As for the completion of the task, Chi Wan argued hard, and in the end she was slightly better.

Seeing the completion level change from 0 to 30, Chi Wan smiled with satisfaction.

I took out my phone and made an appointment with Didi.

Before doing the daily tasks, she had to go to the Extraordinary Creatures Center to register Xiao Bai.

According to national regulations, all pet beasts that have signed a contract with a beast master must be registered at the Extraordinary Creature Center in a timely manner.

Even in modern society, humans have regained most of their territory, but wild supernatural creatures often enter urban areas and attack humans.

In the early years, there were private individuals who kept extraordinary creatures, but they did not contract and kept them as pets. Eventually, the extraordinary creatures escaped, causing serious consequences to the city.

In order to unify management, the country has simply applied across the board. Except for breeding shops, all extraordinary creatures raised in the city must be contracted and registered in time, otherwise they will be illegal.

As a gangster, once you are caught wandering on the street, you will be taken away directly by the inspection department.

If the contract has been made, the owner will be fined heavily, and in severe cases, he will be sentenced to prison.

Those who are not contracted will be directly treated as wild extraordinary creatures and captured and released directly.

This is the reason why Chi Wan dared to release Xiao Bai after leaving the city.

Xiaobai's existence was illegal from the beginning, but their family just kept it a secret.

If Chi Wan doesn't make the contract, there is only one way to release it when it grows up.

Some people think it is a restriction and do not want to apply for a certificate. When entering the city, they will hide the beast in the beast space and dare not let it out.

However, Xiaobai must be taken out for training. Chi Wan was reluctant to let him become a blackmailer and keep him in the beast control space.

Yesterday, she had made an appointment with her deskmate He Qiuyue to meet at the Extraordinary Creature Center at 10 o'clock today to register the beast together.

It was already 9:55 when Chi Wan arrived at the Extraordinary Creatures Center, and He Qiuyue was standing at the door waiting for her.

He Qiuyue was the roommate of the original owner. Before she came over, the two of them took turns to do it last, and they had a very good relationship.

I've kept you waiting for a long time. Chi Wan jumped off the flying beast.

It's okay, I just arrived, and it's not even 10 o'clock yet. Neither of us is late. He Qiuyue wiped the sweat from her head. Let's go in quickly, it's so hot outside.

Why are you so anxious? I'll show you something good first.

Seeing that he had arrived at the center of the extraordinary creature, Chi Wan made a seal to summon him.

The next second, a white summoning array appeared on the ground, with stars gathering in the center. After the stars dispersed, an excited Xiaobai appeared.

The Beast Controlling Space originally had the function of accelerating the growth and recovery of the Beast Controlling Space. After resting in the Beast Controlling Space for nearly 2 hours, Xiaobai had fully recovered.


Xiaobai screamed excitedly. This was his first time going out.

Xiao Bai, send a mini freezing wind in my direction.


A blast of cool air hit their faces, and Chi Wan and He Qiuyue suddenly felt refreshed.

As expected, Xia Tian is the best match for ice-type beast masters.

Is this the beast you contracted? It's so fluffy and cute! I really want to trade mine with you.

He Qiuyue was completely fascinated.

Who doesn’t like a cute plush that can also be used as an air conditioner in summer?


Hearing someone praising himself for being cute, Xiaobai ran up to him, raised his head proudly, and signaled He Qiuyue to touch him as he pleased.

Another burst of exclamations arose.

Wait a minute, White Summoning Array, you're level E!!! He Qiuyue finally reacted and exclaimed loudly.

The levels of beastmasters from high to low are sabcdef. Except for the highest S-level, also known as the King, only the top 8 in the global qualifiers held every year can be called S-level.

Other levels are based on the awakening level of the beast control space. The most obvious indicators of the awakening level are the degree of brain development and the color of the summoning array.

Below 10% are all F-levels. For every 10% increase, the awakening level is +1. The colors of the summoning array from high to low are red, green, black, yellow, white and gray. The number of extraordinary creatures that can be contracted is 6-1 from high to low.

That's right, I also escorted Qionghua. Chi Wan hugged Xiaobai who was acting coquettishly and said proudly to He Qiuyue.

That's great. I can only go to Anping University. Qionghua said that the teaching building is enough and there is no place to build it. He Qiuyue looked disappointed, feeling sad that she could not go to the same high school as her friend.

Anping University has strong teachers, beautiful scenery, good accommodation, and no academic requirements. Apart from the fact that the annual tuition is three years of her mother’s salary, there are no shortcomings. It is commonly known as an aristocratic school.

This was also the reason why she dared to talk to He Qiuyue directly without worrying about the other party's jealousy. She had a golden finger, and He Qiuyue had the ability to make money, so she didn't worry about school at all.

While chatting, the two of them entered the lobby of the Extraordinary Creature Center together, took a number and sat down at random.

Xiaobai was held in her arms, his eyes looking around, obviously curious about everything around him, and he kept kicking his legs, wanting to go play.

Chi Wan would definitely not agree. It was so small that if someone stepped on it, it would be over.

No. 021, please go to window 3.

Soon it was Chi Wan's turn to call the number.

I have been really lucky with 021 recently. Yesterday's awakening ceremony was for 021. I wonder if I will have any good luck today.

Chi Wan stood up holding Xiaobai.

When I came to window No. 3, I was greeted by a long-haired female staff member.

Hello, what kind of business are you doing?

Chi Wan took out his ID card from his pocket and handed it over, I'll register the beast.

Long-haired job took over the ID card: Do you want to control the beast?

Here it is. Chi Wan raised Xiaobai in her hand.

Prove your relationship.

??? One person and one dog looked at each other.

What relationship is there, other than the relationship between the beast and the master?

The staff explained patiently, As you know about the 3255 incident, this is just in case, and it is a new national regulation.

She must have known about the 325 incident. There was a rich second generation who liked extraordinary creatures. He kept a lot of them at home, but he didn't have enough contract slots, so he found a beast master from the Internet, pretended to have made a contract, and took these extraordinary creatures out to get certificates. Finally, one of them went berserk in the street, causing three deaths and ten injuries.

Okay, Chi Wan didn't waste any time and made a seal directly. The white star array lit up from her arms, and Xiao Bai turned into fluorescence and disappeared directly into the star array.

Try summoning it again.


I hope you understand the above regulations. The staff member laughed softly.

Xiao Bai hadn't stayed in the beast control space for a second before he was summoned out with a confused look on his face.


Fun, it still needs it.

Chi Wan directly ignored Xiaobai's request.

The Frost Flower Dog is a kind of dog that is crazy about people. Once it is followed, it will easily get carried away and not listen to advice.

Don't get used to it, learn to say no. This is the big word written at the beginning of the frost flower dog training guide on the forum. It is also a lesson learned through blood and tears by countless predecessors.

Come and let your beast master take a palm print.

The registration of the beast master not only requires the information of the beast master, but also the detailed information of the beast master. Otherwise, if it is found on the street, how to verify whether it is a gangster? Palmprint is the most common method, so the next time the beast master evolves I have to come over to renew my certificate.

Okay, the detailed information has been entered. Next time you meet the patrol team, just report your ID number.

Chi Wan took the ID card handed over by the staff and left the window.

He Qiuyue also happened to finish the registration. Seeing that it was still early, the two made an appointment to go to the city center park to watch the beast fighting.

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