I was thinking

I gestured to the waiter for more wine and looked at Kane as if to ask him to speak more properly.

“You have a lot of money and items.”

Kane, too, refills the wine, shakes the glass, and swallows a sip, which he would say in an incoherent voice.

“However, if you use it generously and move and solve your work, it is no different from breeding. It may not be the true strength you want.”


I listened with interest, and this time I tasted the sweet dessert wine and ate another slice of Luna’s bread.

“So it would be nice to put some restrictions on the usual.”

“Ok, fine. Give me an example, Kane.”

“Until I ask for help. You don’t step out.”

I grew salty at Kane’s words.

Just kidding, really.

Are the words coming out of that guy’s mouth?

Even if the situation has already been ruined and flying spaghetti is descending from the sky, will he ask me for help?

“I don’t think that would be a good standard?”


“For now, put one hand on your heart.”

Even though he had a cold face at my words, he was still young and pure Kane, so he raised his hand straight up on his chest.

“And ask yourself if you have a conscience, you bastard. Do you think the moment will come when you say that to me?”

Slowly, Kane’s hand went down from his chest.

“… Why do you think he won’t come?”

I… Damn, shameless.

Rather, I watched Kane ask me back, and then I threw a question at Luna.

“Do you think Luna will ask me for help?”

“to… no.”

I can’t say that out loud, really.

Luna didn’t want to order one mini apple pie but looked at me in surprise and added two more.

Yes, it’s good to eat all three of them.

“Anyway, waiting until it comes out of your mouth is dismissal.”

I put my fork on its side, cut the crispy pie like a knife, scooped out a piece, dipped it into my mouth, and shook the fork from side to side.

“good. I will erase the condition of asking for help after the words come out of my mouth. but.”

Kane also looks down at the apple pie, cuts it into bite-sized pieces, puts it in his mouth, and closes his eyes.

“I just want to receive the right level of support.”

If Kane yielded a step, I should too.

In the first place, that guy’s autonomy is important.

I chewed and nodded.

“good. Instead, if I think you’re being too stubborn, I’ll do whatever I want.”

Kane responds to my threat, but Luna, who has already eaten the apple pie, glances at me.

“If Luna wants something too, tell me.”

“I am… support… I want to be pampered.”

That sounds good to hear.

“Okay, tell me anything.”

At my words, Luna blushed, brought out the menu, flipped through it, and poked something with her finger.

“this… Sardine pudding… I want to try it.”


that’s why i’m here

I said it with a straight face at once, and Luna’s ears slightly drooped.

But what is not possible is not possible.

Sure, the sardine pudding here could be delicious, but I didn’t want to take that risk.


“If you’ve had a big one, you should write it. is not it?”

We ate and drank moderately and talked, and it was quite late at night.

Now that the surroundings have changed to look more like a bar than a restaurant, I’m wondering if I should get up and go to the lodging I took upstairs.

“What are you, son of a b*tch!”


At that moment, a glass flew towards me and Luna.


I reflexively opened the shield and pulled Luna toward me. And soon, in front of my nose, the glass bounced up into the sky, and soon after, Kane caught it falling into the scabbard.

“It would be better to go up to the seul dorm.”

“Ugh… Iknow, right… … .”

Kane probably grabbed the sword in its scabbard, raised the flying glass upwards, and then took it back.

I slowly moved my wrist to move the glass to the table, but someone staggered towards me, drunk.

“Oh my, I’m sorry. The group on our side sighed. Too drunk!”

He himself is too drunk, one eye is loose and half-closed, and a glass full of beer is shaking precariously in the other hand.

Everywhere he stumbled, he was dripping beer onto the floor, soaking it.

“What is human… … .”

“You man. That’s racial discrimination.”

Seeing him come closer and bow his head in apology, Luna and I waved their hands saying that it was okay, but Kane’s sharp eyes could not be relieved.

“Let’s stop and go upstairs.”

Feeling tired after eating a lot, I was about to go up to the second floor while rubbing my neck, but Kane glanced behind me.

“Why again?”


Suspicious, the main character… … .

I looked at Kane, shook my head once, and moved on.

* * *

‘One… … .’

‘When I’m sleeping… … .’

Kane pinpointed the voice amidst the raucous noise.

‘Certainly, it’s the same person.’

The feeling of incongruity felt from the moment the cup flew.

Kane yawned and grabbed Adelian, who was about to enter the far end of the three rooms that were held side by side, and pushed him into the middle room he was about to use.

“uh? Why all of a sudden?”


Cain glanced at Luna as he watched Adelian enter the middle room without saying anything, perhaps because he thought it was nothing, or because he was tired.

“Broken… sir… Have a good night’s sleep… … .”

“Luna and you sleep well.”

After sending Adelian in, Kane turned his head and put his lips to Luna’s big ears and whispered in a low voice.

“You won’t have to sleep all day.”

“to… why?”

“I have a bad feeling.”

If it’s nothing special, that’s it.

Luna, who was a little short of sleep, could get some sleep supplementation along the way if Kane himself guided her on a horse.

If there’s anything special, it’s because he has at least one shield to protect Adelian while he’s moving.

‘That head, well. Even if you put it back, you can’t believe that body.’

Adelian’s reflexes aren’t very bad, but they’re not very good either, so I don’t think Adelian can get up and respond right away.

So, he deliberately placed Adelian’s accommodation between himself and Luna.

Kane entered the room attached to the outer wall at the far end and scanned the room.

“There is only one window.”

I lightly tap the wall on the side of the room where Adelian is.

This is enough to break it in case of emergency.

After pulling back the curtains on the window, Kane opened a book he had taken out of his luggage, using the moonlight that shone faintly through the small crack that was slightly open.

‘I don’t know the intention of giving this away.’

A thin, titleless book.

The book Adelian had said before that he could take it out of his bookshelf was Adelian’s own diary.


The sheets, smeared white by the moonlight, pass slowly one by one.

As if the bar on the first floor had also been cleared, it was now quiet everywhere, and the sound of crying all night was scattered in the distance.

If nothing else happened, he was going to send the dawn this way, but Kane’s eyes as he was scanning the diary moved slowly upward.


The sound of a book closing cuts through the silence.

Kane silently walked with the sword Adelian gave him while holding Batu, and leaned his back against the wall next to the window.

“Don’t take a deep breath.”

“Anyway, only one of the group said he was eating a meal with a knife. Besides, children, they must be dreaming of sucking on a baby bottle by now. is not it?”

“Be sure to kill half of the guy with golden hair who looks like a parasitic brother, because he handed over our child.”

“Did you spend some money to get it from the guards?”


The sound was so small that ordinary people couldn’t hear it even if they put their ears against the wall, but Kane, who reached the mana user, heard it clearly.


From noble mtl dot com.

A glass of sake that flew as if it were aimed at.

It looked like he was drunk, but he took a step to avoid a piece of food that had fallen on the floor.

In that, Kane felt a sense of incongruity.

Do you have time to worry about the soles of your shoes while staggering around?

‘Besides the smell of blood.’

Washing once or twice and pretending to have a binge won’t completely erase the smell of blood.

“I heard you said when you booked a room that you would use the last room.”

“If it’s not, you can just beat them all and make them fools.”

I hear something scraping against the window.

It’s a dull sound, probably because something like a bandage was wrapped around it to reduce the metallic sound, but maybe this.

‘It’s a hook.’

Cain carefully peered out, leaving only a small gap in the curtains beforehand.

I could clearly see that two hooks, painted black, were hanging from the window sill so that they would not shine in the moonlight.

“really… It’s an attack… ”

Luna, who has a keen sense of hearing, sneaks into the room and stands opposite Kane as if hiding herself, probably because Kane warned her in advance and didn’t fall asleep.

“at once.”

Low and short, without further words.

At Kane’s words, Luna nodded as if she understood. and.


The window slowly opens and someone puts his head on the window sill, but Kane grabs his collar and pulls it inside.


A single-word scream.

Before it continued, he pressed it to the floor, climbed on it, and pressed his knee to the neck belt to fix it, then covered his mouth with one hand.


And the second person, who did not think the first person was dragged in, comes up to the room and before he can react, Luna moves and kicks the head as it is.

“oh… When you die… … !”

“Isn’t it hopeless already?”

“no… … !”

Luna grabbed the body that was falling backwards and dragged it inside, but Kane looked at her shaking head and said something to Luna, and Luna grumbled.

“big… up… Kut!”

Wouldn’t it be more likely to kill him if he held his breath with his knee?

Seeing Luna’s eyes, Kane looked at the man who was crushed beneath him with his mouth closed so he couldn’t scream.

“how will we do it.”

“If you kill… I don’t think… … .”

It was a common occurrence in the grasslands. After catching the criminal, just kill it and bury it in the ground.

but not here

“Bocchan… You’ll be bothered… … .”

In the dark mage’s secret dungeon, people died one day at a time.

There were many cases where he personally gave rest with his small hands to those who were sacrificed in the experiment and couldn’t live or die and cried out to Kane for an end.

‘But there is no sulfur pit here.’

The interests of Kane and Luna coincided.

Don’t kill, just stun.

It was the first time Kane had done it, but with a skillful hand movement, he turned the neck of the man underneath him and knocked him out, then lifted him up on his shoulder and stood up.

“Leave it on the guard and bring it.”

“I am… Cut now… … .”

Another man with a dangling neck on top of that shoulder patted his mouth after Luna put it on, yawned, and rubbed his eyes.

* * *

The bed was somehow uncomfortable, so I took out the duvet in the subspace and covered it, so I got a good night’s sleep.

I slept like a dorongi and there was no noise.

“Still, I slept pretty well.”

Before Luna wakes up, I wake up first and look out the window, and it feels more real that I finally come out to a different scenery instead of the gymnasium I usually see.


“Oh, wake up. I’ll go.”

This timid yet cautious knock is 100% Luna.

After I spoke slowly, I put the bedding back into the subspace and got up.

“young master… A good night’s sleep… Did you sleep?”

As I stretched out, everyone was standing in front of the door as if they had woken up and started talking to me as if welcoming me.

I nodded when asked if I had a good night’s sleep without being too noisy last night, and met Kane’s eyes with a strange look.

Luna once.

Kane once.

“What did you guys do yesterday?”

The atmosphere is strange.

At my question, Kane slightly narrowed his brows, and Luna slightly jumped up.

“star… It didn’t matter… well… I slept… … .”


No, what is the mood right now?

what. You left me to sleep last night, what about the two of you? what did you do

Looking at my suspicious eyes as I descended to the first floor, Kane smirked and turned his gaze away, while Luna was restless and opened her mouth.

“morning… what… Would you like… … ?”

There’s no way the two of us met last night and talked about me all night… … .

once it goes But I’ll keep an eye on it. With that in mind, he pointed his finger at my eyes once, Luna and Kane once, and said.

“What is the breakfast set meal?”

“I saw… With a sandwich… Beef stew?”

“It will be delicious.”

I licked my lips and laughed, and thanks to that, Luna smiled broadly as the atmosphere created a slippery slope.

“I am both.”

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