The next day, there was a food street in the west of Qingyang City. This is a specialty food street that specializes in selling various specialty foods from the Free Alliance.

After human beings around the world regained their territory from extraordinary creatures, they were divided into seven major regions based on diet or beliefs and other things. The Free Alliance is one of them.

In a pizza shop in the middle of the food court, a little black bear treats the 9-inch pizza as a snack, taking one bite at a time without even chewing.

It's 10, it's going to break the record.

The onlookers were talking a lot. The highest record of this pizza shop was 10 pizzas set by a giant crocodile. After eating, he went to the hospital to have his stomach evacuated because of overeating.

The boss looked on with a smile and kept urging the chef to speed up. These onlookers might be future customers. The more people, the better.

What kind of extraordinary creature is this? I seem to have never seen it before?

Is it from other areas?

I don't know, I brought it here from the Free Alliance. I thought it might miss the food in my hometown, so I brought him here to have a taste. A girl wearing a mask explained in the crowd.

Everyone suddenly realized.

The boss also had an idea and asked someone to find a loudspeaker and stand at the door to announce that an unknown pet beast from the Freedom Alliance was challenging the Big Eater in his store to attract customers.

This person and the beast are Chi Wan and Bao Bao Xiong in disguise. Thinking of every store they go to, they can recognize the type of Bao Bao Xiong. After they finish eating, it means that the event is over.

In order to avoid causing panic to her boss, she disguised the bear according to the gossip she had read on the encyclopedia. Unless they are scholars who specialize in studying such extraordinary creatures, it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish them.

Let's go! Seeing that the number had reached the previous record, Chi Wan dragged the burly bear away. Wool couldn't catch just one bear. They had to go to several more stores every day.

Violent! Violent!

Violent! Violent!

Bao Bao Xiong pointed to the price list in the store and expressed that he still wanted to eat.

This is the first time that he has encountered a store that welcomes him. There are many items in the store that he has never tried, and he doesn’t want to leave.

Chi Wan covered its mouth and pretended not to hear.

The boss saw this and asked, What is it talking about?

Chi Wan said nonsense seriously: It said the food in your store is very delicious, but it's a pity that it's full and has to come back next time.


Baobao Xiong wanted to take off Chi Wan's hand to explain, but he was afraid of hurting her, so he didn't dare to use force, so he could only let Chi Wan make up random things.

The boss believed it and said, Then you can come more often in the future.

Who wouldn't love a rare royal beast giving itself free advertising? It doesn't eat much.

The violent bear stopped struggling and his eyes gradually brightened.

After hearing this, Chi Wan was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the boss with a strange look. there any problem? The boss was flustered.

No, no, you are such a great person. Chi Wan's smile deepened and she stepped forward to hold the boss's hand with both hands.

Recently, a violent bear and its master appeared in our city and participated in the Big Eater Competition in our city. Countless stores have suffered greatly. Please see below the information provided by enthusiastic citizens...

Suddenly, the sound of news came to their ears. They looked up and saw that a regular customer came in and suddenly turned on the TV in the store.

As the female anchor explained, the news screen turned and the corresponding video screen appeared.

The scene is obviously a surveillance video from a certain store. You can clearly see a bear-like supernatural creature and a girl wrapped up tightly.

Chi Wan was startled and secretly looked at the window to make sure that she was wrapped tightly. Her mother might not be able to recognize her even if she put him in front of her.

The boss also saw the news and felt that the figure on the TV looked familiar. He didn't know what he thought of and turned his head stiffly.

Chi Wan pretended to be calm and commented: Bolbo Bear, it is said that he is the devil of gluttony and he is very good at eating.

The boss looked at the TV, then at Chi Wan and the beast next to her. After confirming again and again, he forced a smile and said, It looks familiar.

Your store has a lot of traffic every day, so it's normal for you to look familiar.

Wipe the paint on your hands first. The color of your royal beast has faded. The boss raised his chin and motioned to Chi Wan to look at her hands.

Your eyes are so amazing. Chi Wan forced a smile, rubbed his hands vigorously, and cursed the paint seller in his mind. He said that the paint was safe, efficient, and long-lasting, but it faded in less than half a day.

The boss slowly added: By the way, I remembered wrongly just now. The Big Eater event in our store ends today.

Can ordinary edible extraordinary creatures be compared with violent bears? One is just a gimmick, and the other can really bankrupt yourself if you let it go.

Didn't you just say that we are welcome to come often? Chi Wan was speechless.

You are welcome to come back. After the event is over, the restaurant is still there, so just pay as usual.

The boss's mind also moves very quickly.

Chi Wan rolled his eyes, turned around and left with Bao Bao Bear. Before leaving, he heard the boss calling: Qingyang City TV station? I want to submit a story, Bao Bao Xiang is pretending...

Once again being turned away by the merchants, the two of them found a shade tree and sat down to enjoy the cool air.

The weather was hot and he wasn't full. When Chi Wan wasn't paying attention, Bao Bao Xiong secretly picked a mushroom from under the tree and threw it into his mouth. He thought it tasted good and chewed two more bites.

Chi Wan was passing through the training center to watch Xiaobai's training. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the Bold Bear seemed to be eating something, and he suddenly became wary.

what are you eating?

Violent. Violent.

The violent bear pointed to the mushroom bush under the tree.

Don't eat it yet. Chi Wan's face was extremely ugly. If she read correctly, this should be some kind of poisonous mushroom, the kind that makes you lie down after eating it.


Thinking that Chi Wan wanted to eat it, Bao Bao Xiong picked the remaining mushroom and handed it to her, saying that it tasted the same as the one he had eaten in the forest before.

Have you eaten before?

Violent! Violent!

Does it still taste good?

Chi Wan calmed down and saw that the encyclopedia said that the digestion ability of grub bears was not made up. Then he went to check the information on the Internet and saw a clear article stating that grub bears have strong digestion capabilities and that generally poisonous food cannot harm them. Completely relieved.

This is probably because stupid bears have stupid blessings. Chi Wan is a little helpless.

From now on, don't eat anything in the wild without my permission.


When you become stronger, there will be people rushing to give you food.


Bao Bao Xiong didn't believe it, so Chi Wan had to point to the advertisement on a big screen on the street.

What appeared to be an advertisement for a certain Yuzhu food factory was shot by a Yuzhu on the big screen.

The opening scene shows a rhinoceros standing on the podium, holding a gold medal, and the next scene shows it feasting on a lot of delicious food. Finally, the screen changed and turned into an advertisement for a competition.

Bao Bao Xiong and Chi Wan were attracted by the advertisement at the same time.

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