The supreme ruler of the periphery civilization and even the galaxy projection lamented heavily to all the members of the periphery civilization.

"The universe is about to be destroyed, whether it is immortal or immortal, whether it is a high-level civilization or a low-level civilization, everything will be zero, no civilization can be eternal, it will all pass away

!" "Say goodbye to your relatives and friends, in this last hour!" The

deep voice made all the members of the marginal civilization understand that their so-called glory, so-called immortality, and eternal life will all be zeroed in this cosmic explosion.

There is grief, relief, joy and sorrow, and even anger.

At the same time, all major civilizations in the universe have detected changes in cosmic energy and received news of imminent destruction.

Countless top civilizations, peak civilizations, eternal civilizations, god-level civilizations, etc., couldn't help but scold one after another.

"The Zero-Returning Civilization that killed a thousand knives is less than 10 billion years after the last cosmic explosion, why is it going to explode again?"

"The head is rusty, I haven't slept yet, and a new reincarnation is about to begin?"

"I want to complain, this stupid coin doesn't follow the rules!" "It's

too pitted, the home is going to be gone, hold the grass

!" "Hurry up and flee to other latitudes, the Zero-Returning Civilization is crazy!"

Don't run away, I just came back from dozens of other dimensions, it's useless, the same will be destroyed!

" "What, they have lived enough, do they

want to die together?" "Nima This is the rhythm of everyone going to heaven together

!" "Damn, Lao Tzu doesn't want to die yet

!" "......!"

At this time, in the starry sky hall of a god-level civilization.

A few god-like aliens come together.

"High Priest, can you deduce what this cosmic crisis is?"

"Don't worry, there will be an answer in a moment!" said

the High Priest, his eyes closed tightly, and the scepter in his hand shone brightly.

At this moment, he crossed the infinite cosmic space and gradually approached the Andromeda galaxy that had fallen into nothingness.

At this time, sweat was already breaking down on his forehead.

Then I saw a figure in the void space.

The gaze gradually closes, and the human form is dressed in strange costumes.


Ye Chen turned around.

The impact was even greater than the entire universe, directly crushing the soul of the High Priest.


"Who is he!"

The high priest left only three words before he turned into a stiff, dry corpse, with no blood and no blood, and a broken soul.

"High Priest?" "High

Priest, what's wrong with you?"

"Great... The High Priest is dead!"

High Priest, why are you so dead

?" "Who are you talking about?" "Who is he?"


At this moment, the Zero Returners at the top of the dimensions are actually confused.

was scolded by the entire cosmic civilization for no reason.

Nima, when a man sits at home, woe comes from heaven.

We didn't do anything!

Of course, they just couldn't argue with it.

After all, isn't it the power of the Big Bang to zero, but they didn't

do anything, why is the universe going to explode?

And even more fucked up is that even they can't make all latitudes at the same time at the same time, and the threat of exploding at any time.

It has to be a process, and it can't be so violent!"

"Nima, I said we didn't do it, do you believe it?"

I had no choice but to find the rules of the universe.

After all, the Zero Returner is a supreme god-level civilization that can reset all dimensions to zero and reshape the rules.

So even the rules of the universe are governed by them.

As a result, I only found that the rules of the universe had frightened me into incontinence, and I couldn't even understand the words, and I was full of fear.

The Zeroer's head hurts, can anyone tell me what happened to this Nima?


"Didn't Da Luo Jin Immortal fail to break through all the latitude space

!" "In that case, Da Luo Jin Immortal is not enough, then quasi-saint

!" "Hum!"

The horror of this moment is unimaginable.

In the entire universe, whether it is the multiverse or the proto-universe, or all latitudes, all the light is completely gone, and it is pitch black.

This is still under the condition that Ye Chen's suppression can no longer be suppressed.

The billions of dots of power that the quasi-sanctuary missed.

"Bang bang bang ......!"

has not been forcibly destroyed.

The three-thousand-dimensional space is completely gone.

It's not the kind of thing that doesn't have a certain range.

It's completely gone.

That's right, there is not even a single hair left in the three-thousand-dimensional space.

Today, only the original universe barely exists.

But with the exception of the solar system, everything else has almost collapsed, in the midst of collapse, which is no different from destruction.

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