193 – Final Battle (4)

– Jiing…! Jiing…!


She wanted to properly observe the young Rumia who appeared before her eyes, but her perspective rotated too quickly.

“Have you already been caught…?”

As I was squinting to get used to the moment that had suddenly changed again, I soon heard the sound of a siren and the voice of an urgent heart.

“It shouldn’t be like this…”

In her shared field of vision, the children in the lab appear with very nervous expressions.

Looking at it, it seems that Heart was trying to secretly let the children escape from this laboratory.

“There it is!”

“Catch it!”


But seeing as there was such a big commotion, it seemed like they were discovered while escaping.

– Ride, ride, ride…!

“Come on, get behind me!!!”

Heart, who was in a cold sweat, urgently steps in front of the children and stretches out his arms when he hears the sound of shouting and gunfire coming from afar.

‘…Is it okay to be like that?’

It was a praiseworthy act from a human perspective, but from my perspective, it was a very ignorant act.

Because if you stepped forward defenselessly without any equipment or abilities, you could easily become a beehive of bullets.



But my thoughts were spectacularly wrong.

“You’ll be safe as long as you stay behind me!”

Before the bullet even grazed the heart, the wide-eyed attackers fell to the ground one by one, foaming at the mouth.

‘…You were strong in the past too.’

It was a scary ability for someone called a saint, but its strength was clearly evident.

“Everyone this way!!”

Heart left the attackers, who had already dried up, and started running down the hallway with the children.

“It’s safe once you get past here!!”

She shouted with a bright expression on her face when she noticed the exit that was soon visible in front of her.

“No… No.”


“It won’t be safe to go over there.”

The next moment.

– Clink…!

“Because… I was expecting it all.”

The only entrance is blocked with iron, and a familiar voice begins to be heard from behind them.


“To be honest, I can’t help but be amazed.”

The concept of humility, who looked a little younger than I knew, was walking towards me, caressing his glasses.

“Why can’t you agree with our great ideas?”


“The Vatican Vatican is already on the same page as us. However, a person called a saint is acting on her own like this…”

“…Shut up.”

Heart looks at him with gritted teeth and begins to growl in a fierce voice.

“I just wanted a world where no one, especially children, starved. Not a world where unethical experiments were conducted on children without even blinking!”

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“It’s such a pity. All great things come with inevitable sacrifices…”

“Stop talking nonsense! You hypocrite!!!”

As her voice rises, her notion of humility murmurs with a cold smile.

“Well, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s like this.”



Then he glanced at the heart and quietly added to her words.

“…Because you were included in the plan from the beginning.”


She has a blank expression for a moment.

“What is that…”

– Pajijik… Pajijijik…


But before she could say anything, a black energy creeping up from behind her struck her heart.


“… I guess she should be the next saint.”

With the laughing murmur of the concept of humility, the world began to spin again.






“Uh, uh…”

After the world had been spinning for a while, Heart began to see again, and what came into view was none other than a laboratory filled with acrid smoke.

“This… Is really surprising.”


“I didn’t know it would be this suitable…”

The concept of humility, which was wrapped in bandages in the laboratory, was looking around at the heart whose hands and feet were tied with an expression of surprise.

“What are you trying to do to my body…”

“…Aha, have you come to your senses?”

Then, as soon as Heart’s voice is heard, the concept of humility asks a question with a happy expression.

“What are you going to do…!”

“It’s nothing special…”

When he quietly clapped his hands, light began to come into the dark laboratory.

“They’re just going to perform a simple surgery.”

Then the sight that began to appear before my eyes made even me, who had a good stomach, flinch for a moment.

“….Ah, ah.”

‘What are these…’

This was because there were things floating in three huge flasks that looked like human body parts, but were somehow larger and more repulsive.


But when I looked again, one of them looked quite familiar.


When I first met Kkyoreuk, he clearly had the appearance of a huge heart.

And a body part that looked exactly like it clearly existed between the creepy-looking giant brain and the giant eyeballs.

“Among these three body parts, the brain of the great being in the middle will be transplanted into you.”


While I was preoccupied with that, suddenly a shocking statement about the concept of humility began.

“In order to welcome the Day of the Apocalypse, we need to transplant the bodies of great men into four knights.”

“What is that…”

“Your abilities… So, the concept of ‘starvation’ is quite suitable for growing into the concept of starvation.

“What do you mean…?”

“…Well, it’s hard to explain everything.”

The concept of humility, where Hart is shocked by those words, but continues speaking without any hesitation.

“I understand it’s the Black Tail Project?”


“This is a project designed to bring in black beings from the outside world.”

His eyes slowly begin to turn into madness.

“You and the other four knights are the core and trigger of the project.”

“That means…”

“Death has already been created by our hands, and there are several candidates for conquest. Because of you, I almost lost the child who was secured as a candidate for war, but fortunately, he is well protected now.”


“Now, if only you would become Kia… We can complete the plan quickly.”

Then, as if overwhelmed with emotion, he spreads his arms to both sides and raises his voice, a concept of humility.

“This false world will end, and we will all become great!!!”

“Crazy bastard…”

“…So please stay calm. If you go on a rampage like last time and something goes wrong with the surgery, you could end up with a double personality.”

However, he quickly returned to his calm self and quietly patted Hart’s shoulder and whispered.

“Well, actually, there’s about a 90 percent chance of such side effects occurring. But wouldn’t it be a bad idea to bet on the remaining 10 percent?”

“You crazy bastard!!!”

Then, Heart begins to struggle with tearful eyes.

“Okay then, let’s get started.”

As she whispered the concept of humility as she looked at her heart with a mocking smile, the white-robed doctors waiting behind her quietly began to approach her.


– Tsuzuzuzuzuzu…

A few seconds later, the world started spinning again with a dizzying scream.







“…As expected, my judgment was correct.”

After the perspective has changed so quickly that I don’t know how many times it will be now.

“I thought you could survive a brain transplant from a great man…”

He was tied up in the same place, but as he looked at Heart, who had suddenly become silent, with happy eyes, he began to mutter about the concept of humility.

“You know what? There’s a saying that the body part of a great person is chosen not by the recipient, but by the transplanted body part itself.”


“I was skeptical during the last experiment where the body part itself was made into an artificial life form considering the rejection reaction, but in the end, I am certain after this experiment.”


“…If I do well, I think I will be able to infer the conditions.”

Nevertheless, there was no answer from Heart.

“Hey, try saying something.”


“If you keep doing this, I won’t know if you’re dead or alive…”

Then, for a moment, the concept of humility rears its head towards Hart with an eerie expression.

“Over there…”

In such a situation, Hart stuttered for a moment and then made a statement.

“……Who are you?”


It was a statement that made even me, seeing it from a third party’s perspective, feel my heart sink.

“Your personality has already changed, right…”

On the other hand, the concept of humility, which was muttered with a satisfied expression and then turned its head.

– Jiing…! Jiing…!


It was at that moment that the monitors behind him suddenly began to glow red and emit warning sounds.

– An intruder has occurred! An intruder has occurred!


At that notification, a momentary look of confusion passed through my eyes, and then my gaze of humility quickly turned to the monitor.

– Sigh…

It was the same for Heart, who had blank eyes.


And when her eyes turned to the monitor, even though there was no materialized body, I had no choice but to freeze.

– Se, count. It’s so scary here…?


Because the ‘intruder’ caught on the monitor is me, a child who looks to be less than 10 years old.

– Sky. You have to have a lot of courage to become a great man…

– Yes, really?

– Parents would prefer a brave Haneul rather than a weak one, right?

It was because it was Lee Se-ah who was following behind me with her back turned and a very excited smile on her face.

‘I came here…?’

I blinked and stared at that unforgettable situation for a long time.

“Of course I came here.”


I suddenly heard a voice next to me, startled me and turned my gaze to the side.

“I just don’t remember.”


But only the voice of her heart could be heard, and she could not see her.

“Because it’s a memory you intentionally forgot.”

‘What is that…’

That’s why I looked dumbfounded in that situation.

– Well, not really…

When I heard my voice coming from the monitor, I was speechless.

– This is my parents’ workplace… Is it okay to come in without permission…?

– They said it was okay…..

At about that time, the memories that had disappeared began to slowly come back.

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