Episode 52

The Pelaron Mountains in the eastern part of Baran Kingdom.

This place, which completely blocked the road to the east of the kingdom, was full of high-level monsters such as trolls, sasquatch, and grorr.

It is difficult for humans to even pass through the outskirts, truly a paradise for monsters!

The man in the Hahoe mask casually walked through the cave in the mountain range.

After passing a few crossroads, a wooden door with Haetae engraved on it appeared.

“There are no other intruders.”

The man removed the pine needles from the doorknob and slowly opened the door.

In the next moment, a different world appeared along with light.

A clear stream flows on the floor, and all kinds of beautiful flowers and herbs are everywhere. It is full of animals like deer.

It was the first point of Hwalbindang and a panoramic view of Yuldoguk, the hidden stronghold.

“I am here.”



straight up. The muscular knights who roamed the tile-roofed houses all over the place saluted in unison.


“He is inside.”

“Yeah, you keep this. Anything to report?”

“This time, we captured all 10 knights and 150 soldiers who came with the subjugation party and put them in prison.”

“Receive 3 gold per head, ten times the knight.”


The Hahoe Mask man who deposited the money headed for a tile-roofed house in the middle of the street.

“Did you come?”

Upon entering the tile-roofed house, a young man wearing glasses greeted me.

“What about things?”

“It’s warm.”

The Hahoe mask man lined up the items he took out. The young man with clink glasses who checked the stolen goods said.

“Hey, this is all great. Aren’t there things that can’t be sold because there aren’t any rare and unique ones in the 140 level?”

“Evaluate. Because it has to be sold.”


bow bin party.

If, by luck, Kindorhan were the kings of nightlife and nightlife in the game world, they were the leaders in the hidden goods trade in the back world that supplied them with goods.

He was the first to pioneer not only player areas, but also places where there were only NPCs, and trade stolen goods.

At this point, it was the most famous fence and information guild in the shadows.

The composition is a thorough point organization.

Even if a few branch locations are identified, no one can know who the leader or subordinates are, or what the organizational chart looks like.

The two people here were each in charge of the boss and sub-head of the Hwalbindang.

“The condition of things, are you okay?”

“That’s right. If you report it to the Grand Duke, the Revolution Points will be good.”

“What about the newcomers?”

“In training. I think I will be able to have an assortment soon.”

“If you don’t have enough money, don’t ask for permission from me and tell the grand duke, because that’s how you get support.”

The support of the Archduke, the most powerful person in the Kingdom of Baran!

Not only money, but also support in various ways such as manpower and buildings, and receive revolution points instead.

Since the powerful NPCs outside were knights of the Grand Duke, the rapid growth of Hwalbindang was, in a way, a natural result.

“But hyung, why did you go out yourself this time?”


“This black trade. In the meantime, I only sent my subordinates. Why did you go by yourself this time?”

Hong Gil-dong scratched his chin at Woo-chi Jeon’s question.

“Just curious.”

“what? Kindorhan?”

“There is nothing to discuss about Kindorhan. will be a giant similar to me.”

It hasn’t been long since I started, but that’s already it. There was no doubt that it would grow further in the future.

“Then I found out about Kindorhan’s sponsor. Who is it, a foreign NPC?”

“No, I am a player.”


“… … .”

“how was it?”

At the young man’s question, the man in the Hahoe Mask grinned.

“There was no way to discuss it.”

Although he is a necromancer, his weapons and body are strong enough to be similar to that of a warrior.

What’s even more surprising is that the Skeleton Soldiers and Necromancer subordinates are powerful enough.

Seeing as he came to trade stolen goods, he didn’t make any money, but I couldn’t guess what kind of person he was.

After hearing the answer, the man in the clink glasses said.

“Then you should look carefully. You never know when the dumplings will run out.”

“It’s good to have rice cakes, but don’t forget, our play concept is a real bandit.”

“That’s why you lead the resistance.”

When they first started playing the game, the two of them were determined to become bandits all the time.

Even now, leading the largest fence organization in Korea, that promise was valid.

“It’s done. It’s a good product, so you can sell it right away.”

“Okay, then shall we go?”

It was time to hand over the used item to its new owner.

Of course, I didn’t know if the owner was the same as the previous owner or not.

* * *

– You have logged out.

Clinking, Kim Kang-han, who opened the capsule and came out, stretched.

“You had a good time today.”

It was getting dark outside as the setting sun was disappearing.

The life of repeating a life of playing games for 10 hours a day, exercising for 2 hours, and collecting information or reading the rest is now fully established.

The price of focusing on the game like that?

Kim Kang-han opened the smartphone messenger.

Horizon Market.

-1,500,000 won has been deposited.

‘He’s healthy today too.’

1.5 million won.

It was a huge amount, but in terms of gold, it was only about 15 gold.

From noble mtl dot com.

‘One million won from robbing the Kingsman Guild, and 500,000 won from hunting and quests.’

Making 1 to 1.5 million won in net profit per day.

Among the self-employed, a large-scale restaurant, which was quite successful, was able to make such a net profit.

‘Anyway, since there are stable traders, the stolen goods are quite good.’

Usually, it takes a lot of hard work to entrust stolen goods to a fence.

This is because the need to remain undetected costs money to maintain secrecy, and most merchants have many problems, such as being overcharged or delaying payment.

Hwalbindang was different. Unlike the chatterbox, he paid the price immediately after the deal was concluded.

‘I remember they were great guys in the original novel too.’

Their identity is none other than Resistance!

After the kingdom of Baran fell to the orcs in the original work.

After the background expands outside the kingdom, it grows into a huge organization that handles stolen goods from users all over the world.

If there is a ‘Wings of Hermes’ guild in the sun, it is said that there are these ‘Hwangbindang’ in the dark.

‘It’s clean and there’s no trouble, and if it’s certain to be successful, there’s nothing to lose by opening it in advance.’

It was an opponent worth making a connection with by asking Kindorhan.

‘It’s honey.’

From opening up the best business partners to a jackpot amount.

The corners of Kim Kang-han’s mouth went up.

‘It would be nice if it continued on days like today.’

Kim Kang-han staring at the night sky with hard work.

I felt proud because I felt like I had a good day today.

It was then.

Around the time Kim Kang-han was in a happy mood.

Ding dong!

“Who is it?”

When I opened the door at the sound of the doorbell, there was a crazy b*tch in a tracksuit.

“Oh Han-byeol? why are you here… … .”

“Are you awake? Did you wake up earlier?”

“No way.”

Sleeping during the day and waking up at night is a shortcut to ruining your health!

It was a life pattern that Kim Kang-han, who received the body care quest, should absolutely avoid.

“So what did you come for? Side dishes are still left.”

“It’s not a side dish. I’m here because of my dad.”


Hanbyeol Oh continued.

“My dad, it’s his 60th birthday this fall. don’t you know that either? Because I didn’t care.”


After being possessed in a novel, Kim Kang-han did not neglect to find family relationships and Oh Jin-hwan’s past history.

Thanks to this, we were able to confirm that Jinhwan Oh had a bad relationship with his parents and that the reason was because of his studies or career.

‘Still, seeing that the 60th birthday was mentioned, it wasn’t so far-fetched that I completely disowned it.’

If coffee is something like Internet community rumors, then Oh Jin-hwan is about coffee-flavored toothpaste.

‘I’d like to refuse with a good reason, but… … . There are quests, so I can’t help it.’

As long as there is a quest for a happy ending, in order to resolve an uncomfortable relationship, you will have no choice but to reach out your hand first.

“Okay, I’ll set aside time.”

“I told you. Don’t say you haven’t heard.”

“I know.”

“That’s it.”

Oh Han-byeol turns around right away.

Then, Kang-Han Kim held out his hand.

“Eat whatever you came before and go. It’s about time.”


Oh Han-byeol remembers Oh Jin-hwan as a so-called roommate.

But Oh Jin-hwan said to cook, eat and go?

“Are you kidding?”

Oh Han-byeol smiled and asked.

I wasn’t kidding.


Kim Kang-han brought a good kimchi stew and shared it. Oh Han-byul, who suspiciously put the spoon in her mouth, was startled.

“Is it delicious?”

“Well, it’s delicious.”

I’ve done quite a bit of cooking since I was a pro gamer, or even before that.

When he showed his skills without regret, Kim Kang-han’s kimchi stew came out with a taste that could be sold at any restaurant.

“… … kinda okay Where did you learn it?”

“Just what.”

Oh Han-byeol, who had been emptying the bowl without a word, headed to a corner of the house this time.

“Oh, that one!”


“I know, but why is this here?”

“hmm… … .”

Kim Kang-han shrugged and said.

“It will be known anyway, so it doesn’t matter if I tell you first. Actually, I’m making money with that.”

“As a game? money?”

Hanbyeol Oh’s eyes widened. Kim Kang-han sighed inwardly.

‘This must be very difficult.’

Oh Jin-hwan’s family were people who trembled when it came to games.

No matter how popular the recent Horizon is, there will be no good words coming out.

‘I can’t help it. I have no choice but to tell you when the profits come later.’

It was then.

Around the time Kim Kang-han was preparing for the next command.

“okay? How is the game going?”

Oh Han-byul’s answer was quite different from what was expected.

“well? hmm… … . It’s growing just fine. and make money.”

“Can you earn enough to live on?”

“That’s right.”

“All right then. You seem to be living a good life.”

Kim Kang-han expected a cold reaction, but Oh Han-byeol willingly accepted it.

“What about the game? What game are you playing?”

“Horizon… … .”

“ah… … . My friend said that too. Is it that much fun?”

In this world, the perception of games is much better than reality.

Unlike the reality where making money through games was unconditionally looked down on, it was a job that was good enough and had a good social status if you had talent.

“Rather than that, I didn’t know that my brother had such a talent, but what happened?”

“what… … . Because I didn’t even know until recently.”

“Anyway, that’s fine. In the past, I was just an idiot, but now I know how to cover my own path.”

Kim Kang-han let out a sigh of relief.

‘I lived thanks to the people of the world in the game novel. If it had been the same situation in real life, there would have been an uproar.’

Fortunately, Oh Han-byeol didn’t talk about it anymore and moved on.

After the meal, when the stomach went black, Oh Han-byeol stood up without hesitation.

“Then I’ll really go.”

“Are you going?”

“I have to go to my evening workout. It’s good to make money playing games, but don’t get too carried away. I heard that there are a lot of people who died after that.”


“And since I said it, I know I’m really going to die if you don’t come later saying I didn’t hear it.”

Oh Han-byul, who had finished showing her fist, turned around and walked away.

Kim Kang-han, who was left alone, shrugged.

‘Is it still better than before?’

The first time we met, he was cold as if he was an enemy, but this time, he even responded that he was unexpected, so he was pretty good at it.

‘It’s probably because of the rice, right?’

I didn’t know anything else, but I was confident in simple dishes like kimchi stew and soybean paste stew.

Perhaps the stew changed Oh Han-byul’s attitude.

Kim Kang-han shrugs.

It was then.

-Intimacy with your sister has increased.

– The surrounding environment has changed in a more positive direction.

– Karma has risen.

– Memory slightly increased.

– Slightly increased willpower.

A message from the artist appeared before my eyes.

‘no… … .’

Kim Kang-han was slightly surprised and clicked his tongue after watching it.

‘To give something like this just because the reaction got a little better, this might be honey.’

Looking for real quests, there might be more things to do than I thought.

The main quests given by the writer were in the game, so it was okay to just ignore them, but I felt like I would regret it later, even after reaching the peak.

‘Okay, then remember to go in the fall… … .’

Kim Kang-han came back and opened a website. It is to check for updates or news before logging in tomorrow.

Upon opening the WWH main page, familiar menus and bulletin boards appeared.

It was then.

– Massive update scheduled!

-Horizon’s developer, Co., Ltd. Titan announces new updates and events.

-The event will be a main stream, and all users can participate. Further information has yet to be revealed.

– Meanwhile, the reaction of the users… … .

“It’s finally out.”

Watching the news, Kim Kang-han clenched his fists and took a deep breath.

Finally, Horizon’s first main event was about to begin.

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