Such thoughts just came to my mind, but I saw...

In the direction of the most sparse monsters, Aisarina leaped.

Quickly chase after the one who escaped alone.

I don't know what the situation is, but...

She seems to have a clear goal.

That's it

! It's okay to get that!

The resolute and confident expression seems to tell the truth.

"Don't get complacent too soon!" the

little bat who was caught up by her had a vivid panicked expression on his face.

The lightsaber that suddenly appeared in his hand swung down instinctively,

and the golden blade sliced through the bat's head vertically with unmistakable precision.

Let out a terrible scream that pierced the eardrums!

The other bats flying in the sky also disappeared like dream bubbles.

A female vampire reappears on the ground.

But at this moment, it has clearly lost its vitality.

Breathing stops and the skin turns pale.

The fluctuations in the magic disappeared, and it looked like a hard stone.

This treacherous and cunning, invincible guy finally fell into a deep sleep completely.

The signs of life are completely gone, and they have gone to the world called the end.

Although there are still many questions that remain unanswered, many truths are buried in the dark.

However, in this battle, I have won!

There is no need to doubt, no need to investigate.

It was a complete victory!

"Whew!" he

took a deep breath.

"It's finally done. "

Lovingly caress the 'starfall' that is not stained with blood and still shines brightly, and then puts the sword into its sheath.

With the spirit of returning to the warehouse, I went to the monster's body and examined the loot.

It's a big shame that this isn't a game world, so there's nothing to be gained.

Although the old thing is hanging, it has not exploded gold coins.

It's a pity, it's a

I thought about holding back the nausea and collecting some material from it.

However, after dying, the vampire's claws and teeth lost their spirituality.

It doesn't feel like there's anything to be desired.

The beautiful woman lay quietly on the ground, her black hair spreading out seductively.

It looks like he's just sleeping quietly.

Moreover, even if it is a monster, it is a humanoid monster with obvious heterosexual characteristics.

It doesn't seem to be proper for me to flip through it like this.

Therefore, just a hair was plucked as a memento.

By the way, there is only one piece of equipment.

I pulled a shiny ring from between the female vampire's fingers.

As mentioned before, a droplet-shaped waning moon loomed over it.

I haven't remembered where I've seen this pattern.

However, the effectiveness of this ring is still quite strong.

I can keep my senior self firmly in place.

It's better to call it the paralysis ring

! In this place, no one should be idle to accuse me of plagiarism!

However, if you think about it, this commission from Viscount Ulch is really twists and turns.

A female vampire who strikes from another dimension, a thumb-sized miniature goblin.

I couldn't imagine that there would be such a weird plot development.

The one in the palm of Aisalina's hand must be the fairy tale leprechaun, right?

However, the female vampire admits that she has an accomplice of goblins.

It's confusing.

I was about to speak, but I saw that Aisarina looked dazed.

And I heard the little dot in her palm say,

"Big Species! How do you know it's the essence? We're

just trying to remind you." "

Aisarina herself stood there.

With his eyes closed, his palms are sometimes clenched and sometimes open.

It seems that I am still experiencing the feeling of inspiration at that moment.

"I don't know, I don't know how to explain it.

Where to attack to inflict more damage on the enemy, as if you can understand it unconsciously.

Just like before.

"It's talent. The

little goblin said firmly:

"Big species, it seems that you have an incredible talent for fighting!"

During her travels, she did show that talent from time to time.

A talent for spotting weaknesses

, finding a way to escape in a demonic sanctuary

, easily cutting off a griffon's wings in an encounter with a griffon

, severing the paws of your enemies at the most unlikely moment when you defeat an ice giant,

and discovering a vampire's hideout.

This talent, which even I can't explain, can help her make the most correct choices in battle.

If you have to rate this talent, it must be the highest rarity of the S rank.

"Besides, we've found that you have a pretty high affinity for magic!

hasn't anyone complimented you on your quick promotion?"

the girl thought seriously for a moment.

"Like, yes. And

say so uncertainly.

"Hey, we are a well-known figure in the fairy country, and we won't lie

to you! Babble! What are you doing? Pain, pain, pain..."


grabbed this guy's little arm to make sure it didn't get hurt, and I said

, "Don't try to talk about it and tear it off, you guy is really suspicious, right?

Don't leave time to make up lies!Say it quickly!Otherwise, I'm welcome

!"We're innocent!The vampires forced us!Our goblins never hurt anyone!"

The little goblin drooped his head.

The pair of transparent broken membrane wings attached to its back fluttered twice weakly.

"It's okay for us to explain, but isn't the most important thing right now to get out of here?

It takes a lot of magic to maintain the existence of the 'Fairy Dream', and besides, this is not the real world after all.

At least for you humans, this is not a place to stay for long.

"That's right.

I muttered and turned to look at Aisarina, who agreed with me.

I still don't know what a 'fairy dream' is, but I say

, "Okay, I agree." "

Great! That's right, you're a reasonable man!" the

goblin smiled and fluttered back and forth beside me.

Aisarina is in charge of blackface.

"Still, just in case, I can't give you back your freedom. With that

, she straightened her face and grabbed the leprechaun's restless legs.

"It's a hassle to deal with a big breed of you!

Remember: you can't scratch your ankles, you can't grab your thighs, you can't grab your calves, you can't pinch your joints, you can't pinch your bones.

The force can't be too light, and it can't be too heavy, if it's too light, we'll itch, and if it's too heavy, we'll hurt..."

"Don't be dissatisfied, big people

! As the saying goes, the old laws cannot be abolished!

This is a rule set by our king, and it has been enforced since 500 years ago!"

I poked its cheek with my finger.

Because the body is so small, the actual effect is like a knock on the door of its brain.

"Don't complain, little one. Just for a short time. With

that, I coughed twice and jumped into the portal with the blonde girl.

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