thinking about making money! Usually touch the fish, this is what I am good at! You love the land as much as you want, and the master will not serve! "

The beautiful boss immediately changed: "You dare? "

Other business unit directors are not calm either.

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