Hogwarts: Please Graduate Soon

Chapter 389: It’S Dumbledore Who Tricked You, It’S None Of My Business Lawrence

Alone Better Together.

Wayne had obtained the legendary Resurrection Stone and destroyed one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, and was one step closer to killing Voldemort completely.

Such a happy thing, naturally I want to share it with Severus.

However, the matter of the Horcrux was too big to reveal too much, so just tell him the news about the Resurrection Stone.

After paying for two bottles of the ashes left after Fox's Nirvana, Dumbledore booked the use of the Resurrection Stone for next week - a full day, and sent Wayne away with a smile.

Two bottles of Nirvana ashes, this is not a small number. Maybe Fox can't collect so much in one Nirvana.

Dumbledore felt a little sick after giving away so much at once.

But he must do it.

If he wants to use the Resurrection Stone, he has to pay such a high price.

Snape, it's up to you.

Thinking of this, Dumbledore felt much better and personally sent Wayne to the door, the smile on his face still not dissipating.

Office on the ground floor.

Snape sat on the chair with a solemn expression.

Ever since Wayne brought up the matter of today's meeting yesterday, he has become like this.

No reason, just intuition.

Snape suspected that Wayne came to him today just to show off.

That bottle of nutrient solution was used by him on various precious herbs.

He wanted to see what the conspiracy to obstruct En was.

Soon, there was a knock on the door outside the office, which made Snape even more uneasy.

When did Lawrence become so polite?

Last time he tore down his door, but this time he didn't knock on the door?

Although he was panicking, he still calmly shouted: "Come in!"

Wayne walked in with a smile on his face,

"I'm sorry, Professor, I'm going to hurt you over the weekend."

"It's good to know." Snape hummed softly, holding on to the handle of the chair with both hands: "I have to supervise the warrior's cooking of the potion in a while, so if you want to say anything, hurry up.

Damn it, why is he so polite!

Realizing that the visitor was evil, Snape's heart was in his throat.

"Okay." Wayne waved his hand, and a chair flew over from the corner. He sat on it to relax, "Professor, have you read "The Tales of Beedle the Bard"?"

"Lawrence, you came to me specifically just to ask such a boring question, right?" Snape frowned: "Just say what you have to say, don't beat around the bush."

"I don't have that much time to argue with you."

"This question is very important." Wayne emphasized: "Professor, please answer quickly. Have you read it or not?"

Unable to defeat him, Snape was helpless.

"Although I am of mixed race, I have only lived with my mother since I was a child. [Of course I have read these fairy tales in the world."

"Do you still remember the story of Peverell and the three brothers of Death?"

Snape lowered his eyes and said, "Clearly."

"That would be so convenient." Wayne smiled softly and took out the resurrection stone ring.

"Professor Dumbledore and I went treasure hunting before school started, and accidentally discovered the treasure of Peverell's dick."

"Second brother..." Snape murmured, his eyes suddenly widened at the boss: "Resurrection Stone!"

In an instant, it was clear that all the curses and traps on the Resurrection Stone had been cleared away by Wayne, but Snape was still as possessed by the evil as Cai Deng at that time.

His breathing became apoplectic, and his hand unconsciously reached towards Wayne, trying to snatch the ring back.

"Professor, calm down."

Wayne said calmly. Suddenly, several vines sprouted from the chair behind him and grew wildly like weeds, tying Snape back again.

"Give it to me! Give him to me!" Snape growled: "I'm going to resurrect her! Lawrence, let me go!"

"The Resurrection Stone cannot truly resurrect a person." Wayne punctured his fantasy: "It can only bring the soul of the deceased back to the place closest to the living world.

"There must be a way." Snape struggled crazily, with veins popping out on his neck: "I have a resurrection potion, and I can research more potions. As long as you give me Lily's soul, I can Hurt her!"

"Then let's wait until you can do it." Wayne held his hand and the Resurrection Stone disappeared.

"The most you can do now is catch up with Mrs. Potter."

Grass mud horse!

Snape directly broke the defense: "Lily Evans! Call her Lily Evans!"

"Okay." Wayne nodded calmly: "So, professor, do you want to catch up with Lily Potter?"

Snape, who had already torn Lawrence into pieces in his heart, did not answer immediately. He lowered his head and panted heavily.

After a while, he gradually calmed down.

Although Lawrence is a bitch, he doesn't show off when he's bored.

"Tell me your conditions before you are willing to lend me the Resurrection Stone."

He didn't even dare to hope that he could occupy such a treasure, because Wayne would definitely ask a sky-high price, which he couldn't afford.

"On the road." The young man gave a thumbs up, and the smile on his face immediately became more friendly.

Snape felt chest tightness and shortness of breath when he saw it.

He had seen this kind of virtue too much, and every time he was about to be knocked down, Lawrence would become like this (ccbc).

"Professor, I'm just borrowing it. In fact, I don't want to charge too high a price." Steaming black tea suddenly appeared in front of Wayne. He took a sip and said slowly:

"But Professor Dumbledore took the initiative to give me two bottles of Nirvana Ashes as the price for renting the Resurrection Stone."

"If I offer you too low a price, wouldn't it be clear that I'm trying to kill the principal?"

"Has he finally become an old fool?" Snape complained subconsciously, but he quickly realized it and gritted his teeth:

"This old bastard came for me!"

Wayne kept smiling and didn't answer.

This was brought up by Lao Deng on his own initiative. It has nothing to do with him. If you want to hate him, let Snape hate Lao Deng.

He is a good boy who has emerged from the mud without getting stained.

"I don't have the ashes of Nirvana." Snape breathed a sigh of relief and wrote down the account, "Whatever you want, just say it.

"It's very simple. I don't need anything else. I just want the elixir. The more the better." Wayne stated his purpose.

"what price?"

"Two bottles for a day."

Although in terms of value, if it were sold, the price of Nirvana Ashes would definitely be higher than the Elixir of Bliss.

But after all, the elixir was too time-consuming to make and it was of great use to him, so Wayne took the initiative to give Snape a discount.

But even so, Snape was shocked when he heard the price.

"Lawrence, do you think the elixir is butterbeer? Why do you need so much?"

Wayne turned his palm, and a bottle of golden elixir appeared in his hand.

He looked at the medicine bottle in his hand: "Don't tell me, don't tell me, it does look like butterbeer."

Is this the point?

Snape felt like he was going to be driven crazy by this kid, "Can you change it to another potion of equal value?"

"I want the Felixir." Wayne said firmly, "No need to talk about anything else."

Ravenclaw's crown is just like using the elixir as oil. He has used it a lot recently, and his inventory is almost exhausted.

It was a seller's market anyway, and Snape had little room for bargaining.

He took out all his inventory - only two and a half bottles.

Wayne generously agreed to lend it to him for a day and a half.

After telling Snape how to use it, Ron left the resurrection stone and left.

Putting the ring on his hand tremblingly, he turned it three times in a row, and finally the figure that haunted him appeared in his sight.

Snape closed his eyes peacefully.

After dinner in the auditorium in the evening, Wayne came to Snape's office again.

This time, no one answered after knocking several times, so he had no choice but to 'break in'. When he looked up, he saw Snape's eyes closed, with a smile on his lips. He opened and closed his mouth without making any sound.

Wayne shook his head. Compared with Lao Deng, Snape's willpower was far inferior. 【013705422 Feilu200562120】

I was still immersed in fantasy for an afternoon, unable to extricate myself.

He had heard Cassandra complain just now. He had made an appointment to refine the potion in the afternoon, but because of Snape's absence, he was forced to change the time.

"The Resurrection Stone is coming." Wayne said softly.

The resurrection stone ring instantly separated from Snape, and the shadow in front of him also disappeared. When he saw Wayne, he asked angrily:

"What are you going to do! Didn't we agree on it for a day and a half? Give it back to me quickly!"


Snape's body flew out violently and hit the wall.

"Wake up!" Wayne shouted coldly: "Professor, look at what you are like now, if I really let you use it for a day, you will be completely useless!"

Snape wanted to say something else, but Wayne sealed his mouth with magic and continued to scold: "Don't forget, this is just a soul. He can communicate with you. "But is this a real life in Xiamen?"

"Do you want Mrs. Potter to exist like this, neither a human nor a ghost?"

It was useless to say anything else, but the word Mrs. Potter was absolutely devastating, and Snape regained his composure.

"I see……"

"Give me a few days to adjust and I'll take care of it." Snape said solemnly.

"Besides, if you call Lily Mrs. Potter again, I will fight you!"

"I will return the ring to you when the time comes." Wayne nodded, leaving a few bottles of nutrient solution for him to use to cultivate the herbs needed for the Fuling Elixir, and then left.

If you want to achieve sustainable fishing, you cannot drain Snape dry at once.

Back then, the second eldest son of the Peverell family used the Resurrection Stone every day without restraint, and eventually committed suicide.

It can be said that, in addition to the Invisibility Cloak, although the other two Deathly Hallows are also treasures, they are more like a kind of reminder. As long as they are used, they will not get a good death.

If Snape dies, who will refine potions for him in the future?

Not to mention Wayne wouldn't allow it, even Dumbledore wouldn't let such a thing happen.

For a moment, Wayne felt sorry for Snape.

It's too tragic that so many people are thinking about him.

Should we say that Snape is very important, or that he is a good tool man?

The next day, Snape did not come to Wayne to ask for the Resurrection Stone. It seemed that he had listened to what he said and was adjusting his mentality.

Wayne handed the stone to Dumbledore before class on Monday morning.

He didn't give any instructions, because Dumbledore wanted to be more clear-headed and rational, and he could control his inner emotions.

If the resurrection stone really has the function of resurrection, that's another story.

After the Herbology class was over, Wayne was supposed to go to the Divination class, but something went wrong with Hagrid, so he had to ask someone to take leave and go to Care of Magical Creatures with Hermione.

The students gathered in the paddock, chatting in twos and threes.

It was already time for class, but Hagrid still didn't show up.

In desperation, Wayne could only help him clean up the mess.

He went into the Forbidden Forest, found a few Bowtruckles, and asked the students to write observation reports. He took Hermione and Tomoyo to Hagrid's cabin.

Wayne reached out and knocked on the door.

"Dumbledore, is that you?" Hagrid's slightly crying voice came from inside the room: "Are you here to expel me?"

"If you don't go to class, I guarantee it will be him knocking on the door next time.

"Wayne?" Recognizing his voice, the door was quickly pushed open.

Hagrid looked very embarrassed, with messy hair and red and swollen eyes.

"I'll give you ten minutes to clean yourself up." Wayne frowned and said without going in.

"Look at you like that, do you really want to be fired?"

"Of course not." Hagrid waved his hands.

"Then go!" Wayne's words were a little tougher. He knew that if he spoke nicely, Hagrid wouldn't listen. Even though the hybrid giant was so tall and powerful, he knew that Hagrid wouldn't listen.

Really weak.

If you want to solve the problem, you must cut through the mess quickly.

This morning, the Daily Prophet published an article by Rita Skeeter.

It reported the identity of the Hagrid hybrid giant, and by the way, Moody was scolded, saying that he was an old madman who always imagined that someone would sneak up on him in the dark.

Although the article talks about Moody and Hagrid throughout, it actually refers to Dumbledore's lack of knowledge, blindness, and maybe some insider trading.

This is why Hagrid's heart collapsed.

ten minutes later.

Wayne and the others just entered the house. The room was roughly tidied up, and all the garbage was stuffed into the closet. Hagrid also washed his face, managed to smooth his hair, and changed into a piece of clothing.

Clean clothes finally look less disgusting.

"I saw that report." Wayne got straight to the point. Seeing that Hagrid was about to use his power again, he quickly stretched out his palm to stop him and said, "Four Dao Breaks!"

"Don't cry yet, listen to me!"

Hermione and Tomoyo on the side were both suppressing laughter. It was obvious that they were so different in size and several dozen years in age.

But in front of Wayne, Hagrid was like a child.

"Hagrid, do you think your identity as a gangster is a secret?" Wayne asked.

Hagrid looked at him in surprise: "Isn't it?"

Wayne was speechless and held his forehead: "Hagrid, it's really difficult for you to pretend to be an ordinary person with your size. Even if Rita Skeeter doesn't report, the students in the school are actually

all know. "

"Oh, not only do they know, but even their parents should know, after all, you have been in school for decades.

Hagrid's eyes were as wide as bells: "I, I thought no one knew."

"You think students are all fools? Why do you think those Slytherins don't like you?"

Wayne asked several questions in succession, leaving him speechless.

"So don't worry about what's available and what's not."

Wayne waved his hand, and Tomoyo handed him the freshly brewed tea. He just smiled gently, and Wayne continued: "Since you have been a professor for more than a year, it's okay, Ritas

Kit's coverage won't do you any harm. "

"In addition to her arrangement of Dumbledore, the part where she introduced you is basically true and won't make any waves."

Hagrid became happy again: "Then I won't be fired?"

"No one ever said anything about firing you, well, except Snape, but he's not in the mood to talk to you right now."

"But if you continue to be so passive and do not teach students well, you will be expelled if there are too many complaints."

Hagrid quickly stood up and hurried out: "I'm going to class now."

Suddenly, Hagrid thought of something else, "Will Dumbledore be in trouble? That damn woman said I was fine, but he painted Dumbledore as an old madman.


Wayne comforted: "Don't worry, Dumbledore has read too many articles like this, he won't care.

However, very soon, the next day, Wayne found that he had been slapped in the face.

Snape's revenge came. .

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