Home Cook

Chapter 260: cooking starts

Fresh shark fins are obviously not easy to store, so in order to facilitate storage and transportation, shark fins are generally made into dry goods. Therefore, in order to make a top-quality shark fin, the most critical part is probably the foaming of the shark fin.

There are generally three ways to make shark fins, namely alkali hair, evaporation and simmering.

Shark fins made with alkali have the worst effect. The finished dish generally has a little alkali taste, and the taste is relatively poor. After being cooked at high temperature, the shrinkage is relatively large, and it is not easy to form.

If it is made by evaporation, it will take a long time, and it is not easy to remove the fishy smell.

If the method of simmering is used, not only the preparation time is shorter, but also it is easier to remove the fishy smell, and the taste of the finished dish is also better.

However, it usually takes about a day to simmer the hair. If it is made on the halberd, the time is obviously too late, but fortunately, the shark fin prepared by Yuanyue seems to have already been made, and Bai Ye can do it. Start cooking right away.

"Well, let's cook it with the wings loose."

Bai Ye murmured.

The practice of shark fins is divided into two factions in China, that is, scattered in the south and rowed in the north. The "scattered" and "pai" refer to "scattered fins" and "rowed fins".

The fins are located on both sides of the shark's gills. The fins are large and the weight is sufficient, which is in line with the bold, hearty, and pompous character of the northerners. Therefore, the northerners like to make shark fins into fins, and the taste of fins. Smooth and thick soup.

Loose wings are soaked shark fins to soften, peeled and fleshed, and disassembled. Each fin is in the shape of a transparent needle. It is generally difficult to make shoddy wings to make loose wings, so from this point of view, we can also see the characteristics of southerners who are shrewd in doing things and pay attention to diet. The loose wings are relatively refreshing in taste, more resilient and bite-like, and the soup is relatively clear, but it tastes delicious and fragrant.

Bai Ye thought about it in the anime, and the soup of Jiutian Wing seemed to be very clear. It should be boiled with scattered wings.

So, picking up the free nine-day fin that had already been sent out, Bai Ye was going to disassemble the whole piece of shark fin into loose fins.

Bai Ye picked up the knife and dropped it, although he didn't use the ox and green dragon to cut it, but the basic knife skills that were not low also easily completed the steps of peeling and removing the meat, revealing the crystal clear winged needles.

I dismantled the fin needles one by one and put them into a plate. The fin needles in this plate looked a bit like fans at first glance, but Bai Ye sniffed it twice, but found that the fin needles had no smell. So, Bai Ye nodded with satisfaction. He knew that this plate of shark fins was definitely of top quality, and good shark fins should be colorless and tasteless.

Well, yes, shark fin is colorless and tasteless. The reason why it is called the supreme delicacy is that its deliciousness is not inside the fin, but outside the fin.

A real shark fin chef should work hard outside the fin. Shark fin contains a lot of collagen, but it is indeed some unsaturated protein that the human body does not absorb very much. Therefore, in order to enhance its nutrition, at the same time add some colorless and tasteless shark fins. Taste, when making shark fins, you need to work hard.

There is only one way to supplement shark fins in China since ancient times, and that is to rely on soup.

I have heard people say that a good chef's cooking skills can actually be seen in this soup. As long as he can make soup, then the chef's cooking skills should definitely not be bad.

A good pot of soup is really important, this is true for other ingredients, especially for shark fins.

In fact, there is still such a legend in China about the practice of shark fins.

Legend has it that this shark fin is not actually China's own cuisine, but was brought in tribute from other countries. At that time, the chefs in the imperial kitchen had never seen shark fin, and they didn't know how to cook it, so they were trying it out. After soaking, seeing that it was colorless and odorless, they decided to give it a taste. With the principle of "good things should be put together with good things", the chefs put this shark fin with old hen, dried scallops, and fresh shrimp. The ingredients for the soup were thrown into the pot and boiled together, but the taste of the cooked food was unexpectedly delicious. The emperor greatly appreciated it after tasting it. Therefore, shark fin has since been upgraded to become a treasure in Chinese cuisine, and then cooked The method of shark fin is roughly based on this legend.

Although shark fins are colorless and tasteless, they are also delicious and can absorb the deliciousness of other ingredients. This may be the reason why shark fins can be called the best delicacy.

After processing the shark fin, Bai Ye started to make the broth. Bai Ye has made the broth several times, and this time he is naturally very skilled.

He skillfully handled an old hen, which is the main ingredient of the broth, and it is worth mentioning that it may be because Bai Ye has learned about that Arhat Tiger Claw. When it's a chicken, it's agile and sloppy.

In addition to this old hen, Bai Ye also put some scallops, fresh shrimp, ham, etc. into the pot, then covered the pot and slowly waited for the soup to boil.

At this time, seeing that time has passed, Bai Ye took advantage of the soup time to go to the freezing freezer, and looked at the frozen Tianchi water that had been put in before.

"Uh, where's my water? Why is the basin empty."

Through the transparent glass door, Bai Ye glanced at the freezer, and then was stunned.

I saw the full basin of water that was just put into the popsicle, but at this time there was only one empty plate left.

Bai Ye was startled, he thought that his water had been poured out by someone, so frightened, he hurriedly opened the freezer and took out the basin.

"Uh, it's so heavy, is it really invisible? It's amazing."

As soon as the pot started, the heavy weight made Bai Ye stunned again, and then he suddenly realized.

Reached out and touched the place in the basin that was supposed to be a piece of air~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The hard and icy touch at the beginning made Bai Ye know that the original water did not disappear, but froze, and It was as invisible as Bai Ye expected.

"Amazing, this unscientific world."

Bai Ye secretly said in his heart, but if this world is not scientific, then it is not scientific. Since this invisible ice cube already exists, it is time to start the next step.

Taking out the large ice cube from the basin, Bai Ye came to the kitchen table with the ice cube in his arms, and then took out the kitchen knife Hanguang that was drawn in the last lottery.

"It's time for a wave of long-lost sculptures, ice sculptures, I really haven't tried this."

Bai Ye waving the cold light in his hand constantly, and soon entered the engraving mode.

As a result, the audience at the venue saw another magical scene. Bai Ye, who was still in a daze just now, suddenly started to slash the air with a kitchen knife.

What is he trying to do, clean the air?

Seeing Bai Ye's strange move, the audience was full of doubts.

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