Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 75 True Bravery (Please order first)

Not every wizard who has made a great contribution can be printed on a Chocolate Frog card.

But every wizard printed on a card has a little bit of a "legendary" quality to it. For example, Alberic Granning, whose most legendary deed is the invention of the dung bomb; and Mirabella Plunkett, a witch who fell in love with a male mermaid and turned herself into a haddock. .

It can be seen from this that there is something in the selection of the Chocolate Frog card.

Xia Lin was very happy to be printed on the chocolate frog card, but a dry photo was meaningless. He immediately released Charizard and Pikachu, took a magic photo, and re- Send it back.

After doing all this, Xia Lin looked out the window and found that the snow in Hogwarts had accumulated several feet deep. Pikachu was obviously excited after seeing the snow and couldn't wait to go out and play.

However, Charizard didn't like the snowy weather very much. It shrank its body and lay down in the office with its flaming tail roasting its belly.

"Pika pika!"

Pikachu rushed out the door, not even taking the stairs, but jumped directly into the snowdrift.


Xia Lin couldn't understand why Pikachu was still so excited even though there were snowy mountains in the reserve.

During the Christmas vacation, there were not many students staying at Hogwarts, and the entire castle seemed very empty compared to usual. Xia Lin watched Pikachu rolling in the snow quietly, and after a while he saw Harry, Ron, the Twins and Percy running over, playing around.

They were all wearing similar styles of clothes, and it looked like Molly's craftsmanship.

In fact, he also received a blue sweater today with "S" printed on it. Molly Weasley wanted to thank Xia Lin for finding out about Pettigrew.

"Merry Christmas, Professor!" Harry smiled happily when he saw Xia Lin, "Thank you for the gift. Pikachu, Electabuzz and Delubi all like to eat it."

"And my wand!" Ron said quickly.

Xia Lin gave almost every club student a gift, most of which were energy cubes, except for Ron's gift.

"The core of the wand is the flame mane of the Flame Horse. This wand is very loyal. Only recognized wizards can use it." Xia Lin smiled. But in fact, this is not always the case. If it is a very powerful magical power, it can also make the wand succumb.

"By the way, Harry, has Sirius' case not been solved yet?" Xia Lin asked.

It had been more than a month and a half since he captured Peter Pettigrew, and Fudge was really slow. But what he didn't know was that the reason why Fudge's efficiency was so low was entirely because he spent his time establishing the official Pokémon Battle Club and the Pokémon Protection and Management Office.

These two departments are directly managed by Xia Lin, and their remuneration is at the highest level. There are also a lot of financial allocations every year. In comparison, the meager salary of teaching at Hogwarts is really not worth mentioning.

"Not yet. Professor Dumbledore said that the court may not officially open until after Christmas, and I may need to appear in court by then." Harry said with some trepidation.

Although he knew that Sirius was his godfather, he was not sure whether he would really accept him. So after breaking away from the initial joy, Harry was not so looking forward to it.

In contrast, he would rather use the invisibility cloak he got this morning to go on a night trip.

Perhaps his father once put on that cloak and wandered around the castle. When he thought of this, Harry felt as if history and the present overlapped, and he seemed to be getting closer to his father.

"Don't be in a daze, Harry, hurry up and go to the Black Lake for a Pokémon battle!"

Just as Harry was lost in thought, Fred and George shouted.

The purpose of their wandering was to find an open place to have a Pokémon battle, because the club's classroom was closed during Christmas.

Before they knew it, Pokémon Battle had replaced Wizard Chess as a more popular game among them. However, there are currently relatively few students who can experience battles.

However, Harry thought for a while and did not follow immediately: "You guys go over first."

"What's wrong? Do you want to talk to me alone about something?" Xia Lin asked strangely.

"Actually, I want to ask - Professor, have you heard of Nico Flamel?" Harry hesitated for a while, but decided to ask.

After the last Quidditch match, he had heard about Nico Flamel from Hagrid, but Hagrid was unwilling to reveal more. Both he and Hermione wanted to make insinuations in an attempt to make Hagrid Another slip of the tongue. But Hagrid preferred not to open his mouth now.

As a result, until now, they have not found any news related to Nico Flamel.

"Nico? So, you are now investigating what Dumbledore hid on the fourth floor?" Xia Lin unabashedly revealed Harry's secret.

Of course, he wasn't as sensitive as Hagrid and didn't think Harry should get involved in this matter. In fact, Dumbledore deliberately put the bait out to lure Harry into taking the bait.

"Professor, how do you know?" Harry asked in surprise.

However, Xia Lin avoided his question and instead asked seriously: "Are you really ready to intervene in this matter?"


"In order to protect that thing, Dumbledore set up many levels and found a ferocious big dog - no matter what the name of that thing is, this is no joke, it may be life-threatening.

"Remember what Dumbledore said when school started?"

"Anyone who doesn't want to suffer an accident and die a painful death, please do not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor." Harry said blankly.

Xia Lin deliberately scared him: "It seems that you still remember it, so are you prepared to encounter an accident and die in pain? Or is it just a fever in your head?"

Dumbledore wanted to cultivate courage in Harry, but recklessness is not courage.

True bravery is to be able to move forward even after understanding all the consequences.

After Harry heard "tragic death", his face suddenly turned pale and he fell silent for a short time. Dumbledore's words were really not a joke. If he hadn't happened to meet Professor Xia Lin last time, he might have been bitten to death by Lu Wei.

Are you really ready to not even be afraid of death?

Harry couldn't help but ask himself.

If it was during the period before coming to Hogwarts, he might have felt that dying was no big deal. But now - he had already fallen in love with Hogwarts. He has friends here, a teacher who cares about him, and he has tamed three cute Pokémon.

Everything here brought him the best memories in his life.

Not to mention, after Christmas, I might have a godfather.

If he was willing to take her in, maybe he could leave the Dursleys and start a new life.

Thinking of this, Harry suddenly felt that death was a very scary thing.

But Xia Lin didn't think he would back down just because of these two sentences.

"I don't want to die——

"But Professor, no matter what that thing is, Snape wanted to steal it! I have proof! I saw him going to the corridor on the fourth floor, and was bitten on the leg by Fluffy! On Halloween night , he must have let that giant monster in!"

Harry said excitedly as he tried to convince Charlene to stop Snape.

"Harry, I think you are a little prejudiced against Snape, just as he is prejudiced against you. But I can tell you that Snape had no intention of stealing that thing."

Harry glanced hard at Xia Lin. He probably didn't understand why Xia Lin didn't want to believe him.

It was clear that Snape wanted to kill him during the Quidditch match, but the professor still defended him, which made Harry feel aggrieved.

But it also made Harry determined.

——Since no one is willing to deal with Snape, then he will stop Snape himself and expose Snape's conspiracy on his own!

'Although I'm afraid of death, I don't want anyone to destroy Hogwarts! ’

With this realization in mind, Harry spoke seriously:

"Please tell me who Nico Flamel is and what that thing is, Professor!" He took a hard breath, "I think I'm ready!"

It’s finally on the shelves, but it’s actually a bit rushed. I don’t know how many subscriptions I can get, thank you all for your continued support.

(′‵)I L

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