Chapter 369 Ninja Training Ground

After pacifying Xiaoxing, Shigure still has a lot of things to do. First Shigure went to the finance department. Naturally, it was Kakuzu who was in charge of the finances of the entire Ninyin village.

“Kakuzu, long time no see, what did you bring me here to do?” Shigure was also very curious, he just saw Kakuzu, Kakuzu took Shigure to the basement.

“Ha! Shigure-sama! Look!” Kakuzu clapped his hands and piles of gold came out from the entire basement.

Not only is gold piled up like a mountain, but the large banknotes of the Ninja Bank are also piles of piles.

“It looks like this is a treasury?” Shi Yu was also very surprised. In just a few years, the entire Nin Yin Village had such a huge income.

Although I have seen fiscal revenue from the report, when it is actually seen with the naked eye, even Shigure jumped.

“Haha! Shigure-sama, these are just a small part.” Kakuzu also smiled so that his entire face was crooked.

“These are just one month’s income! The economic level of our Shinnin village is far ahead of other Shinnin villages! Haha!” Kakuzu was very proud, and was desperately stunned in front of Shigure.

Shigure shook his head and said, “Kakuzu, it’s better to be cautious. Our village started relatively late. Although the construction speed is very fast, it is not large in terms of scale. Next, we are afraid that we will expand the entire Ninyin village. If you need a lot of funds, you will need your hard work when the time comes.”

Kakuzu nodded and said, “Don’t worry! Shigure-sama, these Yoshihime have told me that my budget has already been prepared, and I will definitely use every two of them where they should be used.”

“Ha! It seems that you have also recognized the little girl Yihime. Although she is not very old, she is very capable!” Shigure also praised.

“You are not bad too! Kakuzu! Keep working hard! I will give you the proportion of what you should have. Now in the entire Ninja, there are probably not many that will make you rich? But don’t forget, you are still A ninja.”

“In addition to managing the finances of the village, it is necessary to improve personal strength.” Shigure warned, and then left the Kakuzu financial department.

Soon after, Shigure came to the Ninyin Village Security Department. Although the head of this department is still the Uchiha clan, the current security department and Konoha’s security department are completely different.

The security department of Ninyin Village is really responsible for the safety of Ninyin Village. The 24-hour shift system has made the safety factor of the entire Ninyin Village infinitely improved, and Shigure placed the security department in the most important street of the entire village. , Without any rejection and alienation.

The Security Department is not only responsible for the internal and external safety of the Ninja Village, but also often helps the elderly and children. The reputation in the village is very good.

“Master Masamune, don’t come here unharmed?” Shigure came to the inside of the security department. Masamune was doing some work that must be done every day. After seeing Shigure, he was shocked and said, “Master Shigure, you are here!”

“When I heard the news of my return, why didn’t you come to me the first time?” Shiyu asked with a smile.

“The work is not finished yet, Shigure-sama, even if you come back, I dare not leave the job without permission.” Uchiha Masamune replied straightforwardly.

At that time Rain Shinobi couldn’t help but gave Masamune a thumbs up and said, “Okay, you can finish everything on your hands first.”

Masamune nodded, and he was really devoted to work.

“There are some loopholes in the security of the Western District. Pass this order down and tell those people that next time I dare to be late, I will never spare him!” Masamune handed over the document to his subordinates, who also immediately went to give the task.

“In the garrison of the North District, it seems that there are some people whose strength is still in Genin. Tell him, let him improve his strength as soon as possible, don’t lower the garrison’s level just because he alone…

“When Fugaku was asked to train the people in the clan, away from the residential area of ​​the village, some people complained that they were very noisy during training…

After a while, without any details, Masamune finally completed all his work. Because of his age, the sweat on Masamune’s head was also shed.

“Thank you! Master Masamune!” Shigure also sincerely affirmed Masamune’s seriousness.

“Yes, I made you wait for a long time. It’s mine.” Masamune asked afterwards, “Sir Shigure, what’s the matter?”

Shi Yu replied: “This time, I want to understand the situation of our security department, because the security department is to maintain the stability of the entire Ninyin Village, but I just learned a little bit more or less, I think it’s not bad. .”

Masamune then said: “Sir Shigure, you belong to the Uchiha clan, and I am also from the Uchiha clan. For the sake of the ethnic group and this village, I have to work a hundredfold! This is our village, and I will definitely use it. All power do his best.”

“Then let me explain. In the past few months, because the village has recruited a lot of wandering ninjas and rebels, the guards have made a big breakthrough in the number of people. Of course, they have all passed the test of loyalty and morality. To ensure that there will not be any flaws.”

“After several months of training, I have tried my best to improve those ninjas who are less powerful. Now the police department is the largest department in the village.” Masamune replied.

Shigure nodded and said, “You did a good job. What is the specific training you did to improve your strength? Who did the training?”

“It’s the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Fugaku.” Masamune replied, “Fugaku is very good at strength and knows how to teach ninjas. Over the past few months, he has made many Genins become Chūnin.”

“Yes, as long as they are talented people, I welcome them all.”

“By the way, Master Masamune, just now I heard you talk about the training that noisy others… I decided to build a training base in the village.”

“In addition, I think that the definition of Genin and Chūnin depends not only on their strength, but also on their abilities in all aspects. If Genin’s strength alone can defeat Chūnin, we can still believe that he has more strength than Chūnin.”

“So, we should hold the Chūnin selection exam at a certain time,” Shigure suggested.

“Oh? Lord Shigure, I agree with this, but the construction of the village is in a golden period. Compared with other Shinnin villages, the village is not large in scale. I think we should concentrate on building some more important buildings, why specialize. What about setting up a training base specifically?”

Shi Yu smiled and shook his head and patted Masamune’s shoulder: “There is a saying that Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it. Although the expansion of the village is very important, it is also important to improve the quality and ability of the ninja.”

“Even Konoha has a lot of exercise grounds? If we only know how to build villages blindly, then when the enemy strikes, there will be nothing left in an instant.”

“I have decided that I must build a ninja training ground!”

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