Hunting Protagonist in One Piece Chapter 27

"It's over."


With the black-haired and blue-eyed giant knocking down a few brainless people around The giant finally collapsed in the rubble and lost his ability to move, and the steam with high temperature kept escaping.

Everyone looked at the back of the neck, where a silhouette stood up.

Mikasa immediately jumped out of the house and quickly ran to the back of the neck of the steamy giant. When it was confirmed that it was Allen, she hugged him, and her eyes were filled with mist and happiness.

"It's Alan."

"How is that possible."

"Alan has become a giant."

Look The temples are still connected to flesh and blood, and the bloodstains spread from the eye sockets and cheeks at the same time, this is Allen's right.

"Anyway, let's go to a safe place first."

Kony and the others took Mikasa and Alan to the Inner Sect wall.

Karan also followed, with Zhou Wei at the same time.

The next plot is much simpler. The scene of Alan coming out of the giant's body was seen by many people, and then Captain Chiz of the garrison regiment led the garrison regiment to directly kill Alan, Mikasa and Ermin. Surrounded and questioned whether Ellen was a human or a giant.

As soon as everyone flew to the Inner Sect wall, they were surrounded as soon as they landed.

Karan has been paying attention to Zhou Wei, but very careful.

"Alan, are you a human or a giant."

Kiz and the surrounding garrison were all terrified, looking at Aaron like a demon.

"A bunch of trash."

Zhou Wei, Mikasa, and Ermin surrounded Alan, watching the cannon on the wall and the surrounding garrison troops pulling out their blades, Zhou Wei looked at Chiz, who was trembling with fear all over his head, flashed a trace of disdain on his face.

In his eyes, these guys are trash. Don't be too angry when watching anime.

All of them are rubbish with more than enough success and more than failure, and they are still holding back at the critical moment.

If it weren't for the task, he really wanted to slap these guys to death.

Karan was also beside him, but he didn't act rashly. Instead, he distanced himself from Ellen.

At the same time, he pulled out the blade with a look of fear, he had already entered the state and started to perform.

Karan did this because he didn't want Zhou Wei to discover his identity so quickly.

Shaking with fear and trembling with other people, this looks like a local.

"I'm human."

Ellen has woken up, but the memory of becoming a giant has not been restored.


Chiz lowered his head, his eyes sharpened.



The artillery fire on the wall fired a grenade.

Zhou Wei did not act, because he knew that Allen would become a giant skeleton to protect Mikasa and Ermin.

As the golden lightning falls, a huge storm sets in.

A large amount of steam permeates all around, obscuring all view.

"Did it work?"

Just when all the garrisoned regiments were discussing spiritedly, Alan inside the steam turned into a giant skeleton to protect Ermin, Mikasa and Zhou Wei .

"Everyone is okay!"

Removing the flesh and blood from the back of his neck and jumping to the ground, Allen watched Mikasa and Ermin sighed in relief who were intact, and looked at Zhou. Wei with a hint of gratitude.

Although he didn't know this person, he was very grateful that this person stood in front of him just now to defend him.

"My name is Zhou Wei."

Zhou Wei fanned the steam in front of him and smiled at Alan.

"My name is Ellen, I just thanked you many times."

"It's okay, those guys are just a bunch of cowardly little demons, but if humans master the power of giants, they can take back Rose. The wall."

Zhou Wei reminded him from the side, and it was for Ermin.

Sure enough, Zhou Wei's reminder gave Ermin an idea to resolve the current danger.

"Allen, Mikasa, Zhou Wei, please don't come out yet, I'll talk to them."

Unlocking the three-dimensional mobile device, Ermin walked out of the steam area with both hands raised .


Ellen and Mikasa were worried.

"Don't do it."

Going out of the steam, Ermin raised his hands and coughed twice, indicating that he was not in danger.

At this time, everyone also saw the giant skeleton behind Elmin, which was covered with shredded meat and was constantly melting.


Kiz was still terrified, and the lifter was about to order another shot.

"Wait, although I still don't know why Ellen became a giant, we can use the power of this giant to block the Wall of Rose.

And Allen killed a few giants before, and those giants were hostile to Allen, which means Allen is on the same front as us, and our enemies are all other giants..."

Ermin simply went straight to the point and revealed two pieces of information to everyone.

The giants that Aaron turned into are the enemies of other giants just like them. We can block the outer sect through Aaron's power and retake the Wall of Rose.

Many garrison regiments put down their knives and thought about Elmin's proposal.

They have seen a lot of Alan turning into a giant. At the same time, Alan has also seen other giants fighting. It is indeed as Elmin said.

"Do you think I'd believe it?"

Chiz was too frightened to think.

The order will be made immediately.


Zhou Wei shot directly, Surging Waves Subtle Steps flashed a few phantoms, just three or four breaths appeared in front of Chiz, and directly strangled his neck Forcibly let Chiz kneel on the ground.

"Can you become a Captain with just a jerk like you?"

This scene happened so fast that no one could react.


"You... you let go of Captain Kiz."

Many garrison regiments around were drooling, what did the other party do? Appearing across more than ten meters, only felt a series of phantoms appear in front of him, and then Captain Qizi was strangled by the other side.

"Is such a daring little demon worthy of being a Captain? Now you guys think carefully about what Ermin said, such trash should be eaten by giants."

Zhou Wei was coldly snorted, looking at Cheese with disdain in his eyes.

Karan was standing not far away. Others didn't see Zhou Wei's movement clearly, but he did.

Although the speed of the other party is fast, it is still a little worse than his shaving.


A voice came from behind, everyone parted ways, and an old man with a beard and a bald head appeared with a group of people.

Doto Picsis is the highest Chief-In-Charge of the territory on the south side of the city wall, including the Tolos District, that is, the highest commander-in-chief of the garrison corps in the south of the city wall.

"Commander Pixis."

All garrison soldiers put away their blades.

"You still have to be the same as always!"

Pixis glanced at Chiz, obviously knowing the character of the other party.

"Which Legion are you from?"

Pixis was very interested in Zhou Wei.

The other party is not wearing a combat uniform, which means that he is just a civilian.

But it's interesting that a commoner appears here and grabs Chiz's neck in front of so many people.

"I'm just a commoner."

Let go of Chiz and Zhou Wei returned to Mikasa.

"Your proposal just now is very good."

Pixis did not continue to ask, but looked towards Ermin.


Elmin's body is straight, with one hand on the heart with a serious face.

"You guys come with me."

Pixis looked at Allen and the four, then turned and left.


Many garrison regiments opened their mouths, and in the end they could only let a few of Allen leave.

A few minutes later, several people stood on the Inner Sect wall, watching the broken outer sect city wall, and continuously giants walked in from it.

"Just try it as you suggest!"

Pixis took a sip from the jug at his waist.


Ermin wasn't really sure.

"There is no but."

Pixis interrupted Ermin with a wave of his hand, and then looked at Alan sharply, "You only have one choice."

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