When he came out of Secret Realm, Tai saw the rising sun.

The sun fell, giving a warm feeling too one after another. But it can't cure Taiyi's disappointment.

This time, it's like meeting a treasure and returning empty-handed. Not to mention the precious Pokémon Bulbasaur, the Three Founding Families, or an azure Aptitude.

I just missed it, I feel like I missed a billion!

Taiyi was about to make breakfast when he realized that there are outsiders here, and he can't bring so many good things in his backpack.

Space backpacks seem to have been invented, but they are not widespread.

The identity of Taiyi can be purchased.

But unfortunately, he is now a poor man and has no money to buy a space backpack.

Professor Oak just arrived by Dragonite, Taichi simply went over and handed over to Professional Oak.


"Taiyi!" Professor Oak landed with a smile, and Yulongdu beside him also looked relaxed.

It seems that although Junsha and Professional Oak contacted, Yulongdu was not immediately relieved.

Yesterday's Dragonite is both protection and looks like surveillance!

Taiyi didn't think about it, he didn't have much time.

"Professor, let's hand it over! I have to rush to Cerulean City."

Professor Oak denomination: "However, your purpose of coming out this time has been achieved?"

As soon as Tai came out, he wanted to conquer some Grass Type Pokémon.

Taiichi shook his head, but his eyes lit up, maybe that could be the case?

"Professor, I caught a few Paras, but Aptitude is not very good. It's just that the mushrooms of Paras are related to my research topic. I didn't pay much attention to this. But Grass Type Pokémon, I didn't find it How many Aptitudes are good. But Professor, I saw a bunch of Bulbasaurs in the Secret Realm just now, and some of them are very good Aptitudes. One, I guess it is azure Aptitude!"

Professor Oak One He was stunned, then reacted and pointed to Taiyi: "I'll fight for it. But don't take it too seriously. Bulbasaur cherishes it very much, and many people are watching."

Taichi and Professional Oak get along The time is not short, and the characters of the two people know each other.

As soon as Taichi spoke, Professor Oak knew Taichi's plan.

But Professional Oak can only say, fight for it.

As for the result, don't worry too much.

Professor Oak's status is high, but it's not that easy when it comes to azure Aptitude's Pokémon.

Yulongdu's eyes lit up next to him, but he didn't respond.

He is more concerned about the Pokémon of azure Aptitude, but this is not a Dragon Type Pokémon, and Yulongdu will probably not be able to conquer it.

But if you don't accept it, it doesn't mean this information is useless.

Yulongdu also has good friends, maybe they can sell it for a price?

Taiichi continued: "In addition to Bulbasaur, there are also Pokémons such as Oddish. This is a Forest Secret Realm, or Grass Type Secret Realm."

"Most of it is The forest, but also a few lakes, is the source of water in the Secret Realm."

"I found a Ganlon Berry tree in it, the most precious Berry ever."

Professor Oak asked excitedly: "Ganlon Berry?"

Alliance is not a lot of such cherished Berry.

This precious Berry is hard to breed.

It is said that the Ganlon Berry contains the power of the earth.

Ground Type Pokémon can accelerate strength growth.

Pokémon from other departments can also use it to enhance their defensive ability.

Professor Oakp's precious nod: "Very good discovery. That's all, it can be counted as your credit."

Alliance's credit can be used to buy more things.

For example, some secret jades and the like are handed down from ancient times, and now I don't know how to make them.

Pokémon world does not have a move learning machine. If you want to learn Ability, you have to grope for yourself, or realize it when you level up.

Learn only from the Pokémon you've already learned!

The Secret Jade is a kind of plug-in type, and you can learn it after using it.

As for the proficiency, Pokémon still needs to practice by himself.

Taiyi added: "Actually, this is not the most important resource. I found a vein of Water Stone in it!"

This is the Secret Realm's most precious resource!

Evolution Stones are precious resources at any time!

And these evolution stones are not only absorbed during evolution.

If you are rich and want kryptonite, then the Pokémon corresponding to Attribute can usually be absorbed.

The evolution stone contains the high-purity energy corresponding to the Attribute!

This intelligence report has attracted the attention of Professional Oak.

Then this entrance is controlled and no one can enter or exit.

Too one after another Looking at this situation, I know that the ore vein of this evolutionary stone will definitely be controlled.

Evolution Stones are cherished Items, many Pokémon need Evolution Stones to evolve.

The most common, the Eevee family, requires evolutionary stones to evolve.

"Professor, if there's nothing else. I'm leaving for Cerulean City!"

Professor Oak, after thinking for a while, said, "I'll let Dragonite send you there. Come back. When you arrive at Cerulean City, he will fly back by himself!"

With such a good thing, Taichi naturally agreed.

The first time I rode the Elite Level Pokémon, it was so memorable.

Professor Oak's Dragonite is proud, but Pokémon like Dragonite are inherently kind.

Taiyi has been in contact with him several times in the Laboratory.

Dragonite is actually quite satisfied with Taiyi's Pokémon food.

So Dragonite did not refuse to send Taiyi to Cerulean City.

Sitting on Dragonite's back, Tai felt the breeze around him.

Dragonite is a Pokémon that can master the wind, but it acts on people so softly that it won't let Tai fall down, which is why this Dragonite has a high degree of mastery of power.

Professor Oak is really a powerful Trainer!

Seeing Taiyi flying into the sky on Dragonite, Yulongdu was also emotional.

"This child, so close to this Dragonite?"

Normal, Quasi-Legendary Pokémon are proud.

Even the Dragonite, though willing to save those killed at sea.

But if you want to sit on the back of Dragonite, especially this Pokémon that is still Elite level, is much stronger than your own Dragonite.

It's not that easy!

This is even more unimaginable if the Tyranitar is replaced!

The ride on the Dragonite is still very good. The cold air from the high altitude has not invaded, and it has been blocked by the Dragonite's power to control the wind.

This is definitely a very skilled old driver.

Mountain Moon is not far from Cerulean City, and Dragonite is also very fast.

It's only been two hours, Taichi is standing outside Cerulean City, Dragonite standing by.

Taiyi said with a smile: "When I go back, I'll cook you a Pokémon meal alone."

Having the promise he wanted, Dragonite shouted happily and flew away. gone.


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