Chapter 112

Fafnir headed to the tunnel with the party.

“I can’t call them all.”

Colleagues agreed with Fafnir’s opinion after looking around the tunnel.

“It’s comfortable to have skeletons around.”

Shihyeon pursed her lips.

“But sister, summoning all the skeletons in such a small place would be rather unfavorable to the fight.”

“I know that much!”

Leaving the two sisters behind, Fafnir started by analyzing the landmarks.

‘Currently, I can summon up to 30 summons. However, summoning everyone in such a narrow aisle with a width of about 6m is inefficient and can endanger the party at the same time.’

match. After thinking, Fafnir clapped.

“I called, Warlock.”

“Did you call, Master.”

Penelope and Bell.

After that, elite skeletons from No. 1 to No. 5 were summoned.

“Wait, if it’s crowded with summoned beasts, it might damage the battle, right?”

At Sihyeon’s question, Fafnir waved his finger.

“Then my summons will be more useful than you.”

“what? Did you say anything?”

“Once you see it, you will know.”

Fafnir beckoned, and No. 1 stepped forward.

“No. 1.”




Emotions of bewilderment flow out beyond the skull gourd.

Fafnir smiled broadly.

‘As my Skeleton Mastery skills go up, even a single Skeleton comes to have emotions.’

Fafnil pursues an efficient game.

Such a person will usually like a plan that puts reason ahead of emotion.

This is a stereotype.

“No. 1, this is an order. You scout at the forefront, observing the entire situation on the field. Run away in case of danger. If you can’t escape, fight and break.”

“Just… … . just… … .”

Number 1 comes in, gritting its teeth in dissatisfaction.

chin. Fafnir smiled as he placed his hand on Number 1’s skull.

“No~. If it breaks, I will restore it perfectly.”

“Just… … . just… … .”

“Don’t you think he’s a bit scared?”

“He used to be that kind of person… … .”

The sisters whispered inaudible to Fafnir.

I heard everything, of course.

No. 1 shuddered and pushed himself into the narrow shaft.

Fafnil was seated.

“Shared view.”

Beep. Number 1’s sight turned on.

After a while, No. 1 returned.

“I couldn’t figure out all of the roads, but I learned some of the monster patterns.”

“… … ! already?”

“moon… … . Dalgrak. (Lord, Master.)”

“Number 1, good job.”

Fafnir stroked No. 1’s skull.

From noble mtl dot com.

“Then you must have grasped the pattern, let’s enter.”

“yes? Are you done with one?”

“We couldn’t figure out all the patterns, but we did all the rough patterns. Because No. 1 is more competent than I thought.”

Sister Shihyeon couldn’t believe it at all.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been with Fafnir.

However, it is not so easy to understand monster patterns and search for dungeon features.

Investing quite a bit of time even in large guilds overflowing with capital and manpower.

“Still, there is a variable that you don’t know… … .”

“Ah, if that’s the case, you don’t have to worry.”

Fafnil took out a piece of paper and wrote a rough outline.

“Anyway, small patterns and unknown variables can be overcome by ad hoc. All you need is the main pattern and dangerous part of the golem. Because that’s all you need to know.”

Fafnil’s explanation was simple. But they all got to the point.

“no… … . To clear the dungeon so easily?”


Fafnir asked for what he needed or not.

“Okay, now that we’ve got the information, let’s get some tattoos on the summoned beasts.”

“Ah yes.”

The needle of the demonstration passed over the skeleton soldiers.

It worked every time.

[New School: Lego Tattoo (Hidden)]

-Rating: Unique

-Classification: Active

-Consumed MP: 120

– Duration: 2 hours


– Increases weapon penetration by +36

-Increases penetration damage by +13%

-Physical attack power increased by +65

– When using a special dye, a related bonus effect is created.

– Skill level: 3

‘It’s a great effect. This level of performance is likely to appear only in the middle and late half of the novel, isn’t it?’

Usually, tattoos tend to learn a skill book according to a set pattern.

Users can create their own, but the effect of such a tattoo is not that great.

“Did you think of this yourself?”

“Ah, that’s embarrassing… … .”

Siyeon smiled bashfully.

“Does stepping on Lego hurt to the core? My sister asked me to try it, so I tried it… … . How does it work… … .”

“Hmm, but Lego hurts.”

“Click? (What is Lego?)”

Number 2 tilted its head. Fafnil pondered for a while before answering.

“Did you get hit by Kim Chul’s fist not too long ago? If you step on it, it hurts more than that.”

“Talking… … . Exactly!”

No. 2’s lower jaw joint, which had been wide open, fell to the floor.

“Dalgrak! (It’s scary to engrave something like that on your body!)”

“Rank. (Don’t be afraid, that’s how strong we are.)”

“Dalgak! Dalgak! (Then it’s worth a try!)”

Number 1 read through the fearful Number 2. In the meantime, Penelope and Belle also got tattoos.

“The fighting style of the barbarians… … . I’d say it’s helpful in battle, but… … .”

Next to Penelope, who looked reluctant.

Bell, who was getting a tattoo, opened her mouth.

“Master, why don’t you leave the cowardly person alone and give me more favor?”

“what? Are you scared?”

“Aren’t you too afraid to get a tattoo on your body?”

“Wow, that’s scary! just reluctant… … .”

“That’s what people say they’re afraid of.”

Unlike Penelope, who was human.

As a homunculus, Bell had no objection or prejudice to tattoos.

Fafnir stopped the two minions before they collided.

“Both of you stop. If you want to fight each other, I’ll set up a stage for you later.”

“No, sorry. I lost my composure for a moment.”

“As the master said.”

while talking about things.

The tattoo treatment is over.

“Now then, shall we go right away?”

The tunnel was dark and narrow. Fafnir’s party carefully made their way through them.

“They are human.”

“Don’t get close, they might kidnap us and use us as slaves.”

Ignore above, ignore below!

Despite being ignored by the Dwarves, Fafnir persevered through the quest.

“Ooh… … !”

An arm made of metal and rock surged from the darkness.

“Come, move as we have told you before!”

At Fafnir’s instruction, the Skeleton Soldiers scattered all at once.

The golem let out a loud scream as it stabbed the spear at the same time from the front and back.


Even if you try to turn around, the tunnel is narrow and it is not easy.

The large size rather caught the ankle.

“Blood sword!”

Bell did not stand still. A red sword was summoned in Bell’s hand.

As Bell raised his sword, the golem’s body staggered.

When Penelope joined in, the golem soon lost its power and shattered into pieces.

“uh… … .”

Sihyeon, who was watching the entire process, said with a confused expression.

“Is this too easy?”

“… … It must be a weakened entity.”

It is always forbidden to be careless. Fafnir headed down without slowing down.

However, after the second and third battles ended easily, Fafnir had no choice but to admit it.

“These guys are weaker than I thought.”

Skeleton soldiers who have dealt with meteorite crystal golems many times.

Now, even a few rock golems couldn’t stop it.

“Click click click! (Poke it in the back!)”

“Click click! (I’m doing it!)”

It’s the same situation that people who have completed college courses do middle school homework!

“I will go too. Hiyaaa!”

Sihyeon joined in with a grotesque scream.

Fafnir’s Skeleton Soldier, Vision, and the minions’ pincer attack quickly knocked the rock golems down.

-Experience gained.

– Completed the completion conditions for the quest ‘Distrust towards strangers (normal)’.

“It was so easy that I fainted.”

Fafnir realized that the level of the rock golem was close to 300 only after completing the quest.

“It’s surprisingly significant.”

If it wasn’t for the meteorite crystal golem, it would have been quite difficult.

In fact, it was easy to catch it because of several coincidences, but usually it was correct that the tunnel collapsed and suffered an accident or a difficult attack.

“Shall we go back then?”


Fafnil took out pickaxes and handed them out to everyone.

“It’s a good vein for dwarves to settle down in, so let’s dig something up.”


Fafnir, who swallowed saliva, continued.

“I’m hungry, so let’s have a meal.”

* * *

After hunting and mining, Fafnir’s party came out of the mine.

‘The mining efficiency isn’t as good as I thought.’

Except for the blacksmith, Demonstration, everyone else’s performance was not very good.

Thanks to the Skeleton Soldiers, the number of digs was high, but the proof was that there were no luxury items.

‘Still, I’m glad I can satisfy my hunger.’

Fafnir, who solved the meal with ore, returned to Gregson.

“Seeing that you came back so quickly, it seems that the limit has come soon. I haven’t told anyone, but there’s a way to catch them more easily… … .”

At Graxon’s words, Fafnir shook his head.

“it’s okay. I got them all.”


“Here is the evidence.”

Fafnir showed me ten stone golem cores.

Graxon, who was examining the core, admired it greatly.

“Amazing, I really didn’t expect to make it. Even so fast! With this, everyone will know that you are a stronger adventurer than you think and that you are not the enemy of the dwarves.”

-Distrust towards strangers (normal) has been completed.

-Experience gained.

-Graxon’s affinity has increased by +5.

– Your reputation has risen by 1.

When I checked the experience, it was up by about 5%.

With experience that wasn’t bad, he was able to open up a conversation with other dwarves.

“With this, you must have the skills to face a real threat.”

While being proud, Gregson poured cold water on him.

“A real threat?”

“The rock golems are tricky enemies, but they don’t stop me from mining metal. We dwarves have been fighting since ancient times.”

Gregson pointed out of town.

“Outside the village, beyond the barrier, there is a place called the Forest of Illusions. The dark trends there are the true main threat to us dwarves.”

“Isn’t there a castle wall?”

“The problem isn’t that. We dwarves get hives on our bodies if we don’t hit the iron for even a day, but we absolutely need firewood to knock that iron. Until now, I’ve been diligently digging trees in that forest. Even if there were forest monsters, the warriors’ axes overwhelmed them. However, the dark mana dwelled, the black magician cooperated, and powerful dark trends blocked the forest. Our dead compatriots have resurrected to attack us, and our mighty warriors have lost their pulse.”

Fafnir was able to know that the opponents who were harassing the Dwarves were the black magicians.

“After they took over the forest, we are running out of firewood. I use coal and fire mana stones, but there are many shortcomings. In that respect, the Trents are our true enemies right now.”

Even if they weren’t frenzied zombies, Trents were very difficult opponents for the Dwarves.

“It’s enough just to catch the rock golem, but if you catch the treants, you’ll definitely be judged as friendly to the village.”

I even did the laundry and the dishes, and I was told to clean the bathroom and empty the trash can!

“All right. We deal with trends.”

Fafnil nodded.

“By the way, if you complete this instead, could you do me one more small favor?

“Tell me.”

“Actually, I wanted to touch the metal a little while working, but I couldn’t get a feel for it because I was doing it alone. Looking at your hands earlier, you seem to have reached a level where you can handle metal freely. If possible, I would like you to tell me a little about the basics of mining.”

skillful uncle.

“Hoo… … !”

Gregson nodded.

“It’s not normal to know that. okay It’s nothing special, so I’ll be happy to teach you.”

– A new quest ‘True Dwarves Threat (Magic)’ has been created.

-Dwarven mining skill (rare) has been added to the reward.

Rather than receiving ore directly, learning how to mine will allow you to continue mining metals in many places.

It was for finding something to eat anyway, so the quality didn’t matter much.

“thank you. Then let’s go.”

“Here is my note. Give this to the guard and he won’t be suspicious.”

“thank you.”

After leaving the forge, Fafnir headed out of the city.

“for a moment! you guys there!

A young Dwarf guard standing guard on the castle wall blocked their way.

“Is something fishy? You said you would come into the city and leave again in less than a day?”

The young dwarf looked at the party suspiciously.

“Aren’t you your spy? Since they have explored all the information and topography inside the city, they must be giving it to the strangers outside.”

“Absolutely not. Here is proof of confirmation.”

Seeing the note, the young dwarf narrowed his eyes.

“I’ve read all the contents, but I’m suspicious.”

“What do you mean?”

“How can you believe you got it all? You could have bought it at a store, or you could have gotten it from the Crossfire guys.”

“hey! Did you say anything?”

The moment Sihyeon was about to raise Jupiter, Siyeon quickly stopped her sister.

Dwarves have strong pride. There is no need to touch the planting.

However, Fafnir was one step ahead of him.

From noble mtl dot com.

“You’re talking about bullsh*t.”



The dwarves, as well as the Sihyeon and Siyeon sisters, widened their eyes.

“Now, wait a minute. Fafnir-sama, to the dwarves… … .”

Fafnir moved first.

“What, what is this b*tch!”

The moment the Dwarf was cursing and trying to counterattack.

Fafnir’s speed was beyond imagination.

The sword was already aimed at the dwarf’s neck.

The moment the Dwarf tried to block it by swinging his axe, Fafnir pulled his upper body and reached it at a very short distance.

jump. Fafnir opened his mouth and bit the ax blade.

“uh… … .”

The ax is torn apart.

“It is delicious. Is it because they are dwarves after all?”

Fafnir opened his eyes and stared at the bewildered Dwarf.

“It’s not even an NPC, so do you think I’m going to squirm at the player?”

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