Homo sapiens

Chapter 536 People’s thoughts are moved

After working back and forth for more than half an hour, Celluloid stopped.

Obregon asked in a low voice with some embarrassment:

"Dr. Celluloid, is the treatment completed?"

"Well, the patient's inflammatory factors have been reduced by about 46%. Next, we only need to remove the BT factors from her body. Without the allergen, her immune system will not indiscriminately stimulate inflammatory factors."

Obregon could only see the body temperature and heartbeat on the screen. He was confused about the other parameters, so he asked with some embarrassment:

"Dr. Cellu, your company's equipment is really advanced. It seems to be different from our equipment here."

Celluloid did not beat around the bush, but asked with a smile: "Does Dr. Obregon feel that he cannot understand the parameters of the equipment?"

"Haha..." Obregon laughed awkwardly: "I really can't quite understand."

"This is normal, because these devices are designed based on the characteristics of new humans, and natural people will definitely not be able to understand them." Cellu replied directly.

Obregon immediately reacted when he heard the names of new humans and natural humans.

The new humans have biochips and have very powerful learning abilities. Therefore, after completing their initial forbearance, the new humans quickly built their own knowledge system.

Li Qingye's original papers, which were mixed in Chinese, English, Thai and Latin, were carried forward by a group of new people.

As the New Human group becomes larger and larger, this kind of Li Qingye-style thesis becomes popular within the Homo sapiens company. Now the New Human’s knowledge system has created hundreds of thousands of new words, which is difficult for natural people to understand.

This is the best way to keep it secret.

It uses a set of words and nouns that are isolated from the world, and outsiders do not understand this system at all. It is extremely difficult to decipher its contents.

You know, even the names and symbols of the elements on the periodic list of the elements within the Homo sapiens company are completely different from the outside world.

The Homo sapiens company has never marked the internal element periodic list and symbols on public information. The relevant content is in the biochip database or in the confidential internal database.

Even if some chemical formulas are stolen, other forces will not be able to analyze the precise contents.

As for other forces, they need to learn the language of Homo sapiens.

Feel sorry! This is a Homo sapiens company secret and will not be shared with others.

Other forces have nothing to do with the Homo sapiens company.

After all, the Homo sapiens language is not the external working language of the Homo sapiens company, but the internal working language. For external use, English, Chinese, French, Spanish, and Arabic are enough.

This has created a phenomenon, that is, Homo sapiens company understands the languages ​​​​from all over the world, but all parts of the world do not know the core language within the homo sapiens company, and it is in a state of one-way transparency.

Even the top artificial intelligence system is powerless when faced with a complete inability to understand text and language.

In the absence of much data, even if you use supercomputing to perform exhaustive analysis, the effect is very poor.

Obregon obviously knew that this was intentional by the New Humans. They deliberately created some words that could only be understood by the New Humans, just to raise the threshold for natural people to learn the knowledge of the New Humans.

In this regard, he did not feel that the new humans had done anything wrong.

If he stood from the perspective of the new humanity, he would do the same thing. If he didn't, then a natural person would be able to use part of the knowledge of the new humanity for free. This behavior is tantamount to staking the enemy.

"Dr. Celluloid, I just saw you treating asthma. This disease should be quite troublesome, right?"

"Treating bronchial asthma is actually not difficult. We usually use bronchial reshaping surgery and anti-allergy gene therapy."

Upon hearing these two plans, Obregon smiled bitterly: "The difficulty of these two technologies is really too difficult for ordinary hospitals."

Whether it is bronchial reshaping surgery or anti-allergy gene therapy, these are technologies that are easy to say but difficult to implement.

Celluloid nodded: "It's really difficult to do. It just took me more than half an hour to finish."

"..." Obregon was speechless.

Obviously there is a huge difference in the difficulty of understanding between the two.

For Celluloid, the operation lasted for more than half an hour, which was definitely a bit difficult.

Suddenly Obregon's eyes widened: "Dr. Celluloid, you said you have completed the surgical gene therapy?"

"Yes! The bronchial reshaping surgery was very successful. As for the gene therapy, it is only in the first phase of clinical trials and provides initial relief. It will take about 5 weeks to fully treat."

Obregon was so envious that his back molars almost broke.

This is really infuriating.

When he thought about the various cheap medical technologies provided by Homo Sapiens, which were priced astronomically elsewhere, he felt nothing but envy in his heart.

After a moment of fighting between heaven and man, Obregon asked with some embarrassment: "Dr. Celluloid, what are the requirements for applying for a job at Homo Sapiens Company now?"

Cellu did not hide anything: "The conditions are actually quite relaxed. For example, if a whole family of migrant workers comes, the company will usually not refuse the visa. In addition, they must have no major criminal record."

"Is that so?" Obregon was obviously moved. He had a wife and a 7-year-old son at home.

As for the identity of the attending physician at the Monterey Public Hospital, there is actually nothing to miss for Obregon.

Whether he is a doctor in a public hospital in Aztec, a public hospital in America or a private hospital, his income is quite high, and he is a typical middle-class group in the local area.

But it depends on who you compare with.

The income and benefits of the European and American middle class are not worth mentioning in front of Homo sapiens companies.

This medical benefit alone directly beats other benefits in Europe and the United States. Who wouldn’t be jealous of technology that can extend life?

If the Homo sapiens company hadn't been strong enough, the four major forces would have taken it away.

Obregon also had to admit that he was indeed jealous. He was not a rich man, let alone a Draco. He actually did not have much psychological resistance to joining the Homo Sapiens Company.

He struck while the iron was hot and chatted with Celluloid for more than ten minutes, during which he learned a lot of inside information and precautions.

In particular, Obregon was very concerned about the certificate of no major criminal conduct, because he didn't know what the standards were.

After listening to Celluloid's explanation, Obregon basically understood the rules and regulations for applying to become a new employee.

The girl's father, who had been sitting next to his daughter's medical cabin, did not speak. He had already signed a contract of sale and could only work for the Homo sapiens company for a few years before making any plans.

There are more and more patients in the airship hospital.

Although the warning from Homo sapiens has caused many local people to give up eating corn and related rough-processed corn products.

However, there is still an endless stream of patients, and the Airship Hospital has currently admitted 86 critically ill patients.

Many surrounding rural areas and small towns also quickly brought patients to Monterey City.

Although they have to sign a contract of sale, for many people, this is an opportunity to leap over the dragon's gate. Even many people who are not sick have come to apply for employees of the Homo sapiens company.

In reality, many people don't actually care about the free world, especially the poor and impoverished groups. They only care about whether they can have enough to eat tomorrow.

Working for a Homo sapiens company is much safer than working for a gentleman, and there are various benefits and guarantees.

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