The Zero and the Underworld bosses all sat upright with smiles on their faces.

This has also made other civilizations learn from each other in a similar way.

The main reason is that they are afraid of the Zero and the Difu, they are all like this, and others naturally dare not do things.

A wedding is incomparably grand, and it is a live broadcast of the whole universe, and all the high-level civilizations, peak civilizations, and top-level civilizations are all present, and its scale can be imagined.

I'm afraid the most dish that can be present is Odin.

Their spaceship is not as big as the ship that any civilized emperor is riding.

This gap is obvious

! Odin, who directly gave the Lord of the Gods at the top of the Six Realms, was depressed!

How could there be so many powerful civilizations

? Saying that above

good technology is God? Aren't he gods

? But why is technology above himself?

Odin expressed doubts about life, and after the wedding, he returned to Asgard and prepared to dissolve the army, and truly handed Asgard into the hands of Thor.

Let your stupid son worry about it, he doesn't want to be so tired anyway.

The wedding was full of free talk and laughter.

However, there are more than a dozen people who are not happy at all, and even want to do something and ruin the wedding.

These people are the Black Widow, the Scarlet Witch, the Little Cousin, Shan, Bi Bi Dong, Wan Ling Xue, Da Wu, Liu Dalong, Zhu Zhuqing, the God of Goodness, the Goddess of Life, and Nana.

None of the twelve of them looked very good.

They all liked Ye Chen, but they didn't expect to be made Rongrong the first in the end.

Looking at her usually good girl, I didn't expect to be a master who strikes first.

This step is ahead of everyone.

How could everyone not be angry?

But although Rong Rong was the first to ascend, they would not stop there.

As an invincible universe that can travel through the past and the future.

It's nothing for Ye Chen to have a few more wives.

After all, like those emperors in advanced civilizations, which one doesn't have thousands of wives.

The top civilized emperor even has a wife of more than 100 million, saying that his face is blind, and he is really numb! Therefore,

they still have a chance.

It's just that I'm a little angry now, and it's good to think about it in a few days.

"Damn Ye Chen, obviously she is not related by blood, and she knew me the earliest, why didn't she marry me first? Could it be that she is too familiar

to start?" "No, I can't be so reserved anymore, I have to start early."

"The next time I find a chance to be alone, I won't believe it. The

little cousin Shen Yuyao thought in her heart, she was already planning something.

Not only her, but other sisters are also planning.

Each has its own course of action.

Anyway, it is the first to strike strongly, and the second to suffer.

If you don't do it again, you'll be old.


A wedding is a full month.

After all, many of you here have come from afar.

Ye Chen couldn't snub the guests.

So he opened up the tens of thousands of worlds, hundreds of thousands of worlds, and tens of millions of small worlds that he had created because of his idle and boring.

for them to visit.

The scenery is pleasant, different, and has its own life system to reproduce and develop.

It amazes them, a civilization that has seen a lot of scenery.

Where have I seen such a scene.

You must know that only the strongest of the semi-saints in the great world have the ability to create.

The range is boundless.

And even if it's a top-tier civilization.

is just relying on science and technology to stitch together a piece of land in the starry sky.

To be able to achieve the creation of countless worlds like Ye Chen, even if it is as strong as zero, it is impossible, far from reaching.

You must know that even if it is a small world, it is larger than the scope of the current provenable universe.

Not to mention the Middle Thousand Worlds as well as the Great Thousand Worlds.

With such a high-level dimensional space, none of these high-level civilizations wanted to leave after entering.

The scenery is so beautiful, the resources are quite abundant, and they are inexhaustible.

And even if they reproduce more, life is enough to survive, love love, love!

Give them tens of thousands of years to visit a small world.

"Senior Ye, I wonder if this small world can be sold to me?" Since

the emperor of the marginal civilization entered the small thousand world to see it, his ten thousand wives have been clamoring to settle down there.

He had no choice but to see if he could buy it.

He rubbed his hands and looked at Ye Chen with a look of earnestness.

"Yes, ask my aunt to buy it, she is fully responsible, she can say as much as she wants!"

Ye Chen nodded happily.

The marginal civilization came all the way to attend his wedding, and it was nothing to sell him a small world.

Anyway, in a world of this level, he can create 10,000 with a wave of his hand.

It's really nothing to him.

But it can't be given away for nothing.

How much to sell, her aunt decides, she is the executive president of the Sage Group, and Ye Chen retreats behind the scenes, still the actual controller.

"Thank you Senior Ye, thank you Senior Ye. The Emperor of

Marginal Civilization hurriedly thanked him, and excitedly went to find Ye Chen's aunt Shen Mengxi.

Shen Mengxi has helped Ye Chen handle the company's affairs for many years.

I also know Ye Chen's ability better.

Naturally, I have a good idea of the buying and selling price of the world.

However, it is not good to give a price directly for a while.

The price is too high for the other party to afford, and too low is not conducive to the expansion of the Sage Group's business to the whole universe and even the multiverse.

After thinking about it, he worked with the company's financial director and a number of financial experts to jointly calculate and finally came up with a price plan.

The price of Xiaoqian World can be exchanged for 10,000 S-class planets.

The criterion for the designation of S-class planets is the Earth, which is the highest level of life planet.

Exchanging 10,000 S-level life planets for a small thousand worlds is incomparably expensive in the eyes of ordinary civilizations, it is simply astronomical, and the lion opens his mouth.

However, for some of the more powerful advanced civilizations, if you get together here and there, you should still be able to make up some.

As for the peak civilization, although it is difficult to make up this number, it is relatively easy.

The top civilizations are much simpler, and they are certainly willing to buy them.

And the god-level civilization, as well as the great god-level civilization, naturally can't set their sights on the small thousand world, no matter what, they have to complete the middle thousand world.

"Ten thousand planets, S-class planets?"

the Emperor of the Edge Civilization frowned.

They are already in the sixth or even seventh level civilization.

It already belongs to the advanced civilization.

But even if it is a high-level civilization, it is still nerve-wracking to let their marginal civilizations come up with so many S-class planets.

"Bring me one.

"I want one too. "

It's so good deal, I'll buy three. But

he didn't want other more advanced civilization emperors to come up directly, indicating that he was wealthy.

Look at them like this.

The Emperor of Marginal Civilization gritted his teeth: "If I bought it, I want one too."

"Don't worry, everyone, in addition to buying and selling the small worlds and the big worlds, our Sage Group will also launch a business, that is, renting.


everyone wondered.

"Yes, you only need to pay the corresponding price, you can rent the Xiaoqian World, the price is a thousand S-class planets can use the Xiaoqian World for 100,000 years!"

You must know that the former three-body civilization wanted to occupy the earth because its planet was about to hang.

The three-body civilization is a second-level civilization.

The second-level civilization has lived so badly, although it is very awesome to be a few levels higher than him, it is not easy to come up with this huge amount of money.

However, for many civilizations, they are destroyed after hundreds of years or thousands of years after stepping into the stars.

It is still very cost-effective to be able to rent a thousand S-class planets for 100,000 years.

"In addition, as long as you pay another 9,300 S-class life planets during the lease period, you can obtain the permanent property rights of the small world where you are located.

Shen Mengxi's words spread.

Hearing this, the faces of all civilized emperors were overjoyed, and they were all mentally calculating.

You must know that 100,000 years is decisive for the growth of a low-level civilization.

Some of the ones that grow faster can even reach the level of a fifth-level or even sixth-level civilization within this time period.

By then, it will occupy a wider range and will be able to obtain more S-class planets.

In this way, it seems possible to pay for 9,300 S-class planets in a limited period of 100,000 years.

Besides, with the land scope and mineral resources of the small world, the development of civilization will inevitably be more rapid.

It's a good deal!"

"I'm going to rent it too.

"I rent it for 100,000 years. "

Give me 200,000 years first. "

Those civilizations with a slightly lower level hurry up to book one by one, for fear of being robbed, and if they are slow, they will not have any.

"How much does

the Middle Thousand World sell?" "What about the Great Thousand World?" "The Middle Thousand World and the Great Thousand World are wider, I'm afraid it's more expensive, but I don't know how much!" "

Mr. Shen, give me a bottom?"

Hearing that the top civilization and even the god-level civilization were interested in the Middle Thousand World and the Great Thousand World

, Shen Mengxi hesitated for a moment and then pulled everyone's emotions, and then said:" The Middle Thousand Worlds are a hundred times larger than the Small Thousand Worlds, but there are only 500,000 S-class planets. The

following god-level civilizations were dumbfounded.

"It's too expensive.

"It's not enough to sell my entire civilization. "

Oh my God, 500,000 pieces!" "

The Middle Thousand Worlds are good, but the price is also ridiculously expensive!" "Not to be outrageous, there are so many S-class planets, there shouldn't be any need to buy the Middle Thousand Worlds!" "

This is a bad statement, the Middle Thousand Worlds

can be met but not sought, if you can get the Zero Returners to make one, I will also pay this price, and I will not bargain." "


There was a lot of discussion in the audience, even though they were all emperors of various civilizations or the top three high-ranking people.

But in the face of such a sky-high price, it still makes most people tremble.

I instantly felt that I was so poor.

Even if the peak civilization and the top civilization occupy a wide area, there are a large number of galaxies.

But the probability of the birth of an S-class planet is very low.

It's too difficult to find 500,000 of them!

You can't invade other civilizations on a large scale, it's okay to know, but once you know it's bound to be destroyed by a higher civilization.

"As for the preciousness of the world, I think everyone understands that it can no longer be measured by value, and it was originally not sold.

"But you came all the way to attend my nephew's wedding, and after careful consideration, in order to repay the enthusiasm of the majority of friends, I decided to sell ten of them

!" "The world doesn't need 100 million, and it doesn't want 80 million, only 9.99 million S-class planets can be taken home and owned forever, and they will be passed down from generation to generation, passed down forever, and will be the first choice for hundreds of millions of generations!"

Shen Mengxi said in a high voice.

It was stunned for many high-level civilized emperors.

"What's the matter? Why am I a poor man of a third-level civilization, but I feel very cheap after listening to his words?"

"Who said it wasn't, it made me float, and I want to come to the next one!" "

Wake up, you guys, the price is too high, I don't think even a god-level civilization can take it out." "

Compared with its infinitely vast land range, it can directly accommodate countless lives, and its price does not seem

to be high!" "If you look at it this way, it is indeed quite cost-effective!"

"Nine million nine hundred and ninety-nine, thinking that I can afford it for less than

ten thousand?" "What I lack is that ten thousand, what I lack is nine million nine hundred and ninety-ninety

!" "If you fight hard, you have to make it up with gritted teeth, and you can't be looked down upon." "

I'll have one. "

I'll have one too.

"I'd better rent it first." "

At this moment, if you dare to say that you want it, there will only be a god-level civilization.

Because even the pinnacle civilization and the top civilization can't withstand this terrifying price.

S-class planets are not cabbages.

If there is a planet that can be habited by people, it is a lot.

The universe is vast, and powerful civilizations control as few as one galaxy as many as billions.

There aren't too many galaxies for human habitation.

Gritting your teeth, you can still take out a lot of them.

But the key is that as long as there is an S-class planet.

"Okay, don't worry, register one by one, prepare the property rights and coordinates of the planet, and come to me to buy the world.

"Actually, it's a good deal for everyone to be able to buy it.

"You must know that ordinary planets have a lifespan of 10 billion years, and even naturally born S-class planets are no more than 20 billion at most, and the habitable environment time during this period is only 1 billion years.

"And when the universe expands to its limit and explodes, all the planets will turn to dust.

"But the world you bought is not, absolutely stable, just like the zero person can't break the defense.

Shen Mengxi said and pointed to the zeroers who were pretending to be calm in the distance.

As a god-level civilization, it is naturally impossible to join in the fun, so you must maintain your demeanor.

Everyone turned their heads to see the Zeros, and the Zeroers Boss scratched his head a little embarrassed.

"Indeed, as Mr. Shen said, even our zeroers will never be able to break the defense!" No

way, Shen Mengxi is promoting, it must have been agreed by Ye Chen.

Where did he dare not help publicize it.

Although the poor Zeroers dominate the universe and countless eras, even the underworld can't do anything about them.

But at this moment, it has directly become a unit of measurement.

All in all, in the eyes of the major civilizations, those who return to zero must be good things if they can't break the defense!"

"I want it too, I want it too. "


At this moment, where did they still care about the image, and rushed up directly, for fear that they would not be able to grab it.

"Quantities are limited, first served.

Shen Mengxi took the microphone and shouted again.

Ye Chen, who was standing in the sky watching all this, couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

Aliens are so simple, this marketing method is believed.

However, no matter how good the marketing is, the product must be excellent.

Everyone is not stupid, and it is impossible for everyone to pay for something that is not good.

"Do you really want to sell the worlds you created? those worlds are so beautiful, I haven't finished many of them yet!" Ling

Rongrong, who was standing beside him and snuggled up to him, was a little reluctant.

Anyway, this is also her husband Ye Chen's property.

Although it's all pre-marital property, she can't say anything.

But it feels like a shame to sell it like that.

"It's okay, you can have as much as you want.

Ye Chen rubbed her head and said.

"Really?" said

Rong Rong with a playful smile.

"Of course, I can make 10,000 of the world, and I will make you some fun with whatever you like.

Ye Chen said with a smile.


Ling Rongrong was dumbfounded, she felt that she still didn't know Ye Chen too well.

You must know that even the smallest Xiaoqian World is higher in terms of spatial quality than the God Realm and all the worlds in the Dou World combined.

I didn't expect that these were all made by Ye Chen casually.

"Husband, you are simply omnipotent!" Ling

Rongrong sighed, took a sip of Ye Chen, with affection, and seemed to think of something very shy.

Ye Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Then I'll let you know how I can do anything." As

he spoke, he put his arm around her waist and disappeared directly.


Aliens have been on Earth for a long time.

It's been a few years, and there are still a lot of people who haven't been back.

It's all about being able to grab the right to buy the world.

Because every other month there is a lottery.

You can only buy it if you win it, but it's absolutely fair, anyone can shake it, and anyone can not shake it.

And the first to buy is to take the world entrance back to their own civilization.

Whether it is a small world, a middle world or a large world, there is still a reason that cannot be refused.

That is, it is easy to carry.

You can take it with you, put it in a spaceship, or even throw it into a black hole.

And it supports fingerprint unlocking, digital unlocking, and hundreds of millions of alien language unlocking.

The entrance can be large or small, and it is convenient for thieves.

Those who bought it back said it was good.

The positive rating is 100%.

But only a few can afford it.

Some of the less affluent choose to rent.

Or buy it when you have the money.

However, recently, Shen Mengxi is discussing the possibility of installment payment with the senior management of Sage Group.

Interest-free installments can be made with high credibility.

Those with low creditworthiness need to be mortgaged.

However, it will not be too much, and generally even if there is a loss, the Sage Group will bear it by itself.

There is absolutely no ugly face of crushing capital.

For example, if a civilization goes bankrupt, the Sage Group will not take back the world and will not fall into the ground.

Of course, that's all for later.

I don't know if it's tens of thousands or even millions of years from now.

The business of the Sage Group is getting bigger and bigger.

The business is spread across many galaxies.

The Sage Group has also purchased a large number of spaceships for the business of salesmen across galaxies and distances.

Relying on the background of the Sage Group, business is naturally easy to do.

Of course, Ye Chen also strictly used spells to restrain him.

has been given the best treatment, if there are still people who are greedy, then I'm sorry, if it's less, it's okay to eat a big pot of rice for a lifetime, step on a sewing machine for a lifetime, and if you have more, I'm embarrassed to send you directly to hell.

Ten years after Ye Chen and Ling Rongrong got married.

The world has bought everything that should be bought, and the earth has returned to peace.

And Ye Chen and Ling Rongrong did not give birth to children.

Because Ye Chen is a half-saint, it is difficult to give birth to a child normally.

If you use a spell to assist, it is not necessary.

Anyway, Ye Chen was not in a hurry and didn't care.

On this day, he was teaching Godzilla the practice of practicing the body.

Suddenly, I felt something, and a throbbing feeling hit my heart.

"Is this feeling...!"

Ye Chen looked up at the distant sky.

At a glance, you can see an island with a pair of large black wings.

These wings are kind of bat-like.

"Demon One, Morgana!" Ye

Chen thought.

"No wonder there is such a feeling, Morgana's world is full of beautiful women, among which Morgana's cold ice is a classic, interesting, it seems that they don't know the current situation on the earth!"

"Since you don't know yet, it's better to continue not to know."

"It's better to bring Caesar, Hua Ye, and Carl here to get a piece of the pie.

"Although they are all small shrimps, they should add some meaning in this boring life.

Ye Chen thought.

Then, with a wave of his hand, all known communication devices on the entire planet were selectively blocked from all known communications about superheroes, alien arrivals, and themselves.

In other words, he has set the queryable permission.

All the civilizations in the Male Soldier Company, even one of them, will not be able to find the key information when they want to know about the earth.

Even if they find a puppet, they can't do it.

Even the Earth they see has an impact on their vision.

The billboard is still a normal advertisement, there is no Ye Chen and there is no alien spaceship occupying the starry sky.

In short, as long as the alien civilization in the male soldier company arrives, it must be coming to the wolf's den without knowing it.

"Carl thinks he is above everything, he controls life and death, and all conspiracies and schemes are in his hands, and he is playing a big game of chess.

"But how could he have thought that the three thousand dimensions of the universe are all in my hands, and he is just a small shrimp that can be handled at will!"

Ye Chen smiled.

At this moment, Demon No. 1 Island has landed in the earth's clouds, and it is in the clouds above the mountain range three hundred kilometers east of Juxia City.

As soon as the wind blew, the covered clouds disappeared, and I saw a large number of demon warriors standing neatly in the square in front of the building of Demon No. 1 Island.

At the top of the building, Morgana was standing in a black leotard resembling a black widow.

"Demon warriors, you will inherit my will, conquer the city, be invincible, go, learn about this world, and fight in a week, and get the nuclear bomb key of this world. "

Yes, great Queen Morgana!" a

group of demons formed several squads and set off as soon as they were ready to equip.

And at this moment, over the island where Ye Chen was, a silver-gray military helicopter landed.

Godzilla's eyes narrowed, and the atomic breath in his mouth flickered, and he almost knocked it off.

"Stay and go.

Ye Chen just pushed lightly, and Godzilla hit a hundred floats on the sea.

Only then did Ye Chen realize that he had overexerted himself.

"The strength is still too poor, alas!"

Ye Chen shook his head, hating iron and not steel.

And it was Admiral Ducao who walked down from the helicopter.

"Hello Mr. Ye, didn't bother you, did you?"

"Here, please."

Ye Chen said.

Sit down in the pavilion.

"What's the matter with me?"

Ye Chen didn't want to go around so many circles.

"Mr. Ye is really direct enough.

"In that case, I'll just say it bluntly, this time I want to ask Mr. Ye Chen to train my fighters. "

Let's go.

Ye Chen got up.


Dukao was stunned.

"Isn't this your purpose in training a company of male soldiers?"

Ye Chen said.

"Okay, okay Mr. Ye, please talk to you on the plane. The

two got on the plane and left.

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