"It's not just your plan, is it?"

After Professor Oak left, Tai returned home. He needs to sort things out. There are too many things today, and he also needs to count the harvest.

Like the growth of a few Pokémons!

First from Weedle and Catterpie, the two Pokémon that have evolved to become Kakuna and Metapod.

Kakuna: Pupa Pokemon

Level: 25

Attribute: Insect Poison

Characteristic Trait: Molting

Aptitude: Blue

Gender: Male

Ability: String Shot, Tackle, Bug Bite, Poison Sting, Electro Web, Harden

In addition to Level increased to Level 25 , is already a Pokémon at entry level, and also walks out a section of the road at entry level.

Characteristic Trait becomes molt, nothing to say. Kakuna learned the Harden move, which is an Ability that increases defense.

Unable to move fast, Kakuna learned Harden to increase her defense.

Also, his azure Aptitude has deepened a bit, indicating Taichi's guess was right.

Pokémon's Aptitude, in addition to the rainbow seven colors, there are subdivisions under these seven colors.

However, the rainbow-colored Aptitude is hard to beat. However, the Aptitude within the rainbow seven colors can still be gradually improved.

This is the difference between a quantitative change and a qualitative change.

After watching Kakuna, Taichi looked towards Metapod again.

Metapod: Pupa Pokemon

Level: 24

Attribute: Worm

Characteristic Trait: Molting

Aptitude : Green

Gender: Male

Ability: String Shot, Tackle, Bug Bite, Electro Web, Harden

Most of the changes in Metapod are the same as Kakuna , also learned the Harden move.

Aptitude is the same, with a slight improvement, not a lot, but it does change.

Slowpoke: Silly Pokemon

Level: 27

Attribute: Water Psychic

Characteristic Trait: Regeneration

Aptitude: Green

Gender: Male

Ability: Water Gun , Growl , Tackle , Confusion , Teleport

Slowpoke In addition to the Level has been improved, the moves have been mastered Apart from being more proficient, there is no particularly big change.

Aptitude hasn't changed, through Breeder's approach, the change in Pokémon food is still too slow.

That's why not many Pokémon Professors were willing to study changes to Pokémon Aptitude before.

As for terrorist organizations such as Team Rocket, they are violently changed by means of genes and drugs.

The damage to Pokémon is too great.

Bulbasaur: Seed Pokemon

Level: 30

Attribute: Grass Poison

Characteristic Trait: Chlorophyll

Aptitude: Green

Gender: Female

Ability: Tackle , Vine Whip , Grassy Terrain , Razor Leaf , Ingrain

Bulbasaur has changed a lot and he is a professional The threshold of the entry level has reached the ceiling of the entry level.

As long as you go further, you can successfully enter the professional-level threshold.

Also, Bulbasaur also learned the Ingrain move, which is a recovery move.

As long as it is used, it will make the Bulbasaur unable to move. But this move can slowly restore Bulbasaur's stamina.

Today, it is because of this that Bulbasaur has successfully persevered and achieved these gains.

The reason why Bulbasaur has changed today is the cultivation of Taiyi's breed and Pokémon food.

Landorus' teaching and influence, too, is for a great reason.

Bulbasaur's Aptitude has also gotten some changes, even faster and bigger than any other Pokémon!

When Taichi observed Bulbasaur when he first got Bulbasaur, his green color was not very strong.

It can even be said that Bulbasaur's Aptitude is only as good as the green Aptitude.

But after this period of breeding, and the moisturizing of Gui water essence, Bulbasaur's Aptitude has been greatly improved.

At this point, it's half green.

This is a huge improvement, a huge improvement!

Taiyi is about to look at the changes to the last Pokémon.

The phone at home is ringing, this is also the black technology of this world, videophone!

This world also has mobile phones, but they are not developed enough, not smart phones yet.

The phone is a video phone.

Answering the phone, Tai saw a familiar person.

"Hello, Sakurako Aunt!"

This person is Taiyi's only relative in this world, Sakurako Aunt.

Sakurako Aunt said with a happy face and a little sadness: "Taiichi, congratulations on becoming the Alliance's smallest intermediate rank researcher!"

Taiichi: "Thank you Aunt! "

But Yingzi Aunt's words changed: "However, Taichi, you didn't tell Aunt at all about such a big thing. Aunt still watched TV today and learned from the news that you became a researcher, And in just a few months, he was promoted to the intermediate rank researcher!"

Tai sweated a lot and hurriedly comforted him.

"It's all Professional Oak, and I have too many classes scheduled for me every day. I'm back early today because Pidgey and Pidgeotto came to Berry Fields to make trouble. Otherwise, you can call, I got them all."

Khan, Professor Oak, I'm sorry.

Only you can take over the pot!

Professor Oak sneezed a few times and touched his nose: "I have a cold today? Is it because I got wet from Slowpoke's Water Gun?"

Sakurako Aunt only let Taiyi go, but added: "Professor Oak is a very knowledgeable person, Taiyi, you have to follow the Professor well and learn more. Don't think that you have become an intermediate rank researcher and be complacent!"

Taiyi is naturally nodded in a row, no matter how arrogant he is, he will not feel that he can catch up with Professional Oak in a short time.

But Taichi is also confident that he will catch up with Professor Oak sooner or later, or even surpass him.

Whether it is a Trainer or a researcher!

After a while, Sakurako Aunt was about to hang up.

Taiichi suddenly asked, "Aunt Sakurako, do you have any problems?"

Aunt Sakurako's face changed, but he didn't say it: "It's okay. It's a small matter, Taichi, you don't have to worry about it."

Taichi felt a little uneasy, but Yingko Aunt said a few words and hung up the phone.

Taiichi thought about it for a while, anyway, I have enough time to go to the TV Station in Viridian City to record the program.

"Or, why don't you stop by Cerulean City?"

There are more Water Type Pokémon over there, Taichi can also check if there are any high-quality Water Type Pokémon. .

Others in the wild can only roughly judge Pokémon's Aptitude by observing Pokémon's body and the Ability they release.

But Taiyi has a cheat, which can be observed and judged directly through Heavenly Book.

Taiyi's advantage over others is too great.

Since that's the case, Taichi has decided that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will go to Cerulean City to have a look and stay with Aunt for a few days.

Then it's time to switch back to Viridian City to record the show.

Thinking of this, Taichi relaxes, no matter what difficulties Aunt has, he can always find out if he observes closely.

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