Homo sapiens

Chapter 556 Journey (1)

boom! A huge spacecraft spewed out thrusters and landed slowly over the Utopia Planitia in the northern hemisphere of Mars.

This spacecraft is a Fire-class spacecraft weighing 6,000 tons.

It did not come to Mars alone, but was combined with four other Spark spacecraft, with a huge anti-radiation shield installed behind it, and then used the nuclear explosion of a miniature hydrogen bomb to quickly advance to Mars.

Currently, it only takes 45 to 127 Earth days for the Homo sapiens company's unmanned spacecraft to travel to Mars through nuclear explosion propulsion.

Five Fire ships were tied together, one of which was the nuclear bomb warehouse and thruster core, and the remaining four Fire ships were all here to perform their missions.

Two of them will land in the Utopia Planitia area in the northern hemisphere of Mars, where they will establish the first Mars surface scientific research station - Utopia Station.

The other two Spark spacecraft will stay in the sun-synchronous orbit of Mars and serve as Mars space stations.

At this time, in the cockpit of the Spark spacecraft that landed on Mars, three robots were controlling the spacecraft.

"Captain, everything is fine, you can land." The nameplate on the chest of the robot that spoke said: HX-0075.

"Permission to land." Another robot directly ordered.

"Copy that, start landing."

The nozzle of the reverse thrust engine of the Spark spacecraft was constantly adjusted, and the light blue flames it spit out gradually weakened until the bottom of the spacecraft was less than 5 meters away from the ground.

"Expand the buffer rack."

Twelve mechanical legs popped up from the bottom of the spacecraft and were inserted directly into the loose sand on the surface. The hydraulic pumps and shock absorbers of the mechanical legs, as well as the automatic balance and stability system of the spacecraft itself, allowed the spacecraft to stop firmly on the sand.

Immediately, the light blue flame from the engine nozzle also went out.

"Successful landing." Robot No. 0075 made a slightly joyful voice.

Robot No. 0074 looked at the dashboard and immediately ordered: "King, check each system."

Robot No. 0076 immediately replied: "Received."

As the captain of the robot No. 0074, he immediately contacted the captain of the other spacecraft. The two parties communicated for a few minutes and only after confirming that there were no problems with each other, they wrote a report back to the Earth headquarters.

These robots are not artificial intelligence, but real "people".

To be precise, it is the people who control the robots, not supercomputers and intelligent programs.

Although intelligent programs supported by huge computing power can simulate humans and perform some relatively rigid tasks based on set programs, they are ultimately not as flexible as humans.

Especially in the process of extraterrestrial exploration, the extraterrestrial planets are often very far away from the earth. The artificial intelligence provided by the spacecraft alone is not enough to cover everything.

After research, the Space Division decided to use the previously developed 16-fold magnetic monopole crystal as communication equipment.

In an ultra-low temperature environment, the 16-fold bulk magnetic monopole crystal has an ultimate service life of 2,739 Earth days. With a service life of more than seven years, it is obviously ready for practical applications.

This improved version of the magnetic monopole crystal, as the core of the communication system, can communicate without delay.

At least for now, there is no obvious delay between the Mars landing spacecraft and the Earth headquarters.

This is also the reason why these robots can be controlled by humans. In the communication module of the robot, there is a magnetic monopole crystal communicator. This device corresponds to an exclusive control cabin at the Earth Headquarters.

In this way, staff from the Space Division can directly control the robot to perform tasks on Mars.

Although this new type of magnetic monopole crystal only has a service life of just over seven years, its delay-free communication effect is really great in the eyes of the Space Division.

The controller of robot 0074 is called Dimash, one of the two captains of the Mars landing spacecraft.

He had just reported the status of the landing mission to Earth Headquarters when another robot No. 0076 Jean reported to him the status of various systems of the spacecraft:

"Captain, all systems of the spacecraft are normal, and there is still 62% balance of chemical fuel."

"Well, you and Wang get ready, we will start to expand the base later."


The weight of this fire spacecraft is 6,000 tons. In addition to part of the fuel and spacecraft structure, it carries a total of 2,760 tons of items.

These include two cobalt rod nuclear power cabins, seven experimental cabins, four tool cabins, and four supply cabins.

These cabins are not pre-assembled but require them to be installed and commissioned on site.

Dimash walked out of the cockpit. The sky was gray and it happened to be the season of frequent sandstorms in the northern hemisphere of Mars.

Since the robot's sensors are used to sense various movements, even though the biosensor technology of Homo sapiens is very advanced, Dimash can still feel a little unreal.

There is always an uncoordinated feeling when the robot steps on the sand. Dimash is also very helpless about this. He knows the reason clearly.

Because the robot is on Mars at this time, but its body is on the Earth, the different gravity coefficients and air densities of the two will make the robot operator feel uncoordinated. This is a very normal and unavoidable situation. .

Unless Dimash's body comes to Mars, this feeling of disharmony cannot be eliminated.

under the influence of sandstorms.

Dimash could only see a hazy outline more than a hundred meters away, which was another landing spacecraft.

He looked up at the sky, where a light blue sphere was looming in the dust clouds.

That's the sun.

The sun seen on Mars is light blue.

This is because the Martian atmosphere is dominated by carbon dioxide, so the sun appears light blue after passing through the carbon dioxide filter.

He checked the surrounding terrain through the built-in auxiliary system and the spacecraft's own magnetic field detector.

Although the Utopia Plain is very flat, it is also relatively flat. Some undulating terrain of tens of meters is actually the norm.

Walking on the surface of Mars is like stepping on marshmallows. Not only is the body light, but the sand can easily leave footprints.

This situation is caused by the relatively low gravity of Mars. Frequent sandstorms and low gravity cause the sand layer accumulated on the surface to be very soft.

Through careful scanning with the magnetic field detector, he quickly identified a lowland 330 meters away on the west side, where there was a stable bedrock layer about 50 meters underground.

Although the terrain requirements for various cabins are not high, and there are no frequent major earthquakes on Mars, there is no need to worry too much about the terrain.

But Dimash still chose a relatively low-lying area with hard bedrock.

Although Mars does not have strong geological activity, it does not mean that it can sit back and relax.

On the contrary, Mars is more dangerous than Earth.

The reason is that Mars itself has a thin atmosphere and is close to the asteroid belt and Jupiter. Asteroids thrown out by Jupiter's gravity can easily approach the orbit of Mars.

Therefore, Mars is easily attacked by asteroids. Without the protection of a dense atmosphere, asteroids can be very destructive to the planet's surface.

This is also an issue that must be taken into consideration when establishing a Mars surface base.

Dimash and Chen Baojun, the captain of a landing spacecraft, determined the specific location of the base layout together, and then the two began to lead their respective team members to start the base construction work.

However, considering safety, the bases built by the two teams were not located together, but about 200 meters apart.

This is just in case, to prevent the base facilities from being concentrated together and being swept away by asteroids.

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