Holy Right: A Multiverse Occultist Chapter 826

Although with Kanzaki Kaori's simplicity, she doesn't necessarily know what those are.

...the same moment , Roy has returned to Academy City.

Fei Lu reminds you: Book three things to read,

Chapter 107: Shokuhou's Unrequited Love

Although there is an airport in Academy City, the airport in Academy City is generally used by fighter jets. The students there are all attending classes, and outsiders are not allowed to enter, so the airport of Academy City is not for civilian use.

If you want to go to Academy City, you can only take a plane to the airport. The capital of the island country is arrived by land transportation through the Shinkansen and other means of transportation.

When the plane landed in the capital of the island country, Roy is... going to school non-stop Garden City, because this time he has the residence certificate of Academy City, and he doesn't need to use magic to pass the test. It is very easy to enter it and return to his apartment in the seventh school district.

Because it has been a while since she traveled to Britain, after the apartment was occupied, Aleister no longer sent a special person to clean it, so that the apartment appeared to have some dusty loot .

The apartment is not very big, but Roy also impossible to clean it himself, just when he was about to call the housekeeping Academy's maid to clean himself, he suddenly thought of The 'punishment measures' against Shirai Kuroko.

[Don't forget what you promised, tomorrow is the weekend, come to my house at nine in the morning, you already know the address Oh, by the way, don't forget to wear a maid outfit.

] Edit the text message, send it directly to Kuroko Shirai, and then send it to Shokuhou Misaki and Mitsu Aiyu A message told them that they had come back, nothing else, just...remind them that their 'caring' life is not over.

... Tokiwadai Middle School, in an independent dormitory with only one person, Shokuhou Kaori stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, she was wearing a thin top, her lovable body looked very shriveled, and she was holding a tape measure in her hand. Passing through his armpits, he measured his circumference.

There was papaya milk and other food on the table next to it.

For example, try to eat less sweets and eat more protein-rich foods to supplement the nutrients needed for rapid development. Can drink plain water, be more careful about calorie and fat intake, even if you want to eat meat, you can only eat those...high level experience Yuandu has transformed the meat with very low fat content, and the rest of the time can only eat vegetables and fruit salads.

There is also running at the back of this note, Swimming, etc., but those...things were crossed out by Shokuhou.

Her font is beautiful and looks like the warm voice of Treasured Young Lady Whisper.

In order to develop her body quickly, she used her 'psychological mastery' to adjust the body's hormones. Nutrition to supplement the consumption of the developing body, at the same time too fast absorption will make her easy to gain weight.

So during the developmental stage until her hormone levels return to normal , she must pay attention to her eating habits at all times. For...a middle school girl, these requirements are like hell.

But there is no way, if If she does not comply with this requirement, not only will she not be able to make a certain part develop and grow, but she will also make herself a fatty of 160,160 pounds, which is absolutely unacceptable for Shokuhou Caoqi.

"Come on, come on, Shokuhou must hold on, and then you can stand proudly in front of that guy and despise the mockery he once made to yourself!"

Looking at the value on the tape measure, Shokuhou Caoqi revealed disappointment because the time to change her hormones was too short, so she didn't grow much, but she was just encouraging herself, An excited look appeared on her delicate face.

At this moment, the phone she threw on the bed suddenly rang. When a text message or a phone call rang, Shokuhou Caoqi looked happy, anyway... She was the only one living in this room, so she let go of herself, put the tape measure in her hand, and quickly Jumping on the bed.

Lying on the soft bed, two slender legs swaying back and forth, after seeing the message on the mobile phone, Shokuhou Caoqi was unconscious. The thing is...the cherry lips are upturned, and the joy is ready to come out.

Ten fingers are like butterflies in flowers, and within a few seconds of crackle, a series of words are typed, When she was about to send it, she felt that this was not enough... she was reserved, and deleted those texts one by one.

I typed a series of texts again, and felt that it was still not enough. , delete it again and tangled for a long time like this, rolling around on the bed for several times, and Shi Feng Cao Qi finally just replied 'I understand' on the text message.

See After the message had been sent successfully, Shokuhou Caoqi's face turned red, she hugged the pillow and buried herself in her face like a willful child, female Qiao Xiao: her body rolled back and forth again, complaining about herself, ". . ....be bolder, Shokuhou, you can't be so shy, you're the fifth in Academy City!"

The more I thought about it, Shokuhou Misaki finds that the more he can't calm down in his heart.

Mit Aiyu has returned to Tokiwadai Middle School again, and the two meet by chance at school. Encountered, although Shokuhou Misaki always wanted to say hello every time, but in school, it was... the little transparent ant Aiyu when she saw her...run away and didn't give her a chance to speak at all.

Although the misunderstanding between the two has been resolved, the Shokuhou Misaki, who knows the human heart very well, knows that it is difficult for the two of them to become that kind of... Not to mention friends, unless something happens, they can completely let go of the estrangement.

One is a person who is gradually emerging and is about to become the queen of Tokiwadai, the other Still not saying a word, a little transparency without a sense of existence, except for Roy, the life between the two of them is actually not much...intersection...... ......, especially now that this talent room has been completely controlled by Shokuhou.

Especially the past few days, Shokuhoujo Qi found out that after meeting her, Mitsuya Aiyu became more hostile to her, which made Bee Eater a little unfathomable mystery. I don't know what happened to Mitsuya Aiyu, she once secretly asked Roy, But Roy told her that nothing happened.

She wanted to use her ability to probe the memory of Miyant Ayu, but felt that if she did, I am afraid that the two of them will become real enemies, so Shokuhou has never done this.

Some time ago, Roy went to Britain and told her that she had business to do , Shokuhou Caoqi doesn't know what official duties he is an unemployed vagabond, but he doesn't ask much, and occasionally sends him text messages, but every time Roy will reply after a long time, which makes Shokuhou Caoqi Instead, they worry about gain and loss.

It's like a boy waiting anxiously after sending a message to the girl he has a crush on. The other party must be in trouble.

I didn't see the message and I was paralyzed, and I anxiously glanced at the message prompt every few minutes.

This kind of life makes Shokuhou Caoqi very uncomfortable.

Now Roy finally came back to Academy City and told her to Continue to fulfill the contract, which almost made Shokuhou Caoqi jump up with joy.

"Calm down, Shokuhou Caoqi, you can't speed up your heartbeat like this!!"


Shokuhou Caoqi sat on the bed and warned herself, but the more she said that, the more hot she felt.


She picked up the remote control and pressed the button on her head, she finally calmed down.

Then she quickly ran to the computer and opened a document, which was the map of Academy City, and the densely packed one drew a lot of red dots, those...... All of them are restaurants with good reputation in Academy City. They are the information she collected hard in the past few days. For this reason, she also used her ability to control the students in the school to help her collect them. Step on these restaurants to see their environment and so on.

This is something that I have finally collected, but it is still useful! Please download Feilu to read the underlined version of the novel Small

Chapter 108 Professional liars who cheat money and cheating

Tokiwadai Middle School is a school city The most famous aristocratic girls' school, although almost all the students attending are Eldest Young Lady, but the management is very strict, the dormitory here is even jokingly called by the students privately.

's powerhouse.

The Tokiwadai dormitory does not have the rule of turning off the lights, nor the rule of forcibly turning off the power at night, but as a group of highly educated Eldest Young Ladies, except...a few who go their own way, most of the Eldest Young Lady are still very strict with themselves.

It was just ten o'clock , Many dormitories of Tokiwadai School are turned off, and the dormitory where Mitsuya Ayu lives is no exception.

She was lying on her bed, under a light cover She stared at the dark ceiling with her eyes wide open, her chocolate-colored fluffy hair sinking into the pillow, making her look like honey spread out.


The past few days, the honey ant Aiyu had some insomnia. At night, she would think wildly, toss and turn, and couldn't fall asleep, so that in the second day class, she was ignorant and had difficulty concentrating.

Fortunately, as a city developed with superpowers, these ...... those who have developed superpowers are far superior in terms of brain computing power For ordinary people, the courses taught in school are also related to superpowers, so that Mitsuya Aiyu will not stop her homework.

She knows why she is in such a poor state of mind, and even falls into in decline, it is because the p Ast few days Roy left Academy City, and there was very little contact with her.

It happened that when Roy left Academy City, it was the girl who was most depressed and was occupied by him. It was cheap and took away the most precious moment of the girl's first time. After occupying the body and mind, the man disappeared immediately, and even stayed away from the city. Have you met a scumbag who specializes in deceiving girls' feelings, and disappeared after he got what he wanted.

Before Roy left, Her credit card with unlimited overdraft was also taken away, which is simply a professional liar who cheated money and sex.

"Mr. Roy, where have you been... ..."

The ant Aiyu whispered, the lovable body hid under the quilt shiver coldly, and there was a look of fear in her eyes, if this state If it continues, I am afraid Mi Ant Aiyu will be severely depressed, and even become surly because of being deceived by men. Good luck may be distrust of men, and bad luck may even have no desire to improve in private life.

These past few days, bee-eating and praying can be regarded as lying on the gun. The reason why Mim Aiyu is so hostile to her is because Mim Aiyu can't find someone to vent her distress. In some places, if you don't dare to tell others about some things, you can only use Shokuhou Kaori as a punching bag.

Because of Shokuhou Kakkei's inaction, she used to be in talent. The friend of the artificial house and the teacher all died, she knew it was no wonder Shi Feng Cao Qi, but as long as she believed that 'it was all Shi Feng Cao Qi's fault' was enough.

"Miant classmate, what's wrong with you? Do you need any help from me!"

Except......bee eater Prayers, the remaining Tokiwadai Middle School students all live in a two-person dormitory, with two beds side by side, with only a small aisle in the middle, which is very similar to the decoration of a hotel.

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