Hunting Protagonist in One Piece Chapter 421

Time flies so fast, three months have passed in the blink of an eye.

But the magic world has been extremely unsettled in the past three months. Whether it is the Light Guild or the Dark Guild, both large and small are in turmoil.

The councillors, the guild meetings, and the kingdoms all had a nervous breakdown.

Just because a mysterious killer appeared in the magic world three months ago, he specially picked wizards, whether it was the Light Guild or the Dark Guild, even the royal wizards of various kingdoms, and even some devil beasts were not released. pass.

In just three months, hundreds of low and medium light and dark guilds have been extinguish sect, and the number is still increasing rapidly.

Nowadays, many guilds have some information, they say it is the same person, but many a fish that escaped the net say that the guilds that eliminated them are children, girls, beautiful women, old women, youth, brawny man , old man and other elderly and weak women and children.

The only thing that is the same is the magic used by the other party, which is suspected to be gun magic.

The guy kills the wizard when he sees it. Although he doesn't shoot the ordinary people, if there are ordinary people within the combat range, he doesn't mind being affected and harvested.

This has caused many Guangming Guilds to not dare to go out and accept quests during this period of time.

The same is true of the dark guild, and they don't dare to go out and do evil.

The council has a large number of complaint letters everyday all, which has caused a lot of trouble for the council, so it has summoned the presidents of the various light guilds several times.

The achievable grades are not very big.

Because that mysterious killer is too cunning, simply can't guess the traces of the action, and the target is completely scattered.

"What a terrifying!"

In the Fairy Tail guild, Lucy sat at the bar, looking at the news magazine in her hand, which was reporting on the recent murder of the Light Guild and the Dark Guild. perished.

Some wizards who are alone will not be able to survive if they encounter a mysterious killer.

Lucy has been out of commission for two months. She is currently working as a maid in Ares' mansion to pay off her debts.

But girl has some bells and whistles every month, which means that Lucy is now jingle poor.

Although I have never been wealthy.

And because Ares is very rich, he did not live in the dormitory provided by Fairy Tail, but bought a manor house by the lake in the suburbs.

Facing the lake, spring and blossom, the view is not very good.

"The president is back."

I don't know who shouted, and Makarov came back with a serious look at the door.

"President, how are you?"

Many wizards gathered around, because of the mysterious killers, their workload continued to drop, and they had a tight life in the past two months. Baba's.

"There are still no clues. Mysterious killer appears and disappears unpredictably hard to catch the tail, and the arrest team sent by the deputies has not returned."

Makarov Jump to it on the platform and sit down, the complexion is not very good-looking.

Now it's not just Fairy Tail's performance that's declining, but other Illuminati Guilds as well.

There are a lot of quests, but the wizards of each guild are afraid to go out to work, after all, there are more than 30 S-Rank wizards who have died.

Among them, there are also companions, but the results are gone.

That is to say now that the various light guilds want to work, only wizards of S and above can feel a little bit more secure, and it is better not to be targeted if they go out with S-Rank and below, if they are targeted Will definitely finish the calf.

The key is that you don't even know how to die.

This has made the magic world a depression now.

The whole market has entered a cold winter.

And it affects not only wizards, but also ordinary people.

After all, ordinary people have a lot of trouble and need wizards, so there will be commissions.

But now few wizards take orders, so the troubles of the ordinary people will get deeper and deeper, and they will be looted by some monsters, and the whole village will be gone.

As this cycle continues, every day all has a large number of complaint letters sent to the Council, which greatly reduces the credibility of the Council, so that ordinary people are reluctant to support the Council, including money. aspect.

In other words, the economy of the magic world has stagnated or even regressed.

I don't know how many are bankrupt.

The entire market was in a downturn, which made it difficult for each kingdom to live.

"Then what do I do now? I'm almost bankrupt."

The wizards cried, and now they dare not go out to do commissions, for fear that they won't be able to come back if they go out. .

"Don't let me meet him, or I'll beat him up."

Natsu is disappointed, because he's been wandering outside recently, but he hasn't encountered a mysterious killer. .

Elsa and Gray sat aside, not knowing what they were thinking, their expressions were a little serious.

Aris is not here. According to Lucy's guess, he must be sunbathing or fishing in front of the villa lake now, usually only in the afternoon.

At this moment, a wave of fluctuations spread silently throughout the hall.

"Yi! My head is so dizzy!"

Lucy covered her head, shook her head and directly planted it on the platform.

And Hubby is also standing like a drunk, staggering and lying on the platform.

"pu tong... pu tong..."

In the hall, the original noisy sound began to gradually disappear, and one by one fell to the ground unable to hold on.

"I want to sleep!"

"This feeling is..."

"It's Misty Hills back!"

Behind the bar, Mila swayed a little while supporting the bar with both hands, and finally fell down.

"Mist Hill!"

Makarov turned to look at the silhouette gradually coming in at the door.


Entering the hall is a man wearing a black hat and a dark green mask, covering his entire body.

"Are you coming back for a mission?"

Makarov is no surprise.


"Are you alright outside recently?"

"The president is talking about a mysterious killer?"


"I haven't encountered it, but I've heard of it."

Mistgang shook his head first, then walked to the taskbar, looked at it and ripped it apart. Ordered.

"Be careful outside."

Makarov wasn't worried about Mist Ridge, after all, the strength of Mist Ridge was there.

"Then I'm going out."

Mistgaon nodded!

"Don't forget to unlock the magic!"

Seeing that Mistgang was about to leave Makarov, he hurriedly shouted.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1...."

As the voice of Mistgang fell, the people who were in a drowsiness began to wake up slowly, and Mistegang started to wake up. Stegon has disappeared at the gate.

As more and more sober people became, the crowd began to foul-mouthed.

"This feels like Mister Hill!" Makao rubbed his eyes and said sleepily.

"That bastard." Cabaji yawned and cursed.

"It's still as powerful as ever!"

"It can't even resist it."

"It's really terrifying."


Almost everyone woke up, only Natsu was still sleeping, and even snoring.

"Mist Hill?"

Lucy obviously hadn't slept enough, and she was still half-squinting her eyes, listening to other people's voices with some doubts.

She doesn't know her.

"Well, one of Fairy Tail's strongest men candidates."

Even Elfman, who has always been a manly man, has a solemn expression at this moment.

"For some reason, he didn't want others to see his face. When he came to get the mission, he always put everyone to sleep like this."

Mila Return to normal and explain.

"It's too suspicious!"

Lucy's eyes widened, she felt strange no matter what she thought.

"So no one has seen his face except the president."

"Miss Mira, this is not right, after all that face is not very handsome. ."

A arrogant and domineering voice suddenly sounded from the second floor of the guild, and the words were very disdainful.


"When did you come back?"

"It's really rare."

The appearance of this man Everyone was surprised, and some people were a little scared.

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