Chapter 164 Battle against Sand Shinobi Elite (First! Seek collection! Seek silver ticket!)

Shigure and the four are now like Sand Shinobi’s nightmare, which makes them deeply remembered. No, they were immediately recognized as soon as they appeared.

“Shigure, since we are going to save Orochimaru, why should we send the main force to attack the sky? Isn’t the place easy to defend and difficult to attack?” Hizashi asked while sprinting.

“It is precisely because of the importance of the ray of sky that we led the main force to attack it. This will cause the Sand Shinobi troops that besieged Orochimaru to retreat without fighting.” Shigure also explained while sprinting.

“Although there will be some losses on the ninja, this is the quickest way to rescue Orochimaru.” Shigure also knew clearly that this was a war, and it was impossible for everyone to die. To rescue Orochimaru, it was natural to have a choice.

“To help Orochimaru get out of trouble in a short time, and then to show his strength in the front line a little bit, you can use diplomatic means to fight for Konoha’s maximum benefit.” This was Shigure’s plan.

“The Array of Ten Thousand Snakes!”

“There are many snake hands in the hidden shadow!” Orochimaru used his own ninjutsu to quickly kill the enemy.

Seeing Shigure approaching, Orochimaru was also panting.

“Why are you here too?” Orochimaru also looked quite tired.

There are some Konoha Shinobi and Sand Shinobi corpses around, but it is clear that Orochimaru is at a disadvantage, and there are not many Konoha Shinobi who can stand up and fight around.

“Brother Orochimaru, I hope you can look at the problem more carefully next time, otherwise I can’t explain to Teacher Sarutobi.” Shigure can’t save Orochimaru. After all, Third Generation is his own teacher, and Shigure also has Orochimaru. Some own thoughts.

“Are you here to save me or to teach you, Shulker Shooter!” Orochimaru also used a snake to instantly kill a Sand Shinobi melee ninja.

“Choo!” Numerous Sand Shinobi threw their shurikens and kunai, and Hizashi Red Butterfly used Revolving Heaven to block Shigure and Orochimaru.

Orochimaru had also ricketed on the ground, not looking like a future villain at all.

Shigure also immediately observed the sweat bead on Orochimaru’s forehead.

“I didn’t expect that not only Chakra was dying, but also his physical strength was exhausted? Also? I didn’t expect you to be poisoned?” Shigure immediately threw his Katsuyu to Orochimaru.

Katsuyu quickly split into smaller Katsuyu, and immediately climbed onto the other Konoha Shinobi.

“This is Master Tsunade’s…

“That’s it… It seems that your experience is very rich. Did you go to the Wet Bone Forest after leaving Ryūchi Cave?” Orochimaru also guessed some clues.

“It will take some time for Katsuyu to recover from the injury and Chakra, so you should take a break first, Class 7! You have to ensure their safety! Although there are not many people, you are all members of Class 7! I believe you can hold it!”

“Don’t worry! Leave it to us!” Hizashi Hongdie and Kusuno were also in three directions, with their backs to the Konoha remnant, looking around vigilantly.

Shi Yu directly used Shadow Clone Technique.

“Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!”

“Bang bang bang bang!” Numerous Shigure appeared on the battlefield.

Shi Yu’s operation in this way also refreshed everyone’s three views.

“I haven’t seen anyone using Shadow Clone like this. Isn’t the Chakra in his body infinite?”

“Obviously I have used Katsuyu to heal us, so is there still the ability to use this level of ninjutsu to separate so many clones?!”

Orochimaru exclaimed.

“Go! Kill Orochimaru! Kill Uchiha Toshigure! Our village can be saved!” Sand Shinobi is also very angry, facing the enemy who has already hit the door, no matter who it is, he will fight to the death.

Just when Shigure’s momentum had completely suppressed the other party, a female voice came out.

“Don’t panic! Sand Shinobi ranged troops! Use Wind Style!”


Sand Shinobi’s troops all used Wind Style, and even Shigure was suppressed for a while.

“Melee troops! Use puppets to release gas bombs!”

Next, the pesky army of puppet divisions used the long Chakra line in their hands to release purple poisonous gas in Shigure’s Shadow Clone.

Although Shigure’s body can filter the venom, the Shadow Clone is only an entity that Shigure uses ordinary Chakra to separate. When it smells the poisonous gas, it will immediately turn into smoke and disappear.

The use of Wind Style allowed a large amount of poisonous gas to completely diffuse around Shigure and others.

“It’s really annoying! I don’t know who the commander of the place is!?” Shigure complained while Jieyin.

“Wind Style·Super Great Breakthrough!” Shigure consumed a lot of Chakra this time, and completely blown away the poisonous gas, and even the dust around him was blown away.

Shigure didn’t care about that much, so he threw out his Flying Thunder God Kuma directly, and quickly sealed the seal with both hands and said: “Forbearance! Kunai! Shadow Clone Technique!” Shigure threw Flying Thunder God Kunai on a large area. For four weeks.

Immediately afterwards, a sphere hit Shigure. Shigure had already discovered it by observing his eyes and sensing abilities, and immediately a Flying Thunder God teleported over. At the same time, the dragon tooth blade in his hand was also pulled out and slashed towards that one. Figure.

“Dang Cang!” The figure also used Kuwu to block Shigure’s attack, and then she pulled her hand away, and a strange looking flame formed again, hitting Shigure from the right side.

“Scorch Style·Over steaming!”

“Big Ball Rasengan!”

The two attacks directly met at the same time, and a strong wind quickly formed. The sand under my feet was also instantly knocked into a deep pit by an inexplicable force. The surrounding gravel splashed, and the sleeve of the Sand Shinobi female ninja The sleeve is also torn directly.

“Is the blood ninja bound? It seems that Sand Shinobi is not all waste.” Shigure also said.

Sand Shinobi wrinkled her brows and immediately closed her hands. After a few backflips, she landed on the ground, and immediately after another knot, the weird flames behind her also swiftly hit Shiyu.

“It really doesn’t give me any chance to breathe!”

“Blood Succession Limits, I will too! Lava Style·Tongue Mucous Acid!” Shigure directly used the Lava Style learned from Katsuyu. To use this trick, you don’t need to become Katsuyu Sage Mode.

Shigure spit out a strong acid from his mouth. The strong acid encountered the strange flame, and he didn’t know what chemical reaction had happened.

In short, a huge white smoke immediately formed, and then using the white gas as a cover, Shigure once again used the Flying Thunder God mark, teleported to the back of Sand Shinobi, and then flew! Then a fierce kick fell from the sky.

“It hurts the feet!” Shigure’s footsteps, no matter who it is, will be abolished.

At this moment, a familiar picture appeared, and the surrounding sand quickly gathered on the head of the Sand Shinobi female ninja.

“Bang!” Shigure kicked heavily on the sand, kicking the sand completely away, but still gave the Sand Shinobi female Shinobi some reaction time.

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