Hogwarts on the Tip of the Tongue

Chapter 907: Lucius and Dumbledore

The regular meeting of the British branch of the International Wizarding Federation did not last long.

Except for the brief dispute over the "Draft Scope of Restriction of Dangerous Species", almost all the follow-up matters were passed at once. After turning down Connelly's invitation for lunch, Dumbledore returned to the castle before the end of the lunch.

"Where do you think they began to doubt?"

Elena asked softly on the way to the Hogwarts Principal's office.

"This scope is too broad. It is now at the start of many projects, and it is impossible for us to shut down the whole line."

Dumbledore successfully caught the white-haired dumpling and the old devil who was about to leave in the auditorium.

In view of the information obtained this morning, he must issue a warning to the two demon kings as soon as possible-the Ministry of Magic and the pure blood wizard family are beginning to be suspicious, and the eye whistle from the pure blood family will arrive tonight, and the follow-up actions must be more low-key. .

"It's not clear for the time being, maybe the whole line is suspended from the sidelines as well—"

"The research in the college city must not be stopped. We are fighting for time with the world!"

Elena categorically refused, her tone extremely firm.

It is now the end of the year 1992, not far from the start of the Internet wave. If the magic network cannot be developed and rolled out before then, and the button of the magic era can be found, then the magic world can begin to consider decent issues.

"Well, the off-campus—I mean outside of Hogwarts, take a short vacation." Dumbledore said.

While talking, the three walked into the principal's office.

Dumbledore handed Elena a detailed meeting minutes, draft appendix, and a few simple schedules. Then he strode across the front office of the office to the edge of Phoenix Fox’s perch and began to organize his own Phoenix. manger.

Elena and Grindelwald exchanged glances, sat down on the office sofa, and began to look.

Most of the agenda is previously planned content, not many new things.

""Restricting Employment of Dangerous Species", the Golden Crucible International Competition, the training base for domestic elf..."

After reading this, Elena stopped to take a few more glances with interest.

Since seeing the eye-whistle candidate after the "pure blood family faction" and the Ministry of Magic unanimously decided, the worries on her way were instantly swept away, and the corners of her mouth couldn't stop rising-the elves of the Malfoy family? Then she is too familiar.

As for the bill that Dumbledore resisted most, she didn't feel anything.

The magical world has never stopped persecuting inhuman and half-human groups. Umbridge’s faint moves are actually assists. Moreover, the werewolf group she chose as the primary challenge is also an evil and chaotic camp... Lupin The professor's situation is only an extremely rare example, and the hatred of most werewolves for wizards and Muggles has not been eliminated for the time being.

In any case, werewolves are still too great a threat to normal humans.

Before developing a reliable reversal potion, Elena will not go to protect the "werewolf human rights".

"It's finished. I don't think there is a big problem."

After a while, Elena gently put down the manuscript in her hand and said with ease.

"On the house-elf side, I will make proper arrangements. There is nothing shameful about Hogwarts - there is no new action plan for matters inside and outside the school, and it is necessary to digest the results of the precipitation after entering the incubation period."

"Riddle's diary..." Dumbledore warned, frowning.

"Let's seal it up." Elena said quickly, "The technical barriers of the magic sanitary napkins have been resolved, and the next problem is mainly industrialization. As for the big snake in the secret room, let it sleep longer."

The expressions of Dumbledore and Grindelwald suddenly became subtle.

At first, they thought that Elena was insulting and beating the personality of the "second-generation Dark Lord", but when she began to make some DIY samples in earnest, and even began to discuss the industrialization process, the two old wizards realized Elena is not that narrow—she simply wants to extract value, which is more terrifying than deliberate insult.

A creature like a woman, no matter how old it is, is really close to the devil.

"Well, before we figure out the extent and source of the leak, Miss [Fool] will temporarily disconnect."

Elena stood up and walked to the phoenix's perch. She was very proficient in carrying this warm bird and whispered.

"As Miss [Fool], I will issue the last task before disconnecting: I suggest starting the Mandate WIB and Gringotts IRS. On the one hand, I will conduct a cleanup investigation in the organization, and on the other hand, I will go to various magic families to investigate information. ...We must be fully prepared to launch defensive saturation attacks as soon as the situation starts to get out of control..."

"It's just some vague doubts, is it necessary to be so nervous—"

Dumbledore smiled bitterly at the white-haired dumpling with his eyes shining. This is where he hesitated.

In fact, judging from the current paper strength of the Ministry of Magic, Elena is fully capable of destroying the political and financial market system of the British magical world overnight, and by the way, can establish a set of transitional regimes with perfect systems.

It's just that after that, the third Wizarding War is bound to officially kick off.

"This is just the worst-case scenario, Albus..."

Grindelwald grinned and patted Dumbledore on the shoulder, smiling comfortingly.

"We have done many deductions before. Even under the worst assumptions, Gellert Grindelwald's escape from prison and re-declaring war on the world can easily solve 95% of accidents. The step Elena said--"

"...Thank you, Gail. You don't need to come back for the time being."

Dumbledore twitched his mouth and glanced at the old demon who also had bright eyes.

It seems that in the next semester he can't be as lazy as before. The identities and responsibilities of the principal of Hogwarts and the honorary president of the International Wizarding Federation still have to be a little bit more, so as not to wake up one day and the world will completely change.

"By the way, I will host the Malfoy elves tonight."

Dumbledore thought for a while, tried to squeeze a gentle smile, and whispered gently.

"Elena, you still have classes tomorrow, it's not suitable to stay up late. And Gail, you are also in charge of the ghost inspection team, the task is not light."

According to this posture, he was very worried that if these two demon kings were allowed to greet them, it might be that Lucius Malfoy and his house elf would not face any doubts, but rather established "Destiny Negotiation Experts" and " Gringotts Contract Expert".


In the middle of the night, the curfew bell echoed in Hogwarts.

Lucius Malfoy stood on the covered bridge in front of the castle, looking up at the old castle in the dark.

For the first time in so many years, this magic castle has become hideous and dangerous in his eyes. It is like a hideous behemoth creeping in the night. The twinkling tower lights are like the eyes of a behemoth, staring coldly at the bottom. prey.

Dobby stood trembling behind him, looking at Hogwarts Castle, with a little hope hidden in his eyes.

"Good evening, Lucius." Dumbledore's figure appeared at the door and said cheerfully.

Lucius Malfoy came back to his senses, and strode forward.

Dobby followed him in a panic, bending over, staring at the seam behind the master's robe, desperate and helpless fear on her face-it knew what his master was planning to do, and he wanted to question the world The great wizard.


Lucius Malfoy fixed Dumbledore with his cold eyes, his voice squeezing through his teeth.

"As a prestigious wizard, the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, don't you think that using students to achieve your ideals is a bit despicable? I didn't expect you to pay so much attention to the world outside the school—"

"Oh, that's it, Lucius," Dumbledore said with a calm smile, "I don't understand what you are talking about, but I never think I'm using students or anything... To be honest, as the principal , I have been helping students realize their ideals for so many years. As for outside the school, well, after all, I am also the president of the International Wizarding Federation. However, I personally think that the work of the Hogwarts school board is important, but you still You have to learn to think for yourself."

"On the house-elf thing, that's it, stop here. Lucius—this is for your own good."

Dumbledore's blue eyes fell on Lucius' face, and he spoke very sincerely.

Compared to him, the other two demon kings in the castle did not have so much patience. The young wizard who had just joined the board of directors of Hogwarts did not understand what he was looking for...Elena Ka Slanna's true identity is a secret that is enough to start a world war. In the eyes of the demon kings, the Malfoy family is too small.

"This is...your advice? I see."

Lucius Malfoy's face was paler than usual, but his eyes seemed to be filled with anger.

As he guessed, Dumbledore did not intend to let his son go. In the eyes of the ruthless old wizard, Draco was obviously a very useful pawn—and the one just now was a warning. .

"Then-have you ever thought that those forces that do not belong to you might get out of control?"

Lucius said in a cold voice, his tone full of sarcasm, "Even the most powerful wizard can really control everything?"

"Because of this, we will be extra cautious." Dumbledore answered him with a smile.

A dignity flashed in the old man's eyes, and Lucius Malfoy knew more than they thought.

For such a long time, Hogwarts has been separated from the power outside the school, and the research content in the Academy City should logically be top secret, and... Lucius seems to have guessed that he is not the direct power owner.

If Grindelwald were in this place, maybe he would have started chanting directly, right?

"Oh?" Mr. Malfoy narrowed his eyes, gritted his teeth and said coldly, "You should know who he is—"

"You think too much, Lucius. He won't be back."

The look on Dumbledore's face became more serious, and his voice fell slightly, staring Lucius' eyes.

"However, even if he comes back, I will still be guarding Hogwarts and the magical world. Some problems will explode sooner or later. Procrastination will not make the tragedy go away. I hope that while I still have energy, I will do my best for later Clear the obstacles. Let’s stop here, Lucius, you are sharper than I thought, then you should understand how complicated this is..."

The old wizard let out a deep breath, tiredness appeared on his wrinkled face.

That little girl was right. He was always used to underestimating others and used the past to solidify others.

Just as Dumbledore never expected, the wizard who first discovered the clues and bravely stood up to criticize and question them was actually the contemporary Patriarch of the Malfoy family who was once indifferent to him.

"So this is the idea of ​​the patron saint of the magic world..." Mr. Malfoy said slowly to Dumbledore.

Lucius looked at Dumbledore blankly, his heart cold.

In so many years, this was the first time he confronted Dumbledore head-on. He finally understood why the Dark Lord thought Dumbledore was the most difficult opponent-this old man, in a sense, is also a Devil.

"This is my responsibility, or more accurately, an obligation."

Dumbledore said calmly, still staring at Mr. Malfoy's, very calm.

"A few months ago, someone told me a truth-well, for so many years, someone has been chanting similar truths in my ears-but the one I remember most clearly now is this sentence for now."

Dumbledore paused and said softly with some sigh.

"Look, if you have outstanding abilities but fail to act, then the bad things that happen later are your responsibility-I can't know that there will be a big problem someday in the future, but I can continue to enjoy leisurely... …"

Malfoy said nothing, his face suddenly seemed to be covered with a mask.

"In fact, I have made such a mistake once, UU read www.uukanshu.com more than once."

Dumbledore sighed, a look of pain flashed in his eyes, and continued.

"Even if all the subsequent tragedies prove that people will not attribute the responsibility to me... but people do not live by the evaluation of others. Once you have such a bad idea, it will always be somewhere. Keep torturing you. Fortunately, compared to before, we have plenty of time to prepare this time so that no one is injured..."

Lucius Malfoy forced himself to speak.

"Perhaps, you are indeed a great wizard..."

He said unnaturally, taking a deep look at Dumbledore.

The attitude of this Hogwarts principal is already very clear and resolute. Lucius does not expect to change the beliefs of this one-hundred-year-old man. All he can rely on is himself and the one he once despised. , The disgusting elf.

"In short, Dobby, I will stay at Hogwarts. He will fully obey your instructions-Dobby, as the male master of the Malfoy family, I give you an order: From now on, serve Hogwarts. For the Magic School, before the school transfers back its authority, any order from Professor Albus Dumbledore has priority over the Malfoy family."

Lucius Malfoy turned around, squatting down for the first time in history, looking into the eyes of the house elf.

"From now on, you are the elf at Hogwarts, remember..."

In the direction Dumbledore could not see, Lucius moved his lips silently, leaving the last word in Dobby's eyes.






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