Please come to the awakening room 021-030.

After looking at the reservation number on her phone, Chi Wan breathed a sigh of relief and looked up to meet her mother's half-smiling expression.

Chi Wan swallowed, her heartbeat quickened, and she forced herself to calm down.

Just as she was about to quibble, her mother left her behind and headed towards the awakening room.

The group of people walked into the awakening room and saw a room paved with white stones, which was divided into 10 small compartments.

Since it was discovered many years ago that this special stone is helpful for awakening, the country has built large and small awakening rooms in the city centers of various places. In order to improve the efficiency of awakening, they are divided into small compartments as big as tofu blocks so that they do not disturb each other. .

Get in line, go in and find an empty cubicle. Don't be afraid! It will be over in about 3 minutes! At the door of the awakening room, a long-haired female staff member in a white coat took the ID cards one after another and shouted loudly shouted.

Isn't it said that the awakening ceremony is safe and has no side effects? Why are there still Velvet Flowers waiting here? Chi Wan obediently handed over the ID card, looked around, and pointed to the Velvet Flowers in the corner with confusion.

Jiuhua City is a tourist city with lush forests, and it is also a paradise for various plant-like extraordinary creatures. The velvet flower is the most common healing extraordinary creature.

It seems that this kind of problem is often encountered, and the staff is a little helpless. There are always some parents who want to witness their children's awakening ceremony, and then they get too excited and have a heart attack just waiting for it.

Chi Wan glanced at Qin Fanzhi, who was calm behind her, and couldn't imagine that any parent would be so excited that he would have a heart attack.

When you enter, close your eyes and build your own beast-control space in your mind. There may be a little pain in the middle. This is normal. It's not dangerous. It will be completed soon. Seeing that Chi Wan seemed a little hesitant, the staff He quickly added. Okay, just press the red switch inside and open the door.

Chi Wan happened to be the first in line, so she found a booth that was pleasing to her eyes, closed her eyes, and waited for a few seconds. She felt a sharp pain coming from her body, astonishing energy rushing through her limbs, as if she was out of control. Mustang.

Well - Chi Wan gritted her teeth, sweating all over her body, feeling like her whole body had been crushed and then reassembled.

Could it be that the awakening energy is out of control? Why is it so painful? This is not what the school teaches.

Chi Wan endured the pain and was a little confused.

I wanted to press the switch and ask the staff, but found that my arms were sore and I had no strength at all.

After the awakening energy passed through her limbs, she slowly calmed down.

After feeling less painful, she quickly followed the method taught in school and tried to draw the awakening energy into her mind to open up a space for controlling the beast.

A dazzling white light flashed before his eyes, and the beast-controlling space in his mind gradually took shape.

At this time, at the door of the awakening room, Qin Fanzhi walked around anxiously, looking at the clock hanging on the wall from time to time.

It's been 10 minutes, why haven't you come out yet? Something will happen inside, right?

Since the birth of the Awakening Ceremony, there has been no accident. Come on, please sit down for a while. The staff was also puzzled and did not dare to show it, so they could only try to comfort her.

Qin Fanzhi took out her mobile phone, pointed to the Awakening Ceremony Guide on the homepage of the forum, and said anxiously: Can I not be in a hurry! It is said online that it usually takes less than 3 minutes, but now it's 10 minutes!

Director Qin, maybe your daughter didn't understand the method taught at school. The beast control space hasn't been built yet, so she's too embarrassed to go out.

Xiao Lin was looking weird. Her daughter, like Chi Wan, had already come out and was waiting.

Ever since he lost to Qin Fangzhi in the competition five years ago, he has been working hard to make Qin Fangzhi unhappy. When he finally got the chance to add insult to injury, he naturally would not give up.

Lin, I've tolerated you for a long time. It's none of my business if I'm not good enough and can't be promoted. Qin Fang stopped being angry. No matter how the two of them fought, she always won. She always regarded Xiao Lin as a joke. As a result, he was treated as a joke today, and he had new and old hatreds, so he decided to take action.

Two ladies, please calm down. The worker led the person to the chair and motioned with his eyes to Rongronghua to use her skills to calm down, for fear that she would faint from being too excited.


The cubicle opened, and the three of them looked towards the cubicle together. They saw Chi Wan with a tired look on his face, his bangs wet and stuck to his forehead, and he slowly walked out with his left hand rubbing his temples. It didn't look like anything happened.

Something could really happen. Seeing Chi Wan's embarrassed look, the staff trembled in their hearts.

Mom, help me, I have no strength. Chi Wan said in a weak voice.

After using all the awakened energy to open up the beast-controlling space, Chi Wan felt like she had stayed up all night after running 800 meters. Not only was her whole body sore, but she was also terribly sleepy. She just wanted to go home and lie down in bed.

Qin Fanzhi took a breath, took a deep breath, and hurriedly ran up and wiped the sweat from Chi Wan's forehead with her sleeves. It doesn't matter if the awakening ceremony fails. As long as you are alive, at worst, I will go home with your dad. Feed you.”

Xiao Lin didn't dare to yin and yang anymore, for fear that Qin Fang would get angry and attack directly, but she wouldn't be able to beat him.

But, my awakening ceremony was successful. Chi Wan was a little confused. It should have been successful, but something isn't right.

Not quite right? The staff's hearts were filled with relief.

Seeing the confused expressions on their faces, Chi Wan directly made a summoning gesture.

A white six-pointed star array appeared in front of him.

As long as there is a summoning array, it means that the awakening ceremony has not failed. The staff member patted his chest and took a long breath, feeling that the shadow of unemployment was far away from him.

Wait, why is the color of this summoning array white? Could it be?

Qin Fanzhi opened her eyes wide.

Fortunately, okay, the staff breathed a sigh of relief.

Congratulations, this situation is relatively rare, but there are a few cases every year. Some people are more talented and skip the F level directly to become an E-level beast master. Miss Chi, you can communicate with the beast master space and take a look. Now the beast master record There should be 2 pages on it.”

The staff made a congratulatory gesture and added, By the way, she should have just graduated from junior high school. I will issue a certificate to you later. In this case, Qionghua High School can be admitted.

Qionghua High School is the best high school in the province. Not only does it have strong teachers, it also has a unique secret realm of the school where it breeds many extraordinary creatures. Every year, it gives away highly qualified cubs to outstanding students.

Not only that, Qionghua students always achieve excellent results in the Youth Beast Taming Competition every year.

After entering Qionghua High School, I was almost guaranteed to receive admission notices from the top ten universities in the country.

Changlin Academy is the best high school in the city. Although it is the same as Qionghua, it is far behind Qionghua.

Xiao Lin, I originally thought that our children could go to Changlin to be classmates, but now it seems that's not possible. Now it was Qin Fangzhi's turn to feel proud.

Xiao Lin's face turned green with anger and he dragged his daughter away.

Chi Wan was also about to sneak away, but her mother grabbed her collar, looked at her with a smile, and said, The troublemaker is gone too. Come on, explain to me first, what's going on with sleeping?

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