"Water-Style —Water Wall!"

Slowly lifts the head, Zabuza gazed's huge ferocious water dragon speeds up the hand seal, Then scolded.

After the scolding fell, I saw a huge wall of water rise on the lake next to Zabuza, and then surrounded him without any dead ends.


The huge water dragon finally came to Zabuza top of the head, and finally fiercely thumped on the water wall, suddenly, the lake surface trembled, Water splashed up into the sky.

The moment the spray reached its apex, it broke into violently, and countless drops of water fell into the sky, like a continuous rain curtain.

The rain curtain pours down from the sky hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering the entire lake, and the sound of crackle keeps ringing.

"Are you killed?"

When I looked at Zabuza's previous location, Suikazan Fuguki murmured a little when he found that there was no Zabuza's silhouette there.


As soon as Suikazan Fuguki's voice fell, Zabuza's silhouette suddenly penetrated the lake under the support of a drum of water, and immediately carried Kubikiribocho towards Suikazan below. Fuguki rushed away.

"hehe... the attack at this level is completely useless!"

See Zabuza rushing, Suikazan Fuguki slightly smiled, and then he pulls out Samehada, ready to jump up and confront Zabuza. .

"Water-Style-Water Chain!"

However, Suikazan Fuguki just wanted to act, Zabuza in midair suddenly raised his fingers to start Ninjutsu, only a few condensed by water The chain quickly bound Suikazan Fuguki.

"What? This...how is this possible?"

The body was suddenly restrained, Suikazan Fuguki complexion greatly changed.

"It's over!"

Staring at the disabled Suikazan Fuguki, Zabuza didn't start off leniently, his arm shook, and he directly waved Kubikiribocho and chopped it over.

gazed Kubikiribocho, whose pupils are rapidly enlarged, Suikazan Fuguki's mouth rises, mocking said with a smile: "Zabuza, do you think this can kill me?"

"Samehada, it's up to you!"

At the moment of crisis, Samehada detached from Suikazan Fuguki's hand, then pierced the bandage to reveal the spikes without anyone controlling it, and then blocked it like a shield Front.


The sudden change in front of us was so sudden that Zabuza's Greatsword failed to strike Suikazan Fuguki, and finally fell on the spiked Samehada.

"Samehada, good job, devour chakra!"

Seeing Samehada and Kubikiribocho contact, Suikazan Fuguki immediately shouted excitedly.

Samehada will swallow the opponent's chakra when it is very close to or in contact with the enemy's body, weapon, or physical chakra. Even the other chakras at Tailed Beast Level are not enough to fill the hungry Samehada.

After Suikazan Fuguki's voice fell, Samehada exposed a big mouth, and then swallowed Zabuza's chakra.

"This is bad..."

I also know that Samehada has the ability to swallow chakra. After Zabuza feels the chakra is sucked out of his body, he quickly withdraws Kubikiribocho and backs off quickly. .

After Zabuza left, Samehada cut the water chain on Suikazan Fuguki's body, and then sent the absorbed chakra to Suikazan Fuguki.

"haha, with Samehada, no one is my opponent!"

I absorbed chakra, and the tiredness disappeared. Suikazan Fuguki proudly said with a smile.

"Che, careless!"

Staring at the laughing Suikazan Fuguki, Zabuza reproached himself.

Before the two fought, the physical strength and chakra consumed were similar. Now that Zabuza's chakra is sucked away, and Suikazan Fuguki's chakra is replenished, Zabuza will be passive in the next battle.


Just when Zabuza and Suikazan Fuguki were fighting fiercely, Sasuke was still on the fork on the right, cautious and solemn looking for supplies.

It is a lie to say that you are not afraid of carrying out this kind of important mission alone, but Sasuke has no choice but to brace oneself and keep going.

"Strange, why is there no ninja from Hidden Mist Village here?"

After walking a distance, there was no ninja from Hidden Mist Village. Sasuke suddenly said in confusion. It stands to reason that the place where the materials are located should be heavily guarded.

"Is the information of the big brother wrong? The materials are not in Xiaofenggu?"

Shaking the shaking ones head, Sasuke denies this statement again. If the materials are not in Xiaofenggu, The entrance was impossible, so some guard ninja happened to appear.

"Is there no one in Hidden Villages? I actually sent you a little demon!"

However, when Sasuke was puzzled, a soft voice sounded behind Sasuke.

Sasuke turned around immediately after hearing the sound. A lithe and graceful silhouette appeared in Sasuke's sight.

The beautiful woman who appeared suddenly, dressed in a battle armor, had a plump and exquisite body under the armor. She has long brown cross-curly hair, casually draped down from the fragrant shoulder, perpendicular to the slender willow waist.

Sasuke's eyes swept over the almost perfect body. Finally staying on that beautiful face, suddenly fiercely trembled at the tip of his heart. Seeing this woman in person, Sasuke finally understood why Terumi Mei is the goddess of many male fans.

For this kind of woman, it seems that there are only two words to describe it as stunning.

"hehe... if you are here to buy supplies, I advise you to go back, you are too young, and handsome, I can't bear to kill you!"

beautiful eyes glanced at the silly Sasuke, Terumi Mei said with interest.

"Thank you! My mission is to destroy supplies, so I won't leave open!"

When I heard Terumi Mei's words, Sasuke also slowed down, and then lightly said with a smile.

"Then I have to see how much a little demon of your age can be."

After hearing this, Terumi Mei responded with a smile.

In Terumi Mei's view, Sasuke's strength is between Genin and Chunin.

Terumi Mei's strength can be easily solved even in the face of ordinary Jonin, let alone Genin, who can kill them with closed eyes.

"In that case, don't blame me for destroying the flowers!"

Said a line that I used to see in novel TV, Sasuke slightly smiled, and then closed my hands, Quick hand seal.

"Fire-Style —Great Fireball Jutsu!"

After the hand seal was completed, Sasuke's mouth bulged, and then a hot flame came out.

After the flame appeared, it immediately condensed into a spherical shape. Finally, with the hot temperature, fiercely slammed into Terumi Mei.

"This little demon not simple!"

Seeing Sasuke, he completed Fire-Style Ninjutsu in an instant, Terumi Mei was also surprised, and then stepped on the sole of his foot and flew back quickly!

“bang! ”

After Terumi Mei left the previous position, the huge Fireball fell and exploded when it touched the ground. Suddenly, countless flames spewed out. Come out, thick smoke billowing.

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