Homo sapiens

Chapter 517 Extreme Cold

Unknowingly, time came to May of the 2nd year of Galaxy.

The ice and snow in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere has finally begun to recede, but this sudden severe cold has had very negative consequences.

Winter wheat and spring-sown crops in the Great Plains of North America have suffered losses of more than 72%. Except for Texas and Florida in the south, agricultural losses in other regions have been heavy.

The California region that could have relied on the protection of the Rocky Mountains to survive the disaster was unable to resume normal agricultural production in the first quarter of this year due to a sudden major earthquake.

It is expected that North American agricultural production will decrease by 30 to 40% this year.

Lucia, at a higher latitude, was no better.

Due to the delay, the planting of spring wheat, sugar beets and sunflowers in the Don River Plain agricultural area, which was supposed to start in April, can now only be extended to May.

If that were all, Lucia wouldn't be hurt. The problem is that another situation has arisen, that is, the arable latitude has dropped.

For example, the northern plain of the Volga River, the southern plain of West Xianbelia, the southern part of the Central Xianbeli Mountains, and the Amur River Plain have not yet completely thawed.

In this case, there is definitely no way to sow seeds.

It is expected that the area of ​​arable land in Lucia will decrease by 30 to 40 million hectares, and the frost-free period of the remaining arable land will be reduced by about one month.

Maple Leaf Country, which is also at a high latitude, has the same problem as Lucia.

The decline in agricultural production in the northern hemisphere is a foregone conclusion.

The southern hemisphere is not optimistic either.

Floods in the Pampas grassland destroyed 27 small towns and 173 farms and ranches, resulting in heavy losses of cattle and sheep in local ranches.

In the Transvaal region in southern Africa, ice and snow disasters have also seriously affected local agricultural production.

The drought in kangaroo country continues.

The industries of ABCD and America, which used to grow corn to make fuel alcohol, were also forced to suspend production.

Because the four major forces found that they continued to engage in biofuel alcohol and biodiesel, and people were running out of food, in order to stabilize the internal affairs.

America quickly took action, stopped all biofuel factories, used genetically modified corn for feed, and also squeezed out some of the food for the various brothers of the Free Association.

The Europa Commonwealth gritted its teeth and cut off a number of small shrimps that were speculating on grains, vegetables and fruits, and forced agricultural suppliers to maintain low prices, thus barely suppressing the rise in prices.

The four major forces each showed their magical powers and helped each other to cope with this cold wave crisis.

The Homo sapiens company, which is firmly established in Diaoyutai, has restarted about 35% of its underground lightless farms. The supply and price of internal food are still at a very stable level.

Right now.


This world of ice and snow, almost forgotten by mankind, has also begun to enter winter.

There are two scientific research stations close to each other near Wilkes Land-Cape Gray in the southeastern region of Antarctica.

The two scientific research stations are the Dumondiville Station in France and the Seal Station of the Homo Sapien Company.

The two scientific research stations are right next to each other. To what extent? The nearest distance is less than 50 meters.

What's more, what made the Gauls at Dumondiville Station break through their defenses was that the size of the Seal Station was hundreds of times larger than their scientific research station.

If viewed from a high altitude, Dimondville Station looks like part of the Seal Station.

In the past period of time, the Gauls at Dimondiville Station had very strong opinions on these new humans.

But at this time, they had to be thankful that they were standing next to the seal.

Marvin, the person in charge of Dimondiville Station, and Vichy, the captain of the scientific expedition team, looked at the ice and snow outside, with only solemnity and helplessness on their faces.

Vichy looked through several survey reports: "The surrounding sea areas are not only frozen in advance, but the thickness of the ice layer is also continuing to increase. If this continues, I suspect that the continental ice shelves will expand outward."

"According to the latest satellite remote sensing data, the closest liquid sea surface to our site is 37 kilometers away, and this distance is expanding."

Marvin rubbed his temples: "We can only rent an icebreaker from Kangaroo Country now. But according to their reply, it will take at least a week for the icebreaker to arrive here. By the way, doctor, how thick is the surrounding ice?"

"Within 5 kilometers, the thickness is 4 to 6 meters, and beyond 5 kilometers, it is about 1 to 3 meters."

"This situation is not good!" Marvin looked worried.

Because icebreakers can open up ice, there is a thickness limit. Ordinary icebreakers can handle ice with a thickness of 1 to 2 meters. If the ice thickness exceeds 2 meters, a large professional icebreaker is needed.

If the ice layer exceeds 3 meters, currently only a few specific icebreakers from a few forces can open channels, such as Lucia's nuclear-powered icebreaker, America's large icebreaker, and Seris's Snow Dragon 2.

And if the ice layer exceeds 4 meters, only Lucia's nuclear-powered icebreaker can barely open a channel.

Apparently Kangaroo Country does not have an icebreaker of this level.

Dr. Vichy suggested: "Marvin, how about you report to the superiors and let them communicate with the Homo sapiens company? Can you purchase a batch of living supplies from them?"

"This..." Marvin fell into a dilemma.

Of course he knew that the seal station next door could easily provide daily necessities for dozens of people. The problem was the consequences of doing so.

Now cooperating with the Homo sapiens company is a very incorrect thing within the Europa Consortium, and it is easy for some crazy people to cause trouble.

However, considering that the supplies inside the scientific research station can only last for a month and a half at most, Marvin can only find a way now.

He did not directly say that he wanted to purchase from the Homo sapiens company, but made indirect remarks, saying that the scientific research station was now running out of food, and the icebreaker rented from the Kangaroo Country was very likely to be unable to break through the ice. He hoped that the Europa Consortium would find a solution quickly.

Marvin's report did attract the attention of Paris.

Although they did not want to cooperate with the Homo sapiens company, they were unable to do so themselves, so they took the initiative to contact the Homo sapiens company, used gold to provide gold to several scientific research stations such as Dimondville Station, purchased a batch of living supplies, and entrusted the Homo sapiens company to Transport over.

For the sake of gold, Homo sapiens agreed to the purchase contract.

A few hours later.

Under the aurora, a convoy of snowmobiles transported a batch of daily necessities to the gate of Dimondville Station.

Marvin, who was wrapped tightly, saw the convoy at the door and hurriedly led the scientific expedition team members out to move their things.

"Take inventory!" The escorting new human handed Marvin a list of supplies.

"Huhu..." Marvin saw a trace of envy in his eyes when he saw the very thinly dressed new human being, but he still quickly took the list and counted various things.

Mainly vegetables and fruits, nuts and mushrooms, meat, eggs, milk, grains and condiments, as well as some emergency food and cooking bags with their own heating packs.

Then there are some common consumables for experiments, as well as some daily necessities, such as shampoo, shower gel, antifreeze, baby warmers, tissues, etc.

Marvin raised his head: "Excuse me, why is there no fuel?"

"Our scientific research station does not use fuel. You can consider pulling the wires from our side, otherwise there is nothing we can do." Maung Dan, who led the team, spread his hands.

"..." Marvin had no choice but to accept this plan.

After all, this is Antarctica. You can live for three or four days without food. If there is no heating, you may become a popsicle in a few hours.

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