: The Nine Gates Tomb Raiders World Ends, Woban Seeks Foreign Aid!

“Dogecoin System”

“What kind of world is this?”

Looking at the figures appearing one after another in the sky, Wu Jie felt that his brain was completely insufficient.

That… the man in the red armor is Iron Man, right? Marvel, he has seen it.. Just why does Iron Man appear here? Is this a world that combines Marvel and Tomb Raiders? If so, then the system has How dare you say that this world is a world of single tomb robbers? But the time is not right….

If this is the Marvel world, in this day and age, the US team… can come out, and Iron Man’s father can also come out to play.

But is it funny that Tony came out? There is also Yin Xingyue, the girl he was thinking of using the foresight to get her a few days ago, and now she can fly. Who can tell her what’s going on? If he didn’t recognize it, it should be Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Sakurajima Mai, two women who have the title of senior sister. These two appeared at the same time, and they can fly… What is the situation with this damn? But obviously, in this world It didn’t solve the confusion for Wu level.

Although he has a system, and has been transformed by the system, he has a strong blood and strength.

But in the trade union, he is at best a second-level member with special abilities.

Even Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Sakurajima Mai can easily deal with him now, not to mention so many people led by the cans now “shua”

In mid-air, the figure of the can instantly came to Wu Jie.

Zhang Qishan and the others, who have been paying attention to him all the time, have no idea how the cans disappeared.


Wu Level wanted to say something else, he could feel the hostility towards him from the cans, and he wanted to know what was going on.

But before he opened his mouth, his eyes were unconsciously attracted by the pair of pitch-black pupils of the soda can. These pitch-black pupils shone with a strange light, and the light formed a strange shape.

Looking at these eyes, Wu Jie’s eyes quickly lost their spirit.

He felt his consciousness suddenly plunged into a pitch-black space, unable to see the light.

Some people seem to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to break free, and can only sink.

What he wanted to do, but he couldn’t do it at all.

And at this time, the can opened its mouth and asked, “Are you a time traveler?”


Wu Jianmu nodded.

And his answer made Yin Xingyue and others breathe a sigh of relief.

From this point of view, the traversers in the Tomb Raider World have been solved, and then they just need to explore a series of known ancient tombs with peace of mind.

But his answer made Zhang Qishan and others very puzzled.

Travelers What is this? But they didn’t ask, they just watched quietly.

They are very clear, when you face the existence of far stronger you, they will naturally know some things when they should know.

If you don’t know the location.

Chances are mixed up badly.

“very good…”

The soda can chuckled, and then asked a series of questions. After asking, he casually sucked Wu Level into the Shenwei space.

This is just a very ordinary traverser with a system, without any special value.

After settling Wu-level’s matter, the cans took a look at Zhang Qishan and the others, then turned to Mei Changsu in the sky and said, “Changsu, it’s up to you to discuss with Jiumen about our big work and the layout of this world.”Let’s discuss with the eight masters.”

The advantage of having subordinates is that… you don’t have to do everything yourself.

Cans favor Zhang Qishan and others because they understand them well, and it is easy to control them, and at the same time, it is convenient for him to conduct strategies in this world dominated by the world view of tomb robbers.

But these people are ordinary people after all, and they are not worth his time.

Although this is the worldview of Tomb Raiders, the history has not changed, and it is still the time of World War II.

A global war could break out at any moment.

So the world strategy to conquer this side is very simple, just use the war mode directly.

Using Tony as the channel, provide warlord Zhang Qishan with modern weapons and some blueprints of weapons that the technology of this era is sufficient to produce.

At the same time, with the Nine Gates as an alliance, they disintegrated the tombs of all parties, and exchanged the most common gold and silver treasures for banknotes, with economic support.

As for treasures, antiques, etc., the cans will selectively keep some of them for themselves, leaving some things that are not too valuable in his eyes, which can be nine times cheaper.

With the channel to buy the most advanced weapons, there are also nine channels that are best at making money.

Then, Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Sakurajima Mai provided the food, which was regarded as a channel for them to earn money.

And with food, in this age of war and chaos, there will be people.

And people are…soldiers, just…productivity and when all these…are useful, the can will send a few more ninjas, middle ninjas and lower ninjas to lead the army.

At that time, China will be unified with invincible strength, and the four directions will be managed.

For… the can who became the president of the super-dimensional trade union, with so many channels and power behind him, it is not difficult at all to rule such an era.

He doesn’t need to do much…things himself.

……At the same time..One Piece World, Aizen Soyousuke has arrived at the place where the dragons gather, the Holy Land Mariejoa “These… are. ..Dragon people?”

“Sure enough, it’s as described in the copy of the memory, and it’s unreasonably conceited”

His eyes swept over the… figures with hoods around him, Ai Ran’s eyes were fixed, spiritual power surged in his body, and an invisible wave of air spread from him as the origin.

After doing all of this, he walked around the holy land of Mary Gioia as if he was walking in the back garden of his own home, while observing the surrounding situation, looking for the right person to take action.

And these… people wearing masks are naturally Tianlong people who think highly of themselves.

Because they don’t breathe the same air as inferior people other than Celestial Dragons, they can wear bubble masks.

So Tianlong people are easy to recognize.

Ordinary Tianlong people wear bubble masks.

But now, when these people passed by Aizen, the masked man, they didn’t seem to see him, completely ignoring him. This was all because Aizen had exerted the power of hypnosis.

His use of hypnosis is much better than that of soda cans.

In the original death space, when he was sealed, he did not use Zanpakuto, but he was able to make the enemy’s perception deviate. Even Yuhabach’s perception was affected in the end, and the sense of time was slightly deviated.

To deal with some Celestial Dragons, it is naturally easy to catch… When Aizen started to hang out in the holy land of Mariejoa.

On the other side of the world of godslayers, Woban’s situation is very bad at this time. Looking at the people around him and a few gods who don’t follow him, his falcon’s eyes narrowed: “You think you can eat me!”

The old man is the Marquis: “Long cans, there are a few interesting disobedient gods here, I wonder if Mr. President is interested in hunting them down?”

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