Holy Right: A Multiverse Occultist Chapter 900

Kanzaki Kaori held the hilt of the katana in his hand, supported his swaying body, and stood up reluctantly.

Index covered her head and said instinctively: "...the other party's technique is to reproduce the myths of 'Israel wrestling with God' and 'The Great Flood' ."

"...It's just that I can find the source of the opponent's spells, but there is no opponent in the 103,000, volume demonic path book. The record of the spell."

One of Index's functions is...existing as a library, and when she is not forcibly activated, any magician All can use Index's knowledge to counter the enemy's Human Demon spell.

Although Roy's spell comes from the myth of the Bible, He did not use the knowledge in any demon path book in the forbidden world, so even Index could not find the conditions to counter his spells.

This Although Index was still wary of Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl at the time, she instinctively stood with them and began to analyze the composition of Roy's spells.

"Who the hell are you from which magical society are you?"

Kanzaki Kaori glared at Roy and asked.

Kanzaki Kaori knows no matter how stupid he is, when he sees Roy showing the power of the Holy Spirit, and even his mastery of the power of the Bible far exceeds his magic of the Yellow Metal Element. It's the golden leader, and I was deceived by him from the very beginning.

"I am indeed not Mathers, my name is Roy.

Crowley, you may not have heard of this name, but that's... not that important... As for which magic guild I belong to, ha, if it's accurate, it should be British Puritanism."

Roy smiled lightly and said something that made Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl angry.


"Impossible, there is absolutely no magician like you in Puritanism. If you are a Puritan, I impossible don't know you."

History Tyre flatly denied, following Roy's words.

"Don't deny it so quickly, Puritanism has some secret departments, even if you are a magician of the Church of Necessary Evil. You may not know, think about the scene you have seen with your own eyes, I have been with the most Mr. Takabishop is talking for a long time."

Roy's indifferent words moved Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl. But they had some confidence.

Because just outside St. George's Cathedral, they had seen Laura, the highest bishop of Puritanism, with their own eyes.

Stuart and Roy were sitting at the table in the outdoor cafe and talking about something.

Recalling the expressions on their faces during the conversation, you can be sure that Roy Ra and Roy must have known each other for a long time and are very familiar people.

"Since you are a Puritan, why do you treat Index like this and She also coveted 103,000 copies of the demon path book in her mind!"

Actually Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl didn't care who Roy was, I'm not too interested in which magical society he belongs to or which religion he belongs to.

The reason why they are so surprised and angry, full of anger at Roy, is just Because of what he did to Index.

"Oh, although this little nun may be a person in the eyes of both of you, but in my eyes , she's just a moving spiritual outfit."

"...Let's not mention that you were deceived by Laura because of your lack of knowledge... , I believe the lie that complete memory needs to be cleared once a year, I am afraid you simply do not know what the so-called magical forbidden book catalog actually is. "The forbidden book catalog is simply not used as a library, it is the most important spirit of Puritanism. One of the equipment, its biggest role is actually a weapon, as long as it is properly manipulated, anyone can use the power of one hundred and three thousand books of demonic path to master the power similar to Demon God.”

Roy sneered, telling Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl the truth about the catalog of forbidden magical books, these two people simply don't know Index's true face, they only think that there are so many demon path books recorded. Index, her role is... as a library, helping other magicians to analyze spell magic when dealing with powerful enemies.

But in fact Index Herself is the most important weapon! "Index, she can't generate magic power, impossible is used as a weapon to release magic."

Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl again No, in Roy's words.

"That's why you are a bunch of idiots, deceived by Laura from beginning to end, precisely because Because this little nun's body cannot generate magic power, she is the best 'spiritual outfit' candidate, because the demonic path book has all the wisdom and knowledge of a magician in her lifetime, and she has the instinct to fight back with magic."

"...If someone else interprets the demon path book, even if he is not contaminated by the poison of the demon path book, he will start the demon unconsciously. The magic counterattack ability of the path book, only this little nun can ignore the demon path book defense mechanism because she can't generate magic power by herself."

Roy's words were like The demon from the abyss, seduced in good ways, he just wanted to leave an impression in the minds of Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl, that is Lola.

Stuya Untrustworthy, making them suspicious of Laura.

At this time, Roy stretched out his right hand, and a prayer wheel-like thing appeared on his palm.


"Look, what is this"

Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl stared blankly at that... prayer wheel .

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, let me tell you, this is the manipulator of the Magical Forbidden Books Catalog...just that woman Laura Sure enough, Impossible really handed over the catalog of forbidden magical books, the most important spiritual item to Puritanism, into my hands for me to use."

". .....I also didn't expect the banned book directory to have something similar to a firewall password, which Laura never told me, if I just explore it without any protection, she records it in her mind If there is any 'toxicity' lurking in it, even I may go crazy because of it."

"That's why I have to strip the banned book catalog. Layer protection device, after carefully studying the order of forbidden books in her brain, did she dare to read the knowledge in it, hum, I knew I should go to get the control device sent by the royal family, that... device should not have so many problems ."

Roy sneered again.

One hundred and three thousand, the knowledge mastered by the demon path book, It is already close to the omnipotence of Demon God. Only the soul and will of Demon God can carry this knowledge casually. Even Aleister does not dare to read these 103,000 volumes of the demon path book easily, that is not a human being. The Peak 'can be read.

Index is also only a physique special, able to record the knowledge of the Demonic Path Book, and even use it as a weapon to use the power of the Demonic Path Book, but she herself cannot really interpret this knowledge, otherwise She's already a Demon God.

Roy believes that Laura won't necessarily harm Aleister until he finds Aleister completely.

But be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. If you just ignore the 103,000 copies of the demon path book because of your carelessness, if there are any landmines in it, then Roy will be caught by those Knowledge is smashed and killed by poison.

The poison of knowledge is the most terrifying thing, so he must smash the shell of the forbidden book catalogue to be able to smash her knowledge Carry out inspection and screening, and dare to read only after confirming safety! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect,

Chapter 183 of the Holy Book I omit, "Queen of all evils"!

The pile of magic-related things that Roy said, Kamijou Touma did not understand, but in his words, Kamijou Touma was sure of one point, that It's that Roy's existence is an extremely dangerous symbol for that nun named Index.

He clenched his right fist and stood at Index In front of him, he stretched out his left hand to protect her behind him, and shouted at Roy: "...Mr. Roy, I don't know the meaning of what you said, and I don't know what you want to do. !"

"...but the only thing I know is that you want to hurt this girl."

"Although I don't understand why you do this, Mr. Roy, I will protect her and won't let you hurt her, and, I will use this right hand to shatter your fantasy, let that... gentle The kind Mr. Roy is back again."

He looked firm, his tone was firm, and there was no withdrawal or timidity in his eyes, so he looked at Roy.

Even though Roy's mysterious and deep eyes made him tremble from in the depth of one's soul, Kamijou Touma was still brave and fearless, telling his justice and perseverance.

“I admire Kamijou-san for your heroic heart, but you must understand that pure will cannot make you conquer everything, only wisdom and Knowledge is the means of defeating a powerful enemy."

"...human hero, your heroism is displayed in the world, which is the hymn of human beings , is the gold of human beings."

"I have watched your courage and justice, and appreciated and pleased for it, because human beings have people like you. , the gods will confer miracles and mercy!"

Roy's complexion suddenly softened, he stared at Kamijou Touma, sighed with emotion, praised him, and Roy's attitude made Kamijou Touma feel a little helpless for a while.

Because now Roy can't give him any wicked feelings at all, but instead is sacred and sublime, like a pestle He's just a sinner.

"Stop being there, no matter what...

what's your purpose , no matter....

What are you going to do, but I will never allow you to hurt Index!"

"...one of the five elements that make up the world, the flame of the great ancestor... its name is flame, its position sword, manifest it, eat me, and turn it into power , of Hunting Demoness King!"

"931, is proving that I am the strongest reason!"

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