Homo sapiens

Chapter 566 Wandering

Moon, far side.

Doppler base.

A tourist spacecraft transformed from a Tinder spacecraft is slowly docking in the middle of the crater, and the Doppler base is in the center of the crater.

Hundreds of tourists from Earth are still in the cabin, slowly adapting to the gravity of the moon under the guidance of the flight attendants.

As the New Granada region that established a full-fledged branch relatively early, the local economy is not much different from Southeast Asia.

Although traveling to the moon for half a month costs 1,500 gold yuan per person, for some employees whose monthly income is more than 3,000 gold yuan, this is nothing.

For example, Luna, who previously worked in the Antarctic branch, took advantage of her vacation to travel to the moon with two colleagues.

After experiencing one-sixth of the earth's gravity, she was like a fat penguin, her movements a little funny and unbalanced.

"I don't know when I can go down..." My colleague Jin Xiaoying also walked unsteadily.

Another colleague named Shi Linqi was lying on her seat feeling dizzy. Apparently she had an adverse reaction, and the flight attendant was checking her body.

It took Luna more than ten minutes to adapt before she could barely walk normally. Then she half-walked and half-jumped to Shilinqi's side: "Qi, how do you feel?"

"Much better..." Shi Linqi's face was still a little pale.

The flight attendant reminded: "You should rest on the spacecraft for twenty-four hours temporarily! This is environmental mutation syndrome, similar to altitude sickness..."

Luna quickly asked: "Is there any danger?"

The flight attendant shook his head: "No, in fact, many people feel a little uncomfortable when going to outer space for the first time. This varies from person to person. Some people adapt quickly and are in good health, so their symptoms are mild; some people have mild symptoms. It’s slow to adapt and your body is not in good shape. As long as the symptoms are obvious, don’t worry, it will usually be relieved in about 24 hours.”

After speaking, the flight attendant put a helmet on Shi Linqi and told her:

"It's a headache and tinnitus relief device, and I come in every three hours to check it, and of course there's an emergency call button on the side, so if you have an emergency, press that button right away."


"You're welcome. I wish you all a pleasant journey."

Jin Xiaoying suggested to Luna: "Luna, Qi is not feeling well, why don't we stay here with her for a day? Anyway, now we have to adapt to the lunar environment."

After thinking for a moment, Luna nodded: "That's okay."

In fact, more than half of the 120 passengers in the cabin chose to stay because more than a quarter of the passengers had environmental mutation syndrome.

After all, these passengers have not received long-term professional training, so it is normal for their bodies to be unable to adapt.

At this time, the tourist spaceship was pulled by a trailer to an exclusive berth.

This berth has a huge protective dome. After all, the protective layer of the spacecraft itself is not omnipotent. To be on the safe side, it still needs to be parked in a berth with a high protective dome.

After lying on the spacecraft for more than seven hours, Shilinqi finally felt that her body was no longer so uncomfortable.

Even with biochips and symbionts, new humans are not 100% able to adapt to outer space.

However, in this case, it usually only takes ten days and a half in outer space for the body to initially adapt.

The biochip and symbionts will also record the data of this discomfort and start to fine-tune the body's hormones, blood pressure, breathing, electrolytes, etc., until the body can fully adapt to the lunar environment, and there will be no obvious discomfort next time.

The next day, the flight attendant came to check Shilinqi's physical condition. After confirming that there was no problem, she was allowed to move freely.

The three of them did not bring suitcases or anything like that, because this time they were traveling and tourists were not allowed to bring too many personal belongings. All daily necessities and clothes were taken care of by the space tourism company.

They wore the space version of bio-based armor underneath, put on a T-shirt and denim shorts outside, and got off the spacecraft directly.

There is an underground tunnel between the berth and the base city, which directly connects the upper and lower hatches of the spacecraft.

Using the employee card, the cabin door was opened directly. There was a downward staircase at the door. The setting was similar to that of a subway station, but with some additional compartment gates.

The intelligent tour guide robot stuck on one side of their shoulders introduced to everyone: "These gates are air-tight gates. The purpose is to prevent air leakage in some areas, thus affecting the use of the passage."

After walking up the stairs, we arrived at the station.

Twenty minutes later, a tram slowly stopped beside the platform.

The tour guide robot reminded: "Swipe your card to get on the bus."

The three of them swiped their employee cards and got into the parking space.

At this time, the voice of the tour guide robot sounded again: "On the display screen in front of the seat, enter the location you want to go to."

In front of the seat, that is, behind the front seat, there is indeed a display screen. Luna found the place she wanted to go on the map navigation and selected the place to get off.

The tram made twists and turns in the underground tunnel for a while.

About seven minutes later, the tram’s automatic announcement system reminded:

"Dear passengers, we have arrived at Laurel Hotel Station. Passengers who need to get off please bring..."

"We're here!" Jin Xiaoying quickly pulled Shi Linqi and Luna out of the car.

There are also layers of gates.

After passing through the fifth-floor gate, they arrived at the so-called Laurel Hotel, which was actually the astronaut dormitory in Doppler Base City.

However, there are only 40 to 60 resident astronauts here, but there are 300 dormitory rooms, so some of them are rented by travel companies.

A synchronized robot with a curved front and back came to Luna and the three of them: "Guests, welcome to the Laurel Hotel. I am the waiter Cathy. Please give me your employee card and I will take you to your room."

"Isn't this a robot from a game in recent years?" Luna stared at the robot with surprise.

Kim Hyo Young seemed to remember where she had seen this robot: "It must be the Atomic Heart!"

The waiter swiped his card and explained: "Yes, our company purchased the character copyright of Atomic Heart and reproduced a batch of similar-looking robots as waiter robots in the outer space hotel."

"That's it!" Luna suddenly realized.

Kim Hyo Young joked: "Can this robot do ballet? It won't suddenly lose control and go berserk, right?"

"Of course...it's impossible!" the waiter replied while returning the employee cards to the three of them: "Please come with me!"

Their room is on the third floor of the hotel.

While taking the elevator, the waiter asked again: "What do you need to eat? You can use the holographic projection of the tour guide robot. It has an automatic ordering system."

"Oh?" Luna's eyes lit up when she heard about the food, and she turned on the holographic projection screen of the tour guide robot.

After a while, she found the menu of Laurel Hotel.

"Qi, Xiaoying, what do you want to eat?"

Jin Xiaoying read the menu: "Mashed potatoes, fried chicken steak, sparkling water, and stir-fried celery!"

"I want to try something more exciting, a pickled fish and rice, and a bottle of lemon tea."

Luna nodded, ordered food for the two friends, and then ordered a small pizza, a Orleans grilled wings, a tomato salad, and a bottle of sugar cane juice for herself.

"Here we are!" The waiter robot opened one of the rooms.

Every room here is independent, and there is no big shop.

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