Honkai Impact: Star Dome Railway: I really am not a Star God!

Chapter 12 What are you looking at me for? Be careful I fuck you

While Doommon's laser strafing was interrupted, Himeko, who was at the back of the team, closed the suitcase in her hand and smiled slightly as she looked at the prepared attack equipment above Doommon.

"March 7, restrict its movements."

March 7, who understood by heart, rushed forward, squatted down, and when his right hand passed across his waist, a specially made arrow was generated, and he aimed it at the top of the Doomsday Beast.

"The time when arrows are carved in the ice!"

After shooting the arrow, March 7 sat slumped on the spot, watching the violent rain of arrows prick the Doomsday Beast, and the ice restricted its movement.

At the same time, two figures flashed beside her.

Dan Heng and Xing took the opportunity to cause more damage to Doommon.

"Pursue victory."

Jizi said calmly. Jizi, who had discovered the weakness of Doomsday Beast, immediately launched an attack. The monomolecular saw with extremely strong splitting properties sawed open the arms of Doomsday Beast one after another.

The energy in the body continued to overflow, and the Doomsday Beast howled in pain.

"Everyone give way."

After reminding everyone, everyone retreated immediately, and March 7th was able to put up a shield for himself.

The next second, a laser beam fell from the sky. Jizi sat on her suitcase and turned around gracefully.

The beautiful lady never looked back to see the explosion.

It would be nice if there was one more cup of black tea, let her taste it carefully. (You can’t drink your own coffee, right?)

The violent blow, like nuclear fusion, caused the space station's protective shield to unfold at full strength for a time. The hot orbital strike was enough to penetrate the planet, and everything in the way of this strike would be annihilated.

In order to resist this blow, Doommon made a final struggle, and the anti-matter engine on its chest was fully fired, so that Doommon's whole body glowed with golden light.

The rich aura of destruction made the space tremble slightly, and huge energy condensed in the mouth.


The huge energy impact caused the space station to be attacked twice, and the protective shield was flashing frequently.

But it is a pity that since ancient times, Bozuo will lose.

Esta, who saw this scene through the surveillance camera in the main control cabin, patted her chest.

"Huh, great. Fortunately, the Doomsday Beast has been dealt with. No. I have to go take a look quickly."

Looking back at the space station’s defense facilities, it’s simply a disgrace!

How could the dignified eldest lady of the Interstellar Peace Company allow the Doomsday Beast to suffer such injustice? !

Who would believe it!

No, you have to buy an awesome defensive weapon.

With this thought in her mind, Esta focused her eyes on a product.

"World's best product - the most expensive Star Destroyer. World's best product?! The most expensive!? That must be very powerful! When the time comes, hum, hum, blow the Doomsday beast into slag with one blow!"

In Esta's mind.

The most expensive one must be the best.


You said there are countless zeros behind this Star Destroyer?

Ah, is this a lot of money? No. My daily pocket money?

Credit points? Isn't it just for use? More or less, no idea.

Waiting for the railgun attack to end, the air was filled with heat and destruction.

March 7th waved his hand, and Liu Xiangbing's ability purified the surrounding air.

Fortunately, the Doomsday Beast itself is not low in ability, and Himeko gives up when she sees a good chance.

Otherwise, it would be really embarrassing to use a rail gun to penetrate the space station.

The defeated Doommon fell weakly on the platform, trying to raise a hand to struggle, but to no avail.

In the recent counterattack, the antimatter engine was about to fail.

"Hey, hey, let you mess with me."

March Qi, who was sitting on the ground, said proudly and turned around to gesture to Dan Heng and others.

It was as if she had just dealt tons of damage.

"Mizuki! Be careful!"

Dan Heng's roar came, and March Qi looked at him in confusion.

Why is everyone looking like this?

When she turned to Doommon, the laser of Doommon's dying blow was already less than three meters away from her.

At the moment of life and death, a figure stood in front of her. It was very sassy and cool.

Xing opened his hands and tried his best to block the blow for March Qi.

She is really handsome.

March 7th wanted to take a photo of this moment, but her brain was a little stiff now.

Xing Wu, who was about to take a fatal blow, did all this without regrets. When she realized that the Doomsday Beast might have been attracted by herself, she was already prepared.

She made her own choice.

When she was in a trance, she seemed to hear the cry of March 7th.

"Tsk, you are quite interesting, please help me a little bit."

It seems that there is also a volleying sound?

Who pressed my shoulder?

"It's time to set off."

A familiar voice rang in my ears, like being in my mother's arms.

A soft energy enveloped her.

She slowly opened her eyes.

"What the heck is this."

When she opened her eyes, a huge figure appeared in front of Xing.

This figure was far taller than she had imagined.

Just like a god, he can destroy everything in the world with a slight raise of his hand.

There was a golden wound on His chest, and golden blood was flowing in the wound, unable to heal.

The voice is still echoing in my ears.

"Use your own will to reach that ending."

"Wha. Who?!"

Scenes of memories, even memories from the future, flooded into her brain.

She seems to have remembered something!

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A severe headache made her hold her head tightly in pain.

At the last moment, she saw the face of the figure.

With an expressionless face, he slowly raised his hands and glanced at the stars.

This sentence is spread throughout the universe.

Star God. Even a moment of Star God's gaze is enough to change the fate of an ordinary person.

The next moment, huge energy emerged from her heart, almost bursting her.

A crazy burst of uncontrollable energy!

She opened her eyes and unleashed uncontrollable energy! The brilliant energy instantly resisted Doommon's near-death attack!

The Doomsday Beast was completely wiped out!

But it didn't end. This energy kept gushing out, bringing stars into the sky. The gorgeous energy was like infinite stars. She couldn't control this energy yet.

What will happen if it gets completely out of control.

What terrible consequences will it cause.

No one knows.

At the critical moment, a familiar figure to Dan Heng and others appeared out of thin air beside Xing.

Hold the crutch and give it a gentle tap to break the loss of control.

In a void space filled with destructive energy, Lingkong looked at the figure larger than the giant planet and fell into deep thought.


No, where is this?

Do all the star gods in this world like to play teleportation so much? ? ?

This is the second time!

He just put his hand on Xing's body, just wanting to help her share the burden!

No. Why is the star missing?

Why did he leave himself here?

The corner of his mouth twitched and he looked at the huge figure.

The figure was also looking at him.

"No. What are you looking at me for? Watch out if I do it to you."

After saying that, Lingkong showed him the international gestures of his hometown.

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