Holy Right: A Multiverse Occultist Chapter 838

Roy rubbed her fluffy hair and said in a softer tone: "...Honey, you are at home obediently and honestly, and you can accompany Mina when you have nothing to do. Speaking, she just died and her husband should be in a bad mood."

"I will try my best to enlighten Miss Mina."

Mit Aiyu gently nods her mind, and then she is a little troubled.

Her ability is piercing, piercing, and it is not effective in curing various mental illnesses or comforting people's hearts.

It's useless, if she is psychological, rules or psychological control.

Ignoring the entanglement of Mi Ant Ayu, Roy did not leave the apartment after leaving the door, Instead, he walked up to the roof of the apartment.

This is a platform with a very high location and a good view. It is the entire Sector 7 except...that It is a place with the best view outside the building without doors and windows.

He drew a cross on the ground with a pen and filled it with various mysterious symbols, which is a typical biblical technique but added the secret technique of Kabbalah.

If there are members of the Golden Dawn here, you will find that the technique Roy describes is a kind of spirit. The technique is a requirement that Golden Dawn members must complete perfectly when they join the organization. Only those who successfully activate the spirit technique are eligible to join Golden Dawn.

Roy uses Ai Hua As a medium, the feather of St. Andrews directly activated this spell. For Roy now, this is a basic spell without any difficulty.

With the feather as the coordinate guide point, this narrow cross: shaped space is... connected to the upper spiritual world, followed by an egg-like thing that appeared in the cross-shaped magic array. Center.

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Chapter 120 If Demon God gives up Thinking

It is an egg-shaped object that seems to be wrapped in metal. If its structure is a person who knows the physiological structure of human beings very well, they will find that it is almost It is an artificial womb.

That layer of metal-like creation isolates the inside from the outside world, so that it is not polluted, but when Roy sees this thing But it was a move in his heart, and a causal connection made him... unable to take his eyes off, and even the heartbeat was accelerated a little for it.


Roy whispered the name.

Full name is Newt.



Hecate .




Crowley, this name has a lot of knowledge of mysticism, such as Newt is the vocabulary of Enoch magic, Hecate is the magic Goddess of ancient Greek mythology, yeah Zebel is the name of the wife of the ancient kingdom of Israel who believed in the Canaanite gods.

Lilith is a character in Mesopotamian mythology. In Jewish literature, Then she was turned into Adam's first wife by a goblin. To say that in such a long list of names, the best understanding is the surname Crowley, which is most simply without any magical meaning.

This name can be said to be exactly... Aleister spelled it out with a bunch of magical symbols. If anyone thinks there is some secret hidden in this name and studies it vigorously, it will be a lifetime. I can't come up with anything from research, because this name is... the name that Aleister took out of her mind at the beginning.

Her name is not important, her identity is only Most importantly, because she is the daughter of Aleister and Rose, Roy .

Crowley's elder sister, and the story of all stories on the stage called the world Origin.

In the nineteenth century, Aleister predicted that her future daughter would be annihilated by the friction of aspects and sparks before she was born. Demon God's will is the inevitable ending that even a genius like Aleister cannot avoid.

It is precisely because he foresaw this scene that he is right about magic, right The Demon God raised hatred.

Aleister was in the Golden Dawn at that time, and the theory of the Golden Dawn would greatly increase the number of magicians , which will intensify the friction of the phase and the appearance of sparks.

Every magician will actually pay a price when using magic, and this price will eventually come to innocent people However, the members of the Golden Dawn use the power of fantasy killers to pay their own price, so as to escape the punishment of using magic.

And the flashpoint of the conflict is the Because Mathers said inadvertently, 'Since you know your daughter will die, then from the very beginning, don't let her be born.

For..a magician on top of the world, this idea is not wrong, but Mathers didn't expect Aleister to care about his family at all, It was Mathers' unintentional words that broke Aleister's last insistence and ignited his revenge.

This After that, there is... the famous Battle of Bruce Road in the wizarding world, and also the Battle of Decay of the Golden Dawn.

Aleister believes that the Golden Dawn must be destroyed, because The existence of this secret society will deepen the influence of magic on this world to the limit, and will further distort this world.

He is not fighting for himself, but Fighting for his own daughter is for thousands of absolutely like him. Before the child was born, because of the friction of the phase, he could only fight for the father who watched his child die.

The Golden Dawn was destroyed, and Aleister escaped from Britain and met the woman he predicted was destined to fall in love with, although he actually fell in love with many people, married several times, and Many lovers, and had a daughter with her.

But no matter what...

Aleister Efforts, unable to escape the punishment of magic, to escape the will of the Demon God, and finally his daughter Lilith died.

From this time on, Aleister has The goal, he wants to eliminate all laws, he wants to eliminate all distorted aspects, let this world return to the original, let the friction of aspects exist, so that such a tragedy will not happen again.

And want to do all this, there is an insurmountable hurdle, that is Demon God.

As long as Demon God still exists, then everything he wants to do is impossible Success, because the Demon God represents 99%% of the magic, as long as the Demon God cannot be eliminated, no matter how hard Aleister is, he can only eliminate 1%% of the magic.

What happened after that... Aleister discovered the existence of Roy, and then returned to Britain to find her other... twin children, but was cleared Teach plot against Chase, died nominally in 1947, and finally came to this extreme eastern island country to establish an academy city.

It can be said that Lilith is... The original source of all Aleister's actions is the starting point of all these stories.

If Lilith does not die, it is estimated that Aleister will never destroy the gold Dawn, but will and horses With the careful cooperation of Seth and the others, he will become one of the three new Golden Dawn giants, and the Golden Dawn will not perish but will be passed down to the present.

Aleister As one of the greatest magicians of the twentieth century, living a life of filial piety to fathers and daughters, Academy City would never be established, and even if the Golden Dawn hadn't perished, maybe this world would be different now. Decline, and magic has become the mainstream of this world.

The root cause of everything lies in Lilith's death, and it is the drama that leads to all the stages after Aleister .

"It's all Demon God's fault..."

Roy gave such a conclusion , phase friction, and the sparks that appear, the fate of the world is actually the side effects caused by...Demon God's thinking, if those...Demon God learn to give up thinking, the sparks of phase friction will be It will reduce the effect to the minimum, then Lilith will not die.

With Aleister's wisdom and talent, solve the problems caused by a group of Demon God who can't think. The side effects of this are still with no difficulty.

So it's all Demon God's fault in the final analysis! Roy restrained his thoughts and began to observe the egg carefully.

In the center of what seems to be a metal creation, there is a pure baby soul sleeping, she is just a soul, and the spirit relies on the soul to exist, but she has no body.

It can be said that the current state of Lilith is somewhat close to the 'Spirit Physique' like Aiwass, but Lilith herself is not the leader of the temple and has no such strength, so her soul is extremely Unstable.

Spirit cannot affect the material world, not even Aiwath.

"The third magic, the materialization of the soul"

Roy immediately thought of the magic of the world this month, because Aiwass was too strong, the third magic could not create it for her A body that can carry its power, so it can only use the theory derived from the Book of Law to use the force field of the millions of capable people in this Academy City to shape the body of Aiwass, which is the same as Aiwass. The power of the source.

However, the third magic cannot work on Aiwass, but it should be fine on Lilith.

Do what he thinks, Roy begins to tentatively develop the third magic soul materialization, which is the result of the knowledge system of different worlds.

The Mysticism system of the Forbidden World and the Moon World is not the same, so it is impossible to say who is stronger and who is weaker. Just like the magic of materializing the soul, it has never appeared in the Forbidden World. It's a list of banned books. It's stuck in any analysis.

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