Mrs. Xiao turned her head: "Oh, Yaoyao woke up, Mom did it for you..."

Tang Yaoyao hugged her directly, just wanting to hold her without saying anything.

Action can prove how strong she compares her affection.

Madam Xiao was stunned, and the sudden hug made her a little flattered: "Yao'er, what's the matter with you?"

"No, I just want to hug Mom." Tang Yaoyao said warmly.

Mrs. Xiao liked it tightly, and said, "Yao'er, I will cook you a bowl of **** soup, come and drink it."

It just so happened that the **** soup was already cooked.

Out of the pot.

Tang Yaoyao was also afraid that she would burn herself.

After all, she is relatively unfamiliar in the kitchen.

"I don't know if it's good, but Mom put a lot of sugar in it, so it shouldn't be bad."

Tang Yaoyao took her **** soup, took a spoon and took a sip into her mouth: "It's delicious, of course the **** soup made by mom is the best."

With that, I drank it all in one breath.

Madam Xiao smiled comfortedly, seeing Tang Yaoyao feel better after drinking.

"Is it really that delicious?" Madam Xiao felt fulfilled.

"Well, really, Mom, thank you." Tang Yaoyao really thanked you.

"No thanks, it's all a family, and that's the only thing Mom can do for you."

Madam Xiao sighed and felt very sorry for not protecting her.

Seeing her doing this, Tang Yaoyao leaned forward and said something in her ear.

Madam Xiao listened carefully, stared at Tang Yaoyao in surprise, and finally smiled relievedly.

"Yao'er, you have endured harm for this family that you shouldn't have." Madam Xiao had no choice but to do it.

"Fortunately, it didn't cause a big mistake."

Madam Xiao regretted herself.

She has eyes and no beads, she has seen the wrong person.

Also caused so much trouble.

She regretted that Tang Yaoyao was involved.

"Mom, I am happy with you."

After drinking the **** soup, Tang Yaoyao felt a lot warmer.

Sweet and warm, the mood suddenly brightened.

Mainly this home is very warm.

Whether it's Mrs. Xiao or Xiao Zhenqiao, one is enthusiastic inside and outside, the other is cold on the outside, but very soft on the inside.

Either way, she was very moved.

Madam Xiao's attention was focused on Tang Yaoyao.

When Xiao Jinhan came, seeing that Tang Yaoyao had **** soup to drink, he couldn't help asking, "Mom, where's mine?"

Mrs. Xiao said: "You big man, what **** soup do you drink?"

Xiao Jinhan said: "On weekdays, you always say that I live too casually. Let me make up for it. This is the time."

Mrs. Xiao rolled her eyes: "Go, go, go, it's none of your business."

All her thoughts were on her daughter-in-law.

This confirms one thing, the daughter-in-law is biological.

The son was just an accident.

At night, when Xiao Zhenqiao came back, the house was quiet

He sat on the sofa for a while, looking cold, as if thinking about something.

After a while, he got up again.

Madam Xiao came out to see him and shouted: "Zhen Qiao."

"Has Yao'er slept yet?" Xiao Zhenqiao asked.

"Sleep." Mrs. Xiao said: "Fortunately, the cold is here, I can comfort her."

"What does she like to eat, and make something she likes tomorrow." Xiao Zhenqiao exhorted: "Where she wants to go, go with her. Be patient and don't treat her badly."

Mrs. Xiao smiled, only to think that her old man was open to the public: "Husband, you are a knife mouth and a tofu heart."

Xiao Zhenqiao sank his face, and he couldn't hold back his face. He changed the subject and said, "It's late at night, let's go to rest."

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