Taoist Master, now that Su Hu and Chonghou Hu have stopped fighting, what should we do next?

Ji Chang asked with a frown.

Liu Ming glanced at Ji Fa.

Master Ji Fa, what do you think of this matter?

Ji Fa was also startled when he suddenly heard Liu Ming ask him. He glanced at Ji Chang, and when he saw Ji Chang, there was nothing to stop him. He motioned for him to speak boldly, just to stabilize his mind.

Father, Taoist Master, now that Chonghou Hu and Su Hu have stopped fighting, it only depends on the king's attitude. If the king agrees to this, that would be the best. If the king becomes furious because of this matter, I am so angry that I am afraid the consequences will be even more serious, because without Chonghou Hu, the king can still send other princes and even Chaoge’s personal troops to dispatch!”

Ji Fa thought for a while and then started talking.

Ji Chang nodded aside, obviously agreeing with his son's views.

Haha, what the young master said is absolutely true. So according to what the young master said, how should we solve the problem at the king's place? You must know that the king's place is the most important thing in this matter. Only by solving the king's place can this matter be settled. !”

Liu Ming looked at Ji Fa and asked again.

When Ji Fa heard this, he frowned. It was obvious that he felt a little troubled. After all, it was not easy to influence King Zhou's thoughts!

Father, Taoist Priest, I'm afraid this matter is a little difficult. We don't understand the king's thoughts. However, if we want to solve this matter, we need to unite some important officials in the court to report to the king. Please understand. The key to this matter, secondly, is that the king’s cronies need to speak in the king’s ear so that the king can let Su Hu go. No matter what this matter is, it is not easy!”

After Ji Fa finished speaking, he looked at Liu Ming and Ji Chang.

Haha, you are a talented young master. Your analysis of this matter is very reasonable. Yes, if you want to solve this matter now, you really need these two steps! What do you think, Lord Marquis!

Liu Ming looked at Ji Chang and asked.

Taoist Master, haha, the first of these two things is not difficult to contact all the adults to report to the king together. I will handle it! But the second thing is a bit difficult. I am afraid that the king's cronies will not be able to sway the king. Determination, in addition, the only confidants now are Fei Zhong and You Hun, these two people are afraid that they will not let Su Hu go, so how can we ask the king to let him go!

Ji Chang said with some worry.

Haha, Mr. Hou, you are right. However, the two of them cannot change the king's determination even if they think about it. I am afraid that no one else except Na Daji will be able to change the king. Mr. Hou, leave the contact to me. It’s up to you, as for persuading Daji, I’ll take care of it, let’s work together to try to get the king to pardon Su Hu!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Ji Chang nodded hurriedly.

Okay, since the Taoist Master is confident that Daji will persuade the king, it will naturally be successful. I will go to Chaoge to find Mr. Shang Rong, Bigan and others!

Ji Chang stood up and said directly.

Liu Ming also stood up. Now that this matter has been resolved, it is time for him to return to Chaoge. As for finding Daji, Liu Ming knew it should not be difficult!

Ji Chang accompanied Liu Ming to the mansion. Liu Ming suddenly saw someone and couldn't help but stop.

Master Hou, who is this?

Liu Ming asked, pointing to a man.

The man looked at Ji Chang and others and hurriedly came over.

Haha, Taoist Priest, he is my eldest son, his name is Kao, and his courtesy name is Boyi! I can't pass the Boyi exam, but I have met the Taoist Priest!

After Ji Chang finished speaking, Boyikao had already walked over and saluted Liu Ming.

Bo Yi passed the Taoist examination!

When Liu Ming saw Boyikao, he couldn't bear it.

He will suffer the disaster of death in the future. The key is that although he knows it, he can't change anything.

Let’s talk about it later. If you can help him once, it can be considered as your best effort!

After all, this is the later Zhongtian Arctic Ziwei Emperor Zhengshen!

He can be regarded as a somewhat famous Eight-Part God.

Ji Chang was a little curious when he saw Liu Ming staring at Boyikao.

Master, what is this? Is there something wrong with the child?

Ji Chang asked hurriedly.

Liu Ming shook his head, stretched out his hand, and a spell appeared in his hand.

The prince will face a calamity in the future. I can't say it too clearly, and the secret must not be revealed. However, it is still unknown if the prince carries this talisman with him. It may be able to save the prince's life!

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Boyikao was a little surprised.

There was a trace of shock and worry in Ji Chang's eyes. He hurriedly took Liu Ming's charm and handed it directly to Boyikao.

Why don't you quickly thank the Taoist Priest? Since the Taoist Priest has said it, you must be careful in the future and carry this talisman with you and never leave it. Do you understand?

Seeing what his father Ji Chang said, Boyikao had no choice but to collect the talisman and put it in his arms.

After Liu Ming and Ji Chang said goodbye, they took Yang Jian directly towards Chaoge.

Father, who is this man! Why is my father so respectful to him? Also, is this spell really useful?

Boyikao looked at Liu Ming's back and asked with some confusion.

Ji Chang couldn't help but feel worried when he looked at him.

Listen, this Taoist priest came from Chaoge. He was made a Taoist priest by the king in the palace. Needless to say, his strength is natural. It was because of his mediation that Su Hu was so rebellious this time. In today's situation, the Taoist priest will naturally stay up all night long, good at predicting the future, so you can't take it lightly, it's a good idea to keep this spell with you, remember to remember it!

Ji Chang hurriedly gave instructions. He was afraid that the Boyi test would not be taken seriously. If something happened, it would be too late to regret it.

After Liu Ming returned to Chaoge, he did not go to Daji because his matter required Ji Chang to contact important ministers and report the current situation to King Zhou before he could go to Daji again.

He took Yang Jian around Chaoge City.

Obviously, he discovered the difference between Chaoge and Xiqi.

Although Chaoge is larger than Xiqi in terms of area, it is managed fairly well and everything is in order.

But Liu Ming discovered that the order in Chaoge was formed under the management of strict laws and strict officials.

This is not the case in Xiqi. Xiqi's order is voluntarily observed by the people themselves.

The two are at odds!

Since ancient times, winning the hearts of the people has won the world. I am honest and you can't deceive me! Haha, Yang Jian, look at Chaoge City. Doesn't it look like a sloping palace that is about to collapse?

Liu Ming pointed to the entire Chaoge panorama in the distance and said.

Yang Jian looked along Liu Ming's fingers, and it really felt like sunset.

Ji Chang enters Chaoge!

After Liu Ming left, he directly arranged everything and came to Chaoge. He went directly to Shang Rong and Bigan and told them everything.

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